Shantel is on the kitchen monday evening with no red dress. In the living room I have tried all the options a few times and cant get out the porn scene and she getting upset. I have already completed all the beach scenes with her. Her bedroom seen with the hand job. And I have touch her boobs in the kitchen....cheater 200, Smartass 120 and inpediment 32 or whatever....makes no sense.
With Lala I got the bedroom scene wensdays masturbation. Tuesdays I have grabbed her ass and her taling her bra off, but nothing extra. I cant get pass helping her do her homework, Its like never ending...she also is in the bathroom sundays but everytime I chose 'wait' she leaves angry and takes a point off...
Laura I got to the scene of acid, and i went to her room to put it inside her clothes, but its asking me fot scissors?
And that weird girl in the park wearing yellow does not ask me for 300 dollars, she just ask me to buy flowers. She is also there monday morning but she says hello and leaves....
This game makes no fvking
Ok man, i wanna try help you but please step by step.
1) Shant monday evening: Shantrel MUST be on normal dress there until the end of the game.
2) If you wanna progress you must click the "TICKLE" hot spot under table on Shant shins monday morning during family breackfast.
3) This hotspot unlock another hotspot "UP" monday evening kitchen.
4) As i said in my WT this hotspot is very important because unlock several scene, (Shat bed Bad Dream, Shant beach, Shant kitchen friday).
5) If you cant see this hotspot means you miss something before.
Shantrel, Lala and Laura can be done separately so please focus on one of them.
Try this hotspot, we will speak again later.