For the ones who keep getting crashes, after you apply the patch don't play the english version. Select japanese and then restart. Even if you do the region settings, since the translation is a machine one, it will give error for not detecting the japanese language. I mean, you can't translate from english to english right?
The translation isn't horrible for a machine (comparing to other machine translations), but if don't like that kind of translation be patient, we know already it isn't an official translation.
About the game itself, it isn't bad but not worthy at all of it's price. OneOne1 is milking due the success of the previous 2 games, and while the medieval theme is quite nice, as well the art is a bit better, the game mechanics itself are basicly the same of the previous ones, it adds nothing new. It even removed some aspects, like not having seduction or reverse rape options. The x-ray option I don't even know when it should appear. The game also felt shorter than the previous one, although I just tried the corruption route. The game feels however to have less griding, it is definitely less annoying to have some H events, and the characters have some variety, at least it feels that way comparing to Ideology in Friction. And finally, it adds 2 minor heroines along the main one, but they have way less mechanics avaiable, like for example not getting pregnant. I dunno man, it feels like the game was made to be a buy trap, with loss of fan service but no care about mechanics. Even the corruption theme didn't feel as good, specially for the 2 sub heroines.
Basicly if it's your first Oneone1 game, you will probably like. If you played before you will feel disapointed. For all the hype and price I expected more, sorry.