I guess I'll waste more time on this than I already have.
First off, this is now the third F95 account that you created after creating 3 different Discord; 3 to 4 of them (seemingly) used to only talk to me. Are you gonna tell me this is a lie?
Where did you see someone telling you was a bad dev? I didn't see anyone on this thread saying that about you; most things I've seen are that it wasn't that bad for a first release and that the MC had big ears, which was a bummer for most people. Now I'm sure you remember when I told you you'd lose a lot of players because of that, right? This is the only real critique people had about the game. The only other thing that came a few times was a single "bug" that needed to be fixed about a dialogue I needed to adjust; it was indeed my bad.
So, the only one who thinks you're a bad dev is you.
Here is the screen of the message I sent you right after you called me and hung up with your second Discord account:
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Like I said about my first message on here, I felt bad after a few days, mainly because, as I had shown with the screen of your 3 messages on F95, you seemed lost and sorry, significantly since you believed I "hated" you. I sent you this long message to explain to you why it ended like this:
Secondly, I never made fun of your English level; I told you that "if you struggle to communicate your thought [...]" on your original and first discord account, before this message, not even once did I acted aggressively or annoyed, but you were always there saying that you doubted what I said:
You're the one who came crying in MP, telling me I was mean for telling you that you had no friend and for ignoring you. Don't invert the roles. I never came here as a victim, but as someone who told you that if you insisted, you'd have problems, you insisted 2 times. I warned you, here I was clear; I even repeated myself (and you still came once on F95, then with a 3rd discord account, then by responding here):
View attachment 1958100
You actually told me that if it looked better and made more sense, I could change dialogues; it was your choice, don't put the responsibility on my shoulders; you could have said no. Plus, you were indeed happy about it and told me several time that it was okay and better like this. Tell me how it was crap? Can you explain that to me? Here is the only message I found about the seemingly bad English:
View attachment 1958111
The main complaint isn't about the writing; his remarks about it only take 13 words. The issue with Amanda's dialogue take 6 words. Secondly, I never told you I was perfect at English, I mentioned I'm not a native from the get-go, and I even sent to you scripts of projects I've done before and my Webnovel profile for you to read at least a bit of the thing I've done before and tell me if it was good enough for you:
As you said, I haven't mentioned once that I wanted to get paid. You started with 5%, then 10% of your own volition because you were happy with what I was doing. You even wanted to give me more. But as I said before, it's out of the question; I refused the money you wanted to give me, the money you insisted on giving me. So what's the problem?
For the second time, I haven't made fun of your English level; I told you you were struggling to communicate. Yeah, it probably wasn't perfect, I did my best, but sadly I'm not the best. If you genuinely want an almost 100% accurate proofread job, it's better to ask someone who's a freelancer and does it for a living instead of someone who does it because it's fun and because it allows him to make ends meet on a forum about 18+ games.
My "madness," as you said, was irritation; I wasn't disrespectful at first; it's only when you came on my discord after stalking me that I got aggressive and told you to leave me the fuck alone; before that, I only ignored you. As said before, you're the one who came crying to me in MP because I was
Yeah, sure

It could have been defamatory, but you decided to stop everything, so it doesn't really work anymore; you're the one who came back here. It's like I'm hurting the reputation of a retired anonymous artist who only made an unfinished painting, freaky.
Secondly, you're the one who is insulting me here. I'm not the one being hateful here. I'm not threatening you, the only time I did that was on Discord, telling you to leave me alone or I'll expose you. You insisted once; I tolerated it and even answered you. You insisted a second time, but this time by creating a 3rd discord account just to insult and flame me. We reap what we sow. If I'm banned from this, I'll accept it gladly, contrary to you and your bitterness. It's not spam. It can only offend one person here, even if all these are facts. And it doesn't contain any personal information since I took the precaution of blurring everything.
Thanks, I'll try to fuck myself