
Nov 24, 2017
There are two big issues with the writing in Act 3, at least from my perspective.

The first issue is the aforementioned spelling, grammatical, and editing mistakes. Things like character lines truncated by string errors (so they're missing the first or last letters of the sentence), malformed escape sequences (like n\ instead of \n) breaking formatting, missing punctuation, and the like all contribute to breaking my suspension of disbelief. If I have to take time and effort to decode what somebody is saying, it pulls me out of the world, and that's a big no-no in any kind of fiction.

The second one - more subtle but no less problematic - is the loss of character voice. In creative writing, each character should have a certain manner of speaking. Things like verbal tics, diction, accents, and the like all help sell the illusion that this is a real person, not an excuse to time-gate three pieces of mediocre hentai. If those are missing, especially after having been established previously, it is VERY jarring... and also breaks suspension of disbelief.

Take, for example, the difference between these two lines:

"Hero, you must come with me at once! The empire is in grave danger!"
"Come with me you must save the kingdom"

They both convey the same meaning: The player needs to go with the NPC, with the implication that if they don't the kingdom will fall. The former, however, tells us a little bit about the speaker: They're likely an authority of some kind (as who else would speak to a fantasy hero like that?), and the phrase 'grave danger' (a slightly more formal turn of phrase than you'd expect from a commoner or peasant without an education) indicates that the speaker has some schooling. Combine the two, and it's entirely reasonable to imagine that some robed figure is about to power-walk into the room the PC is currently occupying and dish out a big juicy quest. We don't even think about this kind of thing consciously, at least not for the most part. It simply gets filed away in our minds as another way to recognize a person.

In Act 3, this starts to fall apart. NPCs stop using their idiosyncrasies and start speaking "generically." Punctuation gets missed so they all come across as robots. The party banter, which previously was one of the parts that really made the world feel alive, comes off as wooden and stilted as a result.

We go from "Come on, $PLAYER, let's go home" to "We should go back to the castle" and it's just... bland.

So yeah. That's why I care about writing in games.


Sep 24, 2017

this game is loooong,
i haven't checked in a long time,
did they ever added a marriage/romance options to this?
At the end you can pick one of the companions to marry depending on your gender
Male can marry Clawyn, Ruksana, Tish, or Meredith
Female can marry uhh I think Clawyn, Zent, Carys, Tish, and maybe like Meredith and Ruksana? (I haven't ever finished the game as female so I'm not quite sure).
Why the controls are so terrible? Insteat of Z and X they use Space and K, wtf. Take some minutes in the unskipping intro to discover the key that erases the letters for put my name.
I always use the mouse for controls; only buttons you need to use are the left and right click.
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landon brice

Jan 15, 2018
I wanted to ask something to the people who have been playing this game since the 2.8 build. I was waiting for the game to be finished so that I don't miss out on any early stuff. So the questions are:

- How far has the game come? (I've finished the story before)
- What's the new story like?
- Give you opinions on how you see the game.

Thanks ~
the game is extremely good rnow it´s clearly a big story, is good is like every new patch looks like more as a new episode of a serie so maybe they´ll finish the game one day but ain´t thinking that this will happen soon, nowadays the game is good and big the only thing i don´t like much of the game is the old pictures of sex scene they could replace for new ones


Nov 22, 2017
the game is extremely good rnow it´s clearly a big story, is good is like every new patch looks like more as a new episode of a serie so maybe they´ll finish the game one day but ain´t thinking that this will happen soon, nowadays the game is good and big the only thing i don´t like much of the game is the old pictures of sex scene they could replace for new ones
They've started doing that recently. At least certain ones. When they focused on polishing Act 1.


Mar 4, 2018
Are the names in the newest changelog correct? The game says it's Gavril. not Galvin. Scene is only available before Oakshire was destroyed so load up a save or you can teleport there with cheats.
Where do you meet with Twilia after talking to her at the castle for the new Rulwe companion quest in Ver 4.4?
Top left in the map with the Church in Oakshire.

I did find a few bugs, not sure if it's just me. I'm stuck in the party screen after talking to Twilia outside of the cave and I can't choose "I have no more questions" when talking to the fairy for the new elven quest.


New Member
Nov 26, 2017
Really hate to be that guy, but does anyone have a save file? (Preferably just before vespers booty) I lost my old saves and want to actually play the game but not replay the entire story ^^'


Jul 8, 2017
There are two big issues with the writing in Act 3, at least from my perspective.
It's more than that, the final act felt unnecessary to me, you defeated the actual villain of the story and suddenly some foreigners appear and tell you to go to their lands to help them, you have no reason to help them, and no real reward is offered, but you're also not offered any option to at least show some doubts about the request (Especially if you're evil, what the hell), after helping them, you're blamed for a lot of things and then forced to keep helping (and you don't have the option to... say, kill the messenger on the spot, since you're in your castle and it's not like they can touch you, right?)

The act was rushed, added little to the story, the final boss was someone that came out of nowhere with no foreshadowing, simply grabbing whatever was left of the previous villain. The final act could've worked as an expansion, or as a sequel, but it was part of the main story.

IMO, changing the twists would've worked a bit better, like having the previous villain resurrecting himself by possessing suitable vessels, and trying to corrupt the PC, since they were shown to be perfectly capable of defeating it.

Quality of writing is often a serious issue in western adult games, Adorevia is not exception to that, and sadly, they focus more on adding new content, rather than revising badly written scenes and fix them.
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Nov 7, 2016
Well for some reason the text box doesnt give me any text, it's just empty i cant read anything lmao. I played this game a year or 2 ago and it was fine...


Jun 2, 2018
How come once I level up I get a notification for a perk point but nowhere to spend it? Tried looking at the guide too with no help


New Member
Feb 14, 2018
Is there a way for me to get my saves from Version 4.2C to the newest update without the game crashing? Or do I have to restart my playthrough?


Sep 24, 2017
Is there a way for me to get my saves from Version 4.2C to the newest update without the game crashing? Or do I have to restart my playthrough?
It should be fine; I think the only version that had issues transferring saves was the one where they updated the game from from MV 1.3.1 to 1.5.1, which I think was version 3.0.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
I found bug on saves. I don't can continua the story, bacouse the game don't see file seve and, i don't can continue to play the story line. You can fix this?
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