OK, now you reminded me why I actually dropped Nora path.
That bandit-stuff was a hell of a revelation hahah. Though, like I said I'm still gonna play it someday.
Like Milton said - when you're on her path she opens up pretty quickly.
Though keep in mind - you have to be fully on 100% committed to her. I don't know whether the game mechanics has been changed or not since then, but when I played it was - if you try to step aside even for a little you lose points with a LI, even if it's some minor event, just to spend time with other girl - you still lose points with your main one. So if you tried to play a field you might have lost points with Maddie and in this case yeah - she probably didn't trust you enough to fill you in.
Also on whoever path you play, honestly I don't remember Maddie intentionally putting everybody in danger, but played it long ago so might have forgotten a few things