jokes aside, i'm pretty sure i've done everything that can be done with the actual minigame part of the masseuse job, and these are my findings:
most people will be looking at a screen similar to this one:
View attachment 2806021
whether or not there's supposed to be any more information other than what is shown is unclear. you get one massage technique, that may or may not be bugged, seeing as when your turn starts, it randomizes to something else that isn't what it first showed up as, which was already random - so it randomizes twice. you are stuck with one option and face a very real possibility of being softlocked into skipping turns until you lose. the only way to get more is to happen onto the Break Time technique, which unlocks one more fixed option for you, up to three times. if none of those work for the specific ailment(s) you need to cure, best start praying that you find a New Approach technique, which will randomize your fixed techniques with no guarantee that at least one will be suited for your given ailment(s).
there is also a very small blurb of text on the bottom right of the screen, above Saria's status indicator, that reads "The". i don't know if the client does, in fact, have his own information, and it's supposed to be displayed alongside that nametag - it's merely something worth noting.
i have written a guide that, to the best of my knowledge, encapsulates all of the ailments and all of their cures, and it reads as follows:
Key: ++ Good Heals
+ Heals
X Do Not Use
Ailment: Techniques:
Stiff Rough Kneading ++
Dynamic Massage ++
Deep Pressure +
Cold Stone +
Warm Oil X
Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X
Sore Dynamic Massage ++
Cold Stone ++
Deep Pressure +
Rough Kneading +
Warm Oil X
Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X
Inflamed Rough Kneading ++
Deep Pressure +
Dynamic Massage +
Cold Stone +
Warm Oil X
Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X
Aching Rough Kneading ++
Dynamic Massage ++
Deep Pressure +
Warm Oil X
Cold Stone X
Gentle Rubbing/Stroking X
Feverish Warm Oil +
Gentle Rubbing/Stroking +
Rough Kneading X
Deep Pressure X
Dynamic Massage X
Cold Stone X
Relaxed Gentle Rubbing ++
Gentle Stroking +
Warm Oil +
Rough Kneading X
Deep Pressure X
Dynamic Massage X
Cold Stone X
Loose Gentle Rubbing/Stroking +
Rough Kneading X
Deep Pressure X
Dynamic Massage X
Warm Oil X
Cold Stone X
some of these don't make any sense and act counter to their flavor text, such as Warm Oil stating that it treats inflamed muscle tissue, only for your client to get pissy and leave when you use it on their inflammation ailment - which, on that note, also seems random. whether there's supposed to be on-screen information regarding the client's satisfaction is, again, unclear - you are spending the entirety of the minigame guessing what does what, what will happen next, and when your client just decides to piss off. i suspect this is an issue partly because the UI, in its current iteration, leaves much to be desired, and partly because the RNG is sporadic and merely leaves you with playing a memorization game - one that i already played for you. and, again, if you have ailments that you have no cure available for, tough luck, better skip and hope you haven't run out of willpower - which is also missing, alongside stamina, despite the interface suggesting that actions cost stamina and skipping costs willpower, so you never know how much you have or need.
as mentioned previously, the minigame is 90% reliant on RNG, as the 10% of player input comes from remembering which technique is supposed to cure which ailment. you spend it clicking on the given hand symbol that corresponds to your desired technique, and then clicking on the box with the ailment you want to treat. once you actually get a technique worth using, the amount it heals the ailment for seems to be random, anywhere between 1 to 5, though some techniques might show bias with specific ailments, providing more healing in return, though that could be due to random chance. i took note of which techniques seemed to heal their respective ailments more in the guide.
your clients come in one of three flavors, that i have personally marked as stoic, sensitive, and aroused.
- stoic clients never get aroused, no matter what techniques you perform, how naked you are or what your status/reputation is. they just want a rubbing and then they leave.
- sensitive clients run the risk of popping a stiffy under their massage towel. as of now, there is nothing you can do with this information. the client may begin slowly undressing Saria, and sometimes force a single cut-in to play that depicts Saria from a lower 2/3 angle, allowing you a view of her groin. his pleasure meter will fill up, as with most enemies in the game, but once it hits full... nothing happens. you can spend forever in limbo if you like, or you can try forcing through the techniques to just end the massage and move on.
- aroused clients are the same as sensitive clients except they're horny from the get-go. again, as of 0.14, nothing more can be done with them, aside from hear Saria constantly jabber about staying still.
i, personally, have encountered a bug that notifies you that the client has gotten aroused, along with a quip from Saria saying something to the tune of "that's a normal reaction" - except the art for the client didn't change, and it repeated the arousal message and quote from Saria at the start of every turn. however, this bug only occurred once for me, which, while comforting, is far from the only issue with this system. as evidenced by the screenshot in the Interface section, your options for information and interaction for both Saria and NPCs is lacking, so you cannot see any of the CGs, cut-ins, or poses hinted at in the changelog. this is all, of course, accurate to 0.14, and will hopefully (by the grace of our lord and savior Terry Davis) be fixed before the next monthly dev cycle starts.
you get 4 fairly brief cutscenes that have a random chance of playing instead of launching the minigame, and they are listed in the spoiler box below. do not open it if you don't want to spoil yourself on these cutscenes, as i will name and describe them generally.
i encountered a bug where one of these cutscenes played back to back to back, three times in a row, after having only pressed the button to start the masseuse job once. this, again, only happened once, and it was business as "usual" after that.
ultimately, unless you really really get off on seeing Saria wearing a pair of long rubber gloves and little else, you can safely pass on the masseuse content until these issues are addressed.
TL;DR for zoomers with zero attention span
masseuse job currently broke. UI bad, RNG bad, CGs absent, cut-ins absent, numerous small bugs, unenjoyable in its' current state. return in a couple patches when fixes and adjustment passes are made and the content is restored.