So, some thoughts, issues, and bugs with the latest (14.2) update.
I do like the card system, but it's incredibly easy to cheese. Since there's no limit to the copies you can put in, through in 6 copies of the default Samurai stamina recovery card and it's almost impossible for you to lose. You can use as many of them as you want, drawing 2 more cards for each one. So you'll almost always draw at least one more recovery, letting you draw 2 more cards and recover more stamina. Just put in 1 each of the highest damage slash, pierce, and bludgeoning attacks and you'll eventually win basically every fight unless you're using the wrong armor, though it can take some time.
Part of the issue is that you don't have a deck per-say, but a set of skills that you draw from, with an equal chance to draw any specific card. So you can draw multiple copes of any card in the deck over and over. Every other deck builder I recall has you draw through your deck, no duplicates, and then reshuffle the discard pile when you run out.
The armor sets are either decent if they don't have a weakness or too big a risk if they have one. Even with the cheesing of the deck building taking double damage can get through your stamina in 1 turn.
The massage side job still has some bugs. The description of feverish skin says it needs cooling, which implies using cold stone massage. Using cold stone fails, since that counts as a hard / rough massage while feverish skin needs gentle massage.
If you do a happy ending you cannot take another client, since you get stuck in the happy end version of the "fight".
If you get enough increases to the number of skills, the UI freaks out. If it's 4 or more (IIRC) it has issues trying to see / select the 4th or higher skill.
It also feels like the massage game should have either 2 draws by default and / or have no repeats. It'd also be good if the stamina cost of the massage options was listed. I've lost a few rounds not remembering that the dynamic massage takes like 12 stamina, while all the others are 5 (IIRC).