Not bad - I don't care much for the submissive undertone ("You want/need somebody to give you direction! You need somebody to dedicate your life to *bla* *bla* *bla*..." - Makes no sense, you are a mercennary and nobody makes in that business if they are submissive and need someone to tell them what to do!) and I hope that in the future we will be able to show that we don't need this (note: Is this different if you decide to get on the road early? I selected staying put because that made more sense to me)...I like the General and Crow, but seriously:
I am just not the submissive type (I equate submission with weakness - yes, people who are into BDSM think I am wrong, but it's an oppinion so please: Agree to disagree?)
I however very much like the art (no grotesque proportions with boobs that would make upright walking impossible or gravity defying hair or weapons that no normal person could even lift, much less use!)!
ps: I am not super-dominant either (for me relationships are a bond of equals who like each other and don't want to take advantage or dominate the other (being bossed around is not my thing and I don't like bossing someone around either!))