
Nov 30, 2020
Was looking at the scenes again and ran into a issue with taking cover from the rain with the old guy. Got an error saying the Header is wrong. Any ideas on that one?


Jul 23, 2020
Hey, it's probably a dumb question at this point, but... how do I use the phone? I tried to buy a battery but it doesn't work. Does it have to be on a special occasion? but when i was in a peek scene i couldn't use it.
I would like to see everything about this great game but I can't figure out how to do it exactly.


Feb 3, 2022
Hey, it's probably a dumb question at this point, but... how do I use the phone? I tried to buy a battery but it doesn't work. Does it have to be on a special occasion? but when i was in a peek scene i couldn't use it.
I would like to see everything about this great game but I can't figure out how to do it exactly.
To use the phone press Q. You can call her but be cautious because sometimes she may be busy and not answer. Most of the times she would answer to tell mc that she is in some exact place, but if she is with someone she can answer and mc can hear what she is doing which is some of the hot features for me. Also you can check the chat groups where people would talk or send videos about Ryoka. A tip for listen to all phone conversations you can save the game before calling her, do this for the times when she doesn't answer then load the game if this happens, by that you don't waste battery and also buy the three batteries for make three calls a day. There are more than one conversation in a day specially when she spends the day with someone (this happens on Sundays if Ryoka has more love for a certain antagonist). Don't use the phone when a main scene is triggering because she would never answer, use it for the hidden scenes when the game tells you that you already finished the events with a certain character and also in Sundays because she would answer and then you can go to peek and see what she is doing.
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Feb 3, 2022
Another tip is that Sundays are very special if you are following one route. For example, in Masaru route if Ryoka had three events with him in the next Sunday she would spend the day with him in date where you can call her and she would tell you that she is with Masaru, then you can go and see them. This would not happen after the fourth event because on Sunday it would automatically triggers the fifth one. Finally, after the fifth in the diary you can see that she schedules Sundays for him. There are four phone conversations during that day depending on what she is doing with Masaru, save and load to hear them all.


Jan 22, 2021
If you want to play AI, I recommend doing what this channel says. Most of the specs used are the graphics card. Navidia is the best if possible.
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4.10 star(s) 63 Votes