You talk like on the 'real world' out there, every single person who receives a second chance to things right, pay for their past mistakes and just move on like a hero in shining armor. Do you think some of those famous serial kil**** that existed around the world, if they got a second chance to not do that, they would be shining fairies doing good and shit?
The reality is much more simple and crude: A LOT of people who gets a second chance do the SAME bad things again. Visit a jail sometimes and talk with thousands of people like that. If the country you live is super safe, look about it on countries that aren't.
BlasKyau said, it shoul be an option to do everything again. Some people are just bad, and even if they get a second chance (or they'll die) they will prefer to die living like that, cause they have no regrets of the evil they done. Since it's just a game, I don't see a problem, it would be better btw, choices in games are ALWAYS better.