I feel like people are just afraid of change. It's important to keep a level head and understand that a new vision could actually be better. Take the Twisted World remake. It's actually pretty good but people judge it prematurely. The prologue that's out is amazing, fantastic even. I can't wait to see more of Twisted World and the new direction it's going. So I'm not going to judge this new vision of Saria based on it's old design. I'll judge it for it's own merits like you are supposed to.
>"Would you like to suck of this cactus?"
This... This can't be real. This has got to be the biggest troll attempt ever concocted.
I would say they're making fair points. When RPG Saria is compared to other RPGs/side scrollers, it's competitive. I wouldn't say it breaks top ten in that regard (due to lack of content), but it had the potential to one day do so. Furthermore, the visuals were definitely unique in the space it was competing in.
However, when you compare it to other VNs, it doesn't even break top one-hundred. Not in content, not in quality. The only aspect that VN Saria competes effectively in is visuals. The VN space is absolutely congested with top-tier
novels games. And if you start to include JPN VNs one only plays for the story, VN Saria further falls into obscurity.
Finally, complete reworks of
any project, in
any industry, are a massive red flag indicative of serious issues (fatigue, funding, lack of direction, etc.). The final product in these cases, should they even get to that point, tend to be sup-par. Yes, there are exceptions, but they are exactly that--- exceptions.