
Aug 3, 2019
If you look back on SoC development it's clear that it was chaotic during the early years. The goals were over-ambitious, some aspects of the game were being developed much faster while others lagged behind, art style was all over the place etc. Lots of very basic things were left for later while the devs were focusing on minor events that suit the fanbase's fetishes or introducing completely new plot points (like Fae storyline) that are still only in the very early phase.

So yes, if someone donated lots of money for the game while expecting relatively smooth progress on all its aspects, he/she has a right to be disappointed. The truth is the devs were (or still are) gradually learning how to properly create VNs and SoC is their experimental field. But at least for 4 years now, the progress is good and stable. It's not super fast, but the quality of new content is extremely high, both in terms of writing and art. Hell, I'd pay 3$ per month on Patreon just to see all the new amazing CGs that are constantly being produced.

SoC will probably take many more years to finish, probably even more than a decade (if we are talking about three acts). But I don't really mind it as long as the devs will continue to work on it keeping at least the current pace. Even right now, far from completion, it's one of the best Western erotic VNs.


Active Member
May 16, 2020
It's also a rather unique game: not a standard VN, not a full management game, but kind of in the middle, and with a good number of branches. Such projects (surely ambitious, and possibly overambitious in the early years) are always more difficult to steer.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
6 years. still in act 1.
I spent about 100 bucks before realizing that they really weren't interested in making meaningful progress. Yes, there are problems that need to be addressed but the devs mostly aren't working on them; they working on stuff that largely doesn't progress the story. Currently the top review on steam is negative. Half of the "Most Helpful" reviews on Steam are negative and nearly all of them mention slow development. 6 years. A team of people have been working on this title for 6 years and they still haven't closed Act 1. they're awfully quick to respond to criticism, for people allegedly hard at work on their game. When I supported the game on patreon I thought the game was only a year or two old and that the devs legit wanted to finish the title.
Fans blame the long development on feature creep and overly ambitious goals. If that's the case the devs are severely lacking in common sense.
I chose the most negative appraisal; they're just stringing people along doing minimal work until the whole thing collapses and they move on to something else. I enjoy gloating ITT because I've already been MAC banned from all Star Citizen and Tarkov
boards in the universe.
6 years. still in act 1. Game currently being shredded in Steam reviews despite the devs asking patrons for positive reviews.
I appreciate your rhetorical skills bro. Starting and ending with the same power line is always effective ;) But I'm not sure I agree with the sentiment that "6 years. still in act 1" is a negative thing based on the team's circumstances or that the game is getting shredded on steam.

1) "6 years. still in act 1" -
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In all honesty, the team has accomplished a lot based on the dynamics of their resources over time ect.

2) "Getting Shredded on Steam" -
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Maybe I am wrong. But I think the needle for the game should be pointing up. They have a lot of positive momentum and things are starting to come together.

As a caveat. I've invested $100 into the game so far as well- and I'll keep funding proprortionally to how much I care about w/e routes they are working on.
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Man, who gives a fuck about Steam reviews of any kind. All it takes is for a game to be slightly progressive in a certain way and every bigot with a keyboard will slam the game with negative reviews, or for a game to pander to a certain group who will slam it with positive reviews. The last thing that should be used as proof of anything is something getting "shredded" on steam.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
So in other words no there is no female mc atleast as of yet.
No, there's a female MC. Alexia is what would be referred to as the dueteragonist, which is to say she's the second primary focused upon character. You may not click grids on a map to move her around, but she's the central figure of a large percentage of the scenes of the game, has a varied range of the kinds of scenes she appears in, and in general impacts the story to a great deal. If you removed her from the game SoC would not be worth playing. She is a main character, she's simply not the only main character.


May 1, 2021
So in other words no there is no female mc atleast as of yet.
It depends on on how you define it. If you are referring to the the "game" side of things then Rowan is certainly the main character.
But if you are talking about the "Visual Novel" side of the game then Rowan and Alexia are closer to equals, in that they are both the focus of a lot of scenes and you the player are privy you their internal monologues and get the choose the actions each of them take.
However, there isn't really a category for: there are two player controlled characters that you will switch between in depending on the scene and one of them happens to be a female. If it make any difference the developers have said they consider Rowan and Alexia to be co-protagonists.
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Active Member
May 16, 2020
I appreciate your rhetorical skills bro. Starting and ending with the same power line is always effective ;) But I'm not sure I agree with the sentiment that "6 years. still in act 1" is a negative thing based on the team's circumstances or that the game is getting shredded on steam.
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
So in other words no there is no female mc atleast as of yet.
Alexia is more like a kink dump than an actual protagonist.
She is somewhat like a protagonist if you like specific kinks.
She has a two very robust NTR narrative arcs (like 20% of the game's art) and a general corruption arc- but other than that does very little character growth.
There is one very small series of events where she starts to learn magic.

I have very mixed feelings about her as someone who doesn't care for corruption narrative or NTR; If you don't like corruption narrative most of her plot is just her getting harassed which is very tedious and un-sexy.

She still has some good stuff- but she is definitely way more like a NPC than a protagonist- especially if you aren't into the aforementioned kinks.

She does have another arc coming up eventually though- so a guy can hope she gets some legit plot outside of her kink plot.

Big Green

Aug 19, 2017
Alexia is more like a kink dump than an actual protagonist.
She is somewhat like a protagonist if you like specific kinks.
She has a two very robust NTR narrative arcs (like 20% of the game's art) and a general corruption arc- but other than that does very little character growth.
There is one very small series of events where she starts to learn magic.

I have very mixed feelings about her as someone who doesn't care for corruption narrative or NTR; If you don't like corruption narrative most of her plot is just her getting harassed which is very tedious and un-sexy.

She still has some good stuff- but she is definitely way more like a NPC than a protagonist- especially if you aren't into the aforementioned kinks.

She does have another arc coming up eventually though- so a guy can hope she gets some legit plot outside of her kink plot.
+1. Can't really call her a protagonist character. Always thought her whole arc feels kind of forced. Personally, i don't like her that much and the whole Alexia's perspective is not that iteresting at all. Never understood how Rowan with a hero complex could abandon and betray his realm just because of her, it is more like a what if story plot. But the thing is she is forced 24/7 into narrative just because she is his wife. She is pretty yes, but very plain character wise.I don't get why every demon in the castle would be that interested in a farmgirl houswife.

So if you turn off NTR at the beginning of the game, she will be more like a nuisance in my opinion. And with NTR ON she is just a fan service character. But then again developers are trying hard to make her somewhat important.
Jul 15, 2017
I dunno, i "love" Alexia and the way she is introduced, and i disagree with that she has no meaningfull Character-Development. It's only that the Focus is more on the "corrupt her" side than trying to advance here "pure" side, for obvious reason that the Game want from the beginning not be the super pure Game, but rather a evil and dark one where you see mostly the fall of the Hero and his Wife. I remember the early days when it pretty much got it's first release and the dev over and over stated that people shouldn't expect a too heroic story etc. And that's why i find Alexia fit's so perfect into the story, because it helps in terms of struggle of the Hero and the effects the sorrounding have. And i'm gonna be honest, Alexia content is often that stuff which i root for most updates. And i also agree with the people above who said she is still kinda a protagonist/co-protagonist.

Alexia is more like a kink dump than an actual protagonist.
She is somewhat like a protagonist if you like specific kinks.
She has a two very robust NTR narrative arcs (like 20% of the game's art) and a general corruption arc- but other than that does very little character growth.
There is one very small series of events where she starts to learn magic.
TBH, if we go by that logic, majority of Porn-Games don't have actual Protagonists, because majority of Protagonists(Male and Female) kinda force you into one direction which you have to follow, and even if there are choices, quite often they aren't as fleshed out as these specifics. If you involve NTR into it even more, due how different that direction takes. I mean how often do you think do i have to play a Protagonist which play the same alpha-male energy of pervert who needs to be the dominant role? You can't play the more introvert, shy or passive guy. And if we go back to the NTR topic or "pure" topic, you are quite often limited in that regard as well. There are only very few Games (like twist) which have a more open approach where you have more impact in character growth towards having a more love or corrupt route, and for the latter if you are more of a swinger / Sharer or we really gets cucked / ntr'ed. I find in the "porn-game" industry is still a lot left open to enhance, even for the best examples. But the Fact that a "Protagonist" is pushed towards a specific direction (and some people personally don't like the direction) doesn't make it less a protagonist, otherwise we only would play NPC in majority of games.

Maybe I am wrong. But I think the needle for the game should be pointing up. They have a lot of positive momentum and things are starting to come together.
I agree, SoC have made quite a progress from the very beginning, a lot of them is even the "hidden" stuff which irons out gameplay mechanics and such. I feel like Porn Games in general have a big Problem if it comes down to "Gameplay" and "Build-Ups" because to be fair, quite alot of People simply want to enjoy a smut game, and that's where i can see people have a Problem with, if it takes too long to get to this point, or if a Game gets to grindy or chore to play. I myself hope in the end SoC will be in that regard in the end a more ironed out/smooth experience because right now i'm at a point, due how often i had to start over and stuff, that i can't get myself up to enjoy it anymore and are quite happy that some fans are up to do gallery mods, because i still love the scenes(and i talk specific scenes, not only the "pictures"...thats why a proper Gallery is important for me in Porn Games because i want to read/see the scenes because they add some flavor to it) or offer a more "streamlined" optional mode where you can as Player who prefer to go more directly for the smut a better experience.
I've invested $100 into the game so far as well-
In all honesty i'm quite happy about people who want to fund these stuff, i myself can't because i'm simply too boomer for that and prefer to have a single premium price(that's why i'm happy everytime a Porngame gets released on steam, i got myself a copy of SoC on steam already and i can also deal with it when devs decide to delay the update for a month for steam owners due they don't constantly support each month the game with money... but devs should be atleast consistent on that).
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Apr 23, 2019
I, for one, think Alexia brings a lot to the table. She is the main reason for Rowan to join the Twins, a fragile person he has to protect from the rest of the world, and a sort of morality pet.
They led a very simple life devoid of any ambitions, far truer than what he would have had with a lady from the court or other interested parties. She didn't use him for social climbing or political alliances. After a long period of adventures, he longed for peaceful stability, and he seemed happy before they took it from him along with his wife.
Now he's forced to travel through a hostile land filled with mythological and horny creatures that want a piece of him, recruiting them by hook or by crook (often with his penis).

But Alexia is no Penelope. She doesn't have to reject every and each suitor's advances as her husband plows half the continent's holes because of old-time misogynistic morals. She's dutiful, not stupid. The longer Rowan is away from her arms, the more she starts contemplating the idea that maybe he's not acting with her best interest at heart... so she doesn't have to bear his.
Not every fantasy woman has to revel in the idea of being the first mate among many other pokemon-ish vaginas in a harem, because he's oh-so-alpha. Nope. She can stray and find her own strength and allies, and that's something 99% of other games don't dare to offer: a female with her own agenda looking for herself first.

She even doubts her husband's sexuality, which is a no-no for most Devs, in fear of a backlash. SoC is that brave a game.

I hope there will be a route offering an ultimate showdown between Roman and his allies and Alexia and hers, with Alexia in full villainess mode telling him he always underestimated her and cheated on his weak, ignorant, shy wife disregarding the storm brewing in her eyes every time he put his cock where it shouldn't be and made a mock of their marriage. Now she's his equal and will make him pay for her constant humiliation...


Jun 29, 2018
So I haven't played for a while did Cla-Min, Helayna and Liurial's stuff get a rework? I vaguely remember it been mentioned. Quite like them so may have a play through next update if it's happened.

Ah see there was more “drama” :). I have never seen so many hissy fits as on this site; like clockwork on certain threads. People mistake it for porn twitter or something. With how much wanking the people on here do you'd think they'd be less frustrated.

Big Green

Aug 19, 2017
But isn't it for a player to decide if Rowan plows that holes or not? You are bringing your personal playthrough into this i guess, but you can actually play very dutiful and loyal husbando, same goes for Alexia she can be very loyal waifu if you want her to be.
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Apr 28, 2017
So I haven't played for a while did Cla-Min, Helayna and Liurial's stuff get a rework? I vaguely remember it been mentioned. Quite like them so may have a play through next update if it's happened.

Ah see there was more “drama” :). I have never seen so many hissy fits as on this site; like clockwork on certain threads. People mistake it for porn twitter or something. With how much wanking the people on here do you'd think they'd be less frustrated.
Helayna's content hasn't received a rework, but it has been mentioned as one of the upcoming focuses (Working on her Act 1 content, that is, not explicitly a rework.)

Cla-Min didn't get a rework (Though she did get a new scene recently), but her shop did.

Liurial has had a rework, both in terms of sex scenes and other scenes.
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Apr 23, 2019
But isn't it for a player to decide if Rowan plows that holes or not? You are bringing your personal playthrough into this i guess, but you can actually play very dutiful and loyal husbando, same goes for Alexia she can be very loyal waifu if you want her to be.
But she has the chance not to be, which is a rare thing. In fact, you can choose their relationship to be asymmetrical with her as the cheating part. She can also reject the sex and still betray him in some other ways, undermine his position, maybe even have some influence over the Twins, pushing her own goals as they think she completely submits to them. And said goals don't have to be Rowan's... or include him at all.
How many games offer you that choice? Not everything revolves around the sword-wielding hero and his conquests.

Once she gets her magic she will stop being such a damsel in distress and maybe get her own agreement with the overlords.
She's the one showing us the internal working of the castle, the relationship between the servants and the troops, the daily life and needs of less heroic people who still get the job done. I believe her connection with the help & staff will prove to be useful. That's why her perspective is necessary for the plot

I love that she's jealous, frustrated, hopeless at times. How she gets tired of waiting, working, being under powerful beings' thumb. The way she demands respect, looks for her place, and tries to make friends. It's really nice to see her considering abusing her power over others when given the chance to turn the tables on some people.
She's well written and her own character.

Big Green

Aug 19, 2017
But she has the chance not to be, which is a rare thing. In fact, you can choose their relationship to be asymmetrical with her as the cheating part. She can also reject the sex and still betray him in some other ways, undermine his position, maybe even have some influence over the Twins, pushing her own goals as they think she completely submits to them. And said goals don't have to be Rowan's... or include him at all.
How many games offer you that choice? Not everything revolves around the sword-wielding hero and his conquests.

Once she gets her magic she will stop being such a damsel in distress and maybe get her own agreement with the overlords.
She's the one showing us the internal working of the castle, the relationship between the servants and the troops, the daily life and needs of less heroic people who still get the job done. I believe her connection with the help & staff will prove to be useful. That's why her perspective is necessary for the plot

I love that she's jealous, frustrated, hopeless at times. How she gets tired of waiting, working, being under powerful beings' thumb. The way she demands respect, looks for her place, and tries to make friends. It's really nice to see her considering abusing her power over others when given the chance to turn the tables on some people.
She's well written and her own character.
But then again it is just an option in one of playthroughs. You can't define her like she's some kind of oppressed jealous thing in general. But the whole corruption theme is a thing.

So i still don't get why she is so special in your opinion. She is a plain and simple farmgirl. Take for example Rowan: a war hero, strong willed and cunning warrior that is falling from his grace. It is interesting to see his development and how he change. On the other hand we have Alexia: normal housewife with no real life experience, no achievments, no goals, nothing. How is that an interesting protag? even if she gets fully corrupted my reaction will be :"Oh well whatever". She had no personality to begin with so corrupting her is not that difficult and not that important.


Apr 23, 2019
But then again it is just an option in one of playthroughs. You can't define her like she's some kind of oppressed jealous thing in general. But the whole corruption theme is a thing.

So i still don't get why she is so special in your opinion. She is a plain and simple farmgirl. Take for example Rowan: a war hero, strong willed and cunning warrior that is falling from his grace. It is interesting to see his development and how he change. On the other hand we have Alexia: normal housewife with no real life experience, no achievments, no goals, nothing. How is that an interesting protag? even if she gets fully corrupted my reaction will be :"Oh well whatever". She had no personality to begin with so corrupting her is not that difficult and not that important.
Until now she has been passively receiving the consequences of other people's decisions because she lacked all the things you mentioned in your post, but that ended the moment she was kidnapped. She has been given choices, discovered new skills, and found out there's more to life than being a simple housewife.
That chance was only given to her because of her relationship with Rowan, in order to hurt/manipulate him, that much is true, but what she does with it depends mostly on her.

Rowan also starts as a goody-two-shoes enjoying a bucolic country life, his glory days long gone. We're not given much information about his previous personality, so we can say he's as much of a blank slate as his wife is at that point.
We get to know them better through the playthrough, influencing some of the changes they experience and the people they become.
For example, we had no previous clue that Rowan liked men, and in some playthroughs he ends perking up at the sight of sweaty muscles or hard butts, eagerly taking part in gay encounters.
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Big Green

Aug 19, 2017
Until now she has been passively receiving the consequences of other people's decisions because she lacked all the things you mentioned in your post, but that ended the moment she was kidnapped. She has been given choices, discovered new skills, and found out there's more to life than being a simple housewife.
That chance was only given to her because of her relationship with Rowan, in order to hurt/manipulate him, that much is true, but what she does with it depends mostly on her.

Rowan also starts as a goody-two-shoes enjoying a bucolic country life, his glory days long gone. We're not given much information about his previous personality, so we can say he's as much of a blank slate as his wife is at that point.
We get to know them better through the playthrough, influencing some of the changes they experience and the people they become.
For example, we had no previous clue that Rowan liked men, and in some playthroughs he ends perking up at the sight of sweaty muscles or hard butts, eagerly taking part in gay encounters.
So you are actually saying that we could pick any random human and they would be just as interesting as Alexia? Because it's all about being kidnapped lol. Then i vote for the village elder yet again.
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