VN RPGM Abandoned Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

2.40 star(s) 162 Votes


Jun 11, 2019
I don't think the cards to convert the enemies body part preferences are working. At least, 'Tongue Motions' doesn't work as intended. Does pleasure damage, but doesn't convert them to mouth preference.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2018
Appreciate the fast reaction to reported issues with hotfixes, but i think i will give it another day or two regardless, to see if new things come up that need addressing.

Played like 10 Minutes without any of the hotfixes so far, Card System didn't seem too bad. But that amount of time is not nearly enough to get a proper impression.


Apr 13, 2017
Wish you could just give people a handy during the massage minigame. Instead of a full on 69


New Member
Mar 16, 2023
I prefer the new card system over the old system. I just dont think the basic rpg system that 9/10 games uses are fun and they feel more like a chore.

I think once the game gets more content around the cards and a bit of balance then it's gonna turn out quite nice.


Game Developer
Apr 8, 2021
I don't think the cards to convert the enemies body part preferences are working. At least, 'Tongue Motions' doesn't work as intended. Does pleasure damage, but doesn't convert them to mouth preference.
Been fixed in 14.0.2


May 29, 2017
Love the new system, though noticed some things:

- Without a per-card limit you can put several free draw 2 cards in your deck to endlessly cycle and heal.
- The lizards do not get damage from physical cards, though the tooltip of them doesn't show that.
- The "Load Save" button in the bottom left of the pause menu always defaults to Load (even if you hit it on the "Save" side), which can lead to lose of progress.
- (I think) enemies dying from bleeding do not vanish in combat, they just keep standing there.

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Jun 20, 2018
are the initiate "sexual action" cards in the game? how do those work? cause it seems like they were in but didn't make it over to the card conversion, at least that's what the wording implies in the text boxes of the sensitivity matrix.

EDIT: also idk what happened between version 14 and 14.0.1 but it has seriously broken the keyboard controls
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Mar 24, 2019
so interestingly enough, if you go into the accessories menu, click something (crest, outfit, or accessory slot), and then go back out it's a free full heal. This may or may not also cause the accessories to bug out (not sure if this is actually the case, I just found out after I did this a few times that the leatherhand medallion wouldn't give me +1 initiative anymore). Doesn't seem to be in the change logs so idk if this is already fixed.


Dec 24, 2020
The combat UI feels less clear

Click/hoverboxes of cards are notably smaller than their graphics, your own stats mouseover hoverbox overlaps with the bottom of cards, there's keywords or icons without any explanation as to what they mean until (at best) after you've used them, top run and items action icons could benefit from standing out more, the items icons could be replaced with something that's a better indicator of items (or just a hoverstate with the words "inventory"/"items" or something), same with the turn skip icon, the font type along with it's size on the cards isn't great ('D' vs 'O' and 'a' vs 'o' threw me for a loop when I was trying to figure out what "on hit: Ooze" was supposed to do), and it could benefit from some indication that you've selected a card (like highlighting it or something) especially for when you click on on card and want to change which card you're about to use.

also on the equipped(?) menu, I'm not sure how but I got stuck for awhile after selecting a crest to equip and the crest selections would keep popping up right after closing. Not sure if there's some weird hoverstate issue there, but it only happened for the crest equip, not the trinket(?) or outfit.

I do prefer the new standing art and enemy positioning. I also like how the combat screen feels a lot less like empty space and the new enemy UI changes. I'm sure there's more stuff in this update I'll like if I get to it, but I was kinda planning to try every other update and was gonna wait till 0.15 to start a new playthrough.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Biggest issue with the new build seems to be that it's impossible to lose.

Even if you just skip turns, the enemy will cum themselves to death before Saria faints.

slow snow

Jan 26, 2023
jokes aside, i'm pretty sure i've done everything that can be done with the actual minigame part of the masseuse job, and these are my findings:


most people will be looking at a screen similar to this one:
View attachment 2806021
whether or not there's supposed to be any more information other than what is shown is unclear. you get one massage technique, that may or may not be bugged, seeing as when your turn starts, it randomizes to something else that isn't what it first showed up as, which was already random - so it randomizes twice. you are stuck with one option and face a very real possibility of being softlocked into skipping turns until you lose. the only way to get more is to happen onto the Break Time technique, which unlocks one more fixed option for you, up to three times. if none of those work for the specific ailment(s) you need to cure, best start praying that you find a New Approach technique, which will randomize your fixed techniques with no guarantee that at least one will be suited for your given ailment(s).

there is also a very small blurb of text on the bottom right of the screen, above Saria's status indicator, that reads "The". i don't know if the client does, in fact, have his own information, and it's supposed to be displayed alongside that nametag - it's merely something worth noting.

i have written a guide that, to the best of my knowledge, encapsulates all of the ailments and all of their cures, and it reads as follows:
Key:            ++ Good Heals

                + Heals

                X Do Not Use

Ailment:        Techniques:

Stiff           Rough Kneading ++

                Dynamic Massage ++

                Deep Pressure +

                Cold Stone +

                Warm Oil X

                Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X

Sore            Dynamic Massage ++

                Cold Stone ++

                Deep Pressure +

                Rough Kneading +

                Warm Oil X

                Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X

Inflamed        Rough Kneading ++

                Deep Pressure +

                Dynamic Massage +

                Cold Stone +

                Warm Oil X

                Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X

Aching          Rough Kneading ++

                Dynamic Massage ++

                Deep Pressure +

                Warm Oil X

                Cold Stone X

                Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X

Feverish        Warm Oil +

                Gentle Rubbing/Stroking +

                Rough Kneading X

                Deep Pressure X

                Dynamic Massage X

                Cold Stone X

Relaxed         Gentle Rubbing ++

                Gentle Stroking +

                Warm Oil +

                Rough Kneading X

                Deep Pressure X

                Dynamic Massage X

                Cold Stone X

Loose           Gentle Rubbing/Stroking +

                Rough Kneading X

                Deep Pressure X

                Dynamic Massage X

                Warm Oil X

                Cold Stone X
some of these don't make any sense and act counter to their flavor text, such as Warm Oil stating that it treats inflamed muscle tissue, only for your client to get pissy and leave when you use it on their inflammation ailment - which, on that note, also seems random. whether there's supposed to be on-screen information regarding the client's satisfaction is, again, unclear - you are spending the entirety of the minigame guessing what does what, what will happen next, and when your client just decides to piss off. i suspect this is an issue partly because the UI, in its current iteration, leaves much to be desired, and partly because the RNG is sporadic and merely leaves you with playing a memorization game - one that i already played for you. and, again, if you have ailments that you have no cure available for, tough luck, better skip and hope you haven't run out of willpower - which is also missing, alongside stamina, despite the interface suggesting that actions cost stamina and skipping costs willpower, so you never know how much you have or need.


como mencionado anteriormente, o minijogo depende 90% do RNG, já que 10% da entrada do jogador vem de lembrar qual técnica deve curar qual doença. você o gasta clicando no símbolo de mão dado que corresponde à sua técnica desejada e, em seguida, clicando na caixa com a doença que deseja tratar. uma vez que você realmente obtém uma técnica que vale a pena usar, a quantidade que cura a doença parece ser aleatória, algo entre 1 a 5, embora algumas técnicas possam mostrar viés com doenças específicas, fornecendo mais cura em troca, embora isso possa ser devido ao acaso chance. Anotei quais técnicas pareciam curar mais suas respectivas doenças no guia.

seus clientes vêm em um dos três sabores, que eu pessoalmente marquei como estóicos, sensíveis e excitados.
  • clientes estóicos nunca ficam excitados, não importa quais técnicas você execute, quão nu você esteja ou qual seja seu status/reputação. eles só querem uma massagem e depois vão embora.
  • clientes sensíveis correm o risco de estourar o corpo sob a toalha de massagem. a partir de agora, não há nada que você possa fazer com esta informação. o cliente pode começar a despir Saria lentamente e, às vezes, forçar um único corte para reproduzir Saria de um ângulo inferior de 2/3, permitindo uma visão de sua virilha. seu medidor de prazer vai encher, como acontece com a maioria dos inimigos no jogo, mas quando chegar ao máximo ... nada acontece. você pode ficar para sempre no limbo, se quiser, ou pode tentar forçar as técnicas para terminar a massagem e seguir em frente.
  • clientes excitados são iguais aos clientes sensíveis, exceto que estão com tesão desde o início. novamente, a partir de 0.14, nada mais pode ser feito com eles, além de ouvir Saria constantemente tagarelando sobre ficar parado.
Eu, pessoalmente, encontrei um bug que notifica você de que o cliente ficou excitado, junto com uma piada de Saria dizendo algo como "essa é uma reação normal" - exceto que a arte para o cliente não mudou, e isso repetiu a mensagem de excitação e citou Saria no início de cada turno. no entanto, esse bug ocorreu apenas uma vez para mim, o que, embora reconfortante, está longe de ser o único problema com este sistema. como evidenciado pela captura de tela na seção Interface, suas opções de informação e interação para Saria e NPCs estão faltando, então você não pode ver nenhum dos CGs, cut-ins ou poses sugeridos no changelog. tudo isso, é claro, com precisão de 0,14 e, com sorte (pela graça de nosso senhor e salvador Terry Davis), será corrigido antes do início do próximo ciclo de desenvolvimento mensal.


você obtém 4 cutscenes bastante breves que têm uma chance aleatória de jogar em vez de iniciar o minijogo, e elas estão listadas na caixa de spoiler abaixo. não abra se não quiser se estragar nessas cenas, pois vou nomeá-las e descrevê-las de maneira geral.

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i encountered a bug where one of these cutscenes played back to back to back, three times in a row, after having only pressed the button to start the masseuse job once. this, again, only happened once, and it was business as "usual" after that.

ultimately, unless you really really get off on seeing Saria wearing a pair of long rubber gloves and little else, you can safely pass on the masseuse content until these issues are addressed.

TL;DR for zoomers with zero attention span

masseuse job currently broke. UI bad, RNG bad, CGs absent, cut-ins absent, numerous small bugs, unenjoyable in its' current state. return in a couple patches when fixes and adjustment passes are made and the content is restored.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
Can I use 14.2 with last save from first recent release with massage parlor before patches or do I have to start a new save altogether?

Also, how do you get scenes or 'happy service' to people in massage parlor. When I was playing in older version, I never had that option on first release. Even with her stats at Tarnished Proustite which is 2 / 40 in reputation level.

Edit: How do I access her equipment/inventory now when equipping accessories?
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2.40 star(s) 162 Votes