I've read the reviews but saying that writing needs some work is an understatement. :| The renders are great, I give you that, but maaaan, the script is a mess. Just a few notes to make my point from the very beginning of the game, that, by now, should definitely be polished (and it's not :/):
1) The police don't go informing other people that an adult person is "missing". Seriously - it doesn't work that way.
2) Have a second person (native speaker preferably) take a look at dialogues - the sentences are often too long and feel unnatural, especially when the character is under stress. You don't use full, straight-from school sentences when hearing terrible news, and definetely not INSIDE YOUR HEAD.
3) I don't really the see mother speaking to her son, about his father, using first name. Just doesn't feel right, but maybe it's just me. Also kid's thoughts are waaaay off. Given his age he shouldn't be able to comprehend at first wtf is going on and here his first thought is right on the mark, like an adult with decades of life experience.
4) When narrator is speaking he should use "you", not the MC name. You're breaking the immersion right there.