How do I meet Laura?
I'm on day 7
Happens later than day 7 iirc. You need to be a couple weeks in, have met the other girls and head into the training room early in the day.
I've seen her in my room but I can't go to her room? Is there a problem? I don't seem to be able to access the new areas or clothes either.
What you are quoting is part of her old introduction and system that isn't even in place anymore. This refers to the old AIO versions Mystique.
The new Mystique encounter in the latest mod build (version 0.984h) happens automatically after a week or so late at night in your room, to which you can afterwards travel to the brotherhood on the main campus screen, there should be a new option to travel there.
I did however remember hearing that there seems to be a problem in that the option to go there just doesn't show up for some people.
From what I also remember hearing, to get said option to appear is to play the unpatched
Modded Rogue-Like-0.984h_1 Test Version found in the OP with a new save until you do encounter Mystique, verify that you have the option to travel to the brotherhood on the main campus screen, then applying the patch to 1.7 and continuing your save from there.
Also, to use any of the modded clothings, there is a new selector for "modded clothing" when accessing the wardrobe and any specific parts (tops/bottoms etc.).