Doesn't seem like you can initiate sex anymore, only change opponents preferences. Which also has issues, as you can't actually change opponents preference to anal, just to ass focus (ass card), which means ass grabbing, spanking and hotdogging, not anal sex. Pussy card has a similar issue with it actually changing focus to clit. Other cards might have similar issues.
Others have already mentioned the infinite knocked down soft-lock with certain enemies that don't initiate tease/sex.
The masseuse minigame is affected by gear, you can't have high initiative or it breaks it. It also seems like you always draw the actions twice for some reason. Its also easy to get stuck in a loop where you don't get the action you need and just run out of willpower/fail.
The masseuse actions also seem to be mixed up, the game tells you to use cool/cold stone for inflamed, but you actually need to use the hot/warm oil. Same with the cold requiring cold instead of warm. Maybe some of the others are also mixed up.
The new combat seems to be imbalanced, but that's to be expected on a complete revamp.