How would we know when a stable version is out?
Stable version? With Oni? What kind of heresy are you trying to spread?
But in all honesty, I'm fairly certain the mod devs work constantly on whatever version they set themselves out to call the "baseline" to work their mod around.
Issue with that are the aforementioned codechanges whenever a new version comes around, which causes the entire mod to no longer work if you were to port it from the existing version over to a next one... Hell, the currently released never version is breaking already in itself with girls having duplicate dialogues, emma barely working at all when you just start out fresh (as suggested) and many of the features either just not triggering (like the shower walk ins - most likely due to other occasions like the girls being in taking a higher priority) or causing errors - that when skipped, take out any kind of immersion you may or may not had to begin with.
מהthe answer was in the quote but sill when a version doesn't have letter attached to it it is considered stable like 0.985 not 0.984e
Careful there - with Oni, lettering indicates the release state, not stability. version 0.990 was the first release, but extremely broken, 0.990b is still broken, but less so. Apparently version .c is already out which may fix some more bugs. With Oni, a "stable" version is basically the last lettered version, which was 0.984h