I actually really liked the concept/setting for this story and was really enjoying it. But unfortunately I am dropping it.
One reason is because you go on two dates in the beginning and without and confirmation on your (The mc's) side are thrown into a relationship, in which personally I just thought was a fling or two, dating at best case. So I proceeded under that assumption, and then realized later that we INDEED were in a relationship without it ever being brought up.
The second reason is because I had ZERO intention of starting a romantic relationship and even ZERO romantic interest in certain members/or one member and my character was still FORCED into developing said feelings. It was at this moment I decided I could no longer "deal with" or "gloss over" my issues with Savior.
Aside from these there are occasional spelling/grammar errors but for the most part this is actually a really solid build and story. Regardless of my personal two notes above, if you can ignore those two unlike myself, I think this is definitely worth checking out and is more than interesting & unique with it's story/setting.
If the issue of being able to choose whom you involve yourself with romantically, whether it be one or multiple romance options, is fixed, I will definitely return. I do wish there was at least an added scene change to specify and be VERY CLEAR you are in a relationship at the beginning of the game as while I assume others might have found that obvious, it was definitely NOT clear to me.
Either way, keep up the good work, and if these changes are made, my future "savior" please reply to me letting me know and I will dive back in.