well said..very well said...
Also....Don't take this the wrong way I don't mind there isn't going to be a harem ending we don't need that in every game that it's released so it's good to have also games that you can focus on 1 LI , I don't mind if you take 2months for a release or 8 months for a release because we can understand first comes your job since you get payed and can sustain with that so anybody that holds that against you ....well let's move on since I don't want to be rude...BUT if you're going to take half of year for an update ...don't end it with a cliffhanger...it's really...well I think annoying would be okay here to say?
Take me for example..I'm the kind of player that gets invested in the story and characters...and while I'll admit there hasn't been that much time to get invested in the characters...it's still raising my anxiety levels when a game is ended like yours was.
My advice don't end the update like that if you're going to take some time untill you are able to release the next update.
Now don't get me wrong ...in no way shape or form am I trying to change anything...it's your story (which is intersting and have not seen this kind of twist in the VN's I played ) your characters ( pretty interesting characters to start with not alot is know about them but enough to make me want to come back and see more ) your setting (again pretty interesting aswell not alot ..there are a few with this kind of setting music wise..but not alot of VN's with this setting)
And I know I sound like a hypocrite while complaining about a cliffhanger and saying then I don't want you to change anything so I apologize for that.
I hope next update will come as fast as it can though I don't mind waiting for it (well in this case it will be a bit annoying since whenever I'll see something mentioned about this game my anxiety level will rise again)
Also..loved the game ..I'm just not sure what to make of
the twin...that cliffhanger with her calling someone...was a bit omnious ....