
May 1, 2021
100% Willing. Good fucking joke. That'd be like- if you weren't a coerced prisoner. You must be thinking of a different game there Rein.
I agree that due to the power dynamics involved, prisoners cannot consent. However, it is also common for victims to blames themselves for their abuse. If I said this or done that this wouldn't of happened. And particularly in cases such as statutory or abuse of authority it is not uncommon for the victim to believe they are a willing participant at the time. It is often only from the outside or in retrospect that it apparent how fucked up the situation really is.

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Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
There are rules. Some will say they are too lenient, others that they too oppresive. SoC development team makes no statements, SoC development teams abides by them so we can continue creating the game. That's all there is to it.

Further discussion on the topic should be take elsewhere.
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Question: are the orc and goblin army the only two possibilities for week 60 at the moment? Jezera mentions recruiting other dark races. I couldn't find anything about this on the thread.
In game one yes- and they are not mutually exclusive. The timing of doing both in a single play-through might be tight; especially if you do one of the more time consumptive Orcaide routes. Presumably in game two there will be more faction recruitment narratives. I'd love to recruit some more High elves myself.

There are rules. Some will say they are too lenient, others that they too oppresive. SoC development team makes no statements, SoC development teams abides by them so we can continue creating the game. That's all there is to it.

Further discussion on the topic should be take elsewhere.
Sure, but only out of respect for you and the other Devs. The topic of content breakdown is completely relevant to the game and has no reason not to be discussed here otherwise- unless we are worried about proverbial eye of Mordor glancing this direction and putting a kibosh on the game's numerous rape plots.
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Jun 17, 2018
i'm confused i can't upgrade buildings in my workshop until i talk to the baron but already talked to him and laid waste to the city, but still can't do shit in the workshop and i have the objective of capturing the city even though i already did the raid and can't interact with the city anymore


May 1, 2021
i'm confused i can't upgrade buildings in my workshop until i talk to the baron but already talked to him and laid waste to the city, but still can't do shit in the workshop and i have the objective of capturing the city even though i already did the raid and can't interact with the city anymore
If you've already taken Rastedel then congratulations you are at current the end of the main story. Assuming you've completed all the available research, then you've likely completed all the building upgrades that are currently implemented.

There will be an update released on the 27th, but right now the devs are focusing on fleshing out characters and finishing up side events before finishing off act 1 of the story. If you want more content I would recommend playing through the game again making different choices, there is a lot more content than can be seen in a single play through.


Jul 14, 2020
In game one yes- and they are not mutually exclusive. The timing of doing both in a single play-through might be tight; especially if you do one of the more time consumptive Orcaide routes. Presumably in game two there will be more faction recruitment narratives. I'd love to recruit some more High elves myself.

Sure, but only out of respect for you and the other Devs. The topic of content breakdown is completely relevant to the game and has no reason not to be discussed here otherwise- unless we are worried about proverbial eye of Mordor glancing this direction and putting a kibosh on the game's numerous rape plots.
What do you mean game two?


Aug 28, 2017
i mean i like the general theme of not having unwilling sex partners. as funny as it sounds, "consent" is the biggest kink i have (but that's mostly because it's always related to other kinks i like, like corruption, sharing and cucking).
but SoC has no rape?
there are multiple instance of implied rape and lots of cases that would be definitely ruled as rape under today's jurisdiction. i've no problem to say that it's on the fringe enough to not count.
however on the sacking of rastedel, we see actual rape happening.

to SoC rape is not a vital part and it never happens to any main character, yes, and i don't want it either. but to say it has no rape, is just not true.


May 1, 2021
i mean i like the general theme of not having unwilling sex partners. as funny as it sounds, "consent" is the biggest kink i have (but that's mostly because it's always related to other kinks i like, like corruption, sharing and cucking).
but SoC has no rape?
there are multiple instance of implied rape and lots of cases that would be definitely ruled as rape under today's jurisdiction. i've no problem to say that it's on the fringe enough to not count.
however on the sacking of rastedel, we see actual rape happening.

to SoC rape is not a vital part and it never happens to any main character, yes, and i don't want it either. but to say it has no rape, is just not true.
During Rastedel, they are careful to mention that there are cubi flying around spreading lustful energies, causing everyone to fuck each other. Therefor the citizens are largely overcome by lust and are participating "willingly."


Of course in modern times this would still be considered rape, for the same reason having sex with a drunk or drugged person is still considered rape even if they were "willing" at the time. Not to mention the power dynamics at play as noted earlier in the discussion. But it isn't rape in the violent, pin you down, and force you sort of way, which seems to be enough to skirt by. Now, I doubt any of these orcs would have taken "no" for an answer. But thanks to cubi magic they don't have to.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
I don't think you can reasonably argue that the orgies during the conquering of Rastodel at the fort at the start are not rape. We know at the very least the threat of violence is looming, we know coercion is involved, we know that in many of the cases the ability to grant consent has been removed. It does definitely skirt by the rules by not being directly depicted, but it would quite honestly be ignorant for Patreon to enforce rules that make it seem like real world tragedies and victimization does not exist, so I would say this kind of thing is a situation where leeway may be specifically and purposefully given.
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 17, 2017
This is another semantics debate. We're really just debating about a word. In modern culture, there is a deeply heated argument about the definition of the word "Rape".

Does the word apply to all instances of sex where there the level of consent does not reach the standard set by the speaker? Does it only refer to a specific type of non-consensual sex defined by direct force?

Does it apply to situations without direct violence or force but where there was diminished capacity? Does it apply to situations without direct violence or force, but there was some kind of non-violent compulsion like blackmail? What about situations where there is not directly coerced consent, but it happens within a power dynamic that allows one party to dictate terms?

I think that:

A: Regardless of what semantic definition you choose, you should personally try to follow the principles of , and be mindful of situations where a partner may have diminished consent. This is the approach I always advise when it comes to sexual ethics or when I've taught classes on the subject. The best way to avoid the entire messiness of crossing the line unthinkingly is to just always be well above the bare minimum of consent requirements. I'm in BDSM, where sexual contract negotiation is actually very common. But, as much as it's mocked outside of BDSM, it's actually good practice.

B: You should not get your sexual ethics from a hentai game. Don't. Seeds of Chaos is not a role model of actual ethical sexual conduct.

C: It is clearly true that the game has situations where the ability of cast members to consent to sex is diminished to some degree. We interpret this as allowed by the rules, as Patreon clearly seeks identifiable and clear rule boundaries. For this reason, our specific policy is to make an effort to avoid DEPICTING ON-SCREEN instances of FORCEFUL Rape.

Anything beyond those points is just arguing about the definition of words. But, that's mostly stupid because Rape means whatever the speaker defines the word to mean. People just shift the definitions a lot because it's a word with loaded connotation and real world legal effects, that may or may not apply depending on what definition you're using.

The actual choosing of where the "Rape Line" is mostly has connotative effects. If two actions are described identically to a listener, and one is called "Rape" and one is called "Nonconsensual Sex", the listener will perceive the one described as Rape worse. At it's best, it serves as a means to QUICKLY AND CLEARLY identify the severity of an action in a case of unambiguous application. At it's worst the definition can be used as a tool of obfuscation. But, do not confuse the semantics with the ethics. An action is just as unethical if you define it as rape or not rape. It is unethical in it's content not in it's description.

So please. Less semantics.
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Mar 4, 2018
New topic idea: Non sexual sceene you want to see
I would live a "expecting mothers course" as part of the fertility treatment and it would involve Delaine and Emma (Delaine would like to have another human as handmaiden or something) if you are on the Ulcro path. Emma would have given birth at that point and Delaine would be expecting. They would be talking to Alexia about the feeling of being pregnant and so on. Not sure who you could swap in if not on Ulcro path. Cla-min i guess would be the logical choice


May 24, 2019
With regards to various characters in Act 1 you mostly get a better understanding of them and know which path to take but for the longest time Cliohna has alluded my understanding, from what I could gather she despises the stagnation and prohibition the force of order pushes(werden is perfect example of all that) as such she's different from others that she does not fully side with chaos but uses them to get what she wants, now from her quest I feel it's incomplete as I'm left with more question than answers compared to the other characters.

Jynx_lucky_j and monk_56 mind helping me understand since you've played the game more than me.
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Dec 15, 2018
In game one yes- and they are not mutually exclusive. The timing of doing both in a single play-through might be tight; especially if you do one of the more time consumptive Orcaide routes. Presumably in game two there will be more faction recruitment narratives. I'd love to recruit some more High elves myself.
Oh has there been a clarification by the devs that goblin and orc plots are not mutually exclusive? I keep asking but didn't get an answer. Maybe I missed it:(


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Oh has there been a clarification by the devs that goblin and orc plots are not mutually exclusive? I keep asking but didn't get an answer. Maybe I missed it:(
We don't intend them to be. We haven't worked out all the specifics. One of our current goals is trying to figure out how long it takes to recruit the goblins, so we can account how easy/plausible double recruitment playthrough are.
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May 1, 2021
With regards to various characters in Act 1 you mostly get a better understanding of them and know which path to take but for the longest time Cliohna has alluded my understanding, from what I could gather she despises the stagnation and prohibition the force of order pushes(werden is perfect example of all that) as such she's different from others that she does not fully side with chaos but uses them to get what she wants, now from her quest I feel it's incomplete as I'm left with more question than answers compared to the other characters.

Jynx_lucky_j and monk_56 mind helping me understand since you've played the game more than me.
Cliohna is very mysterious. From my understanding she is a very powerful mage but probably still human, but also very old, most likely maintaining her youth through magic. She serves chaos in that her goal are more aligned with chaos than with order, but she isn't exactly a follower of Kharos. She serves the twins in exchange for access to Castle Bloodmeen and it's library. I got the impression that she was looking for something specific and once she finds it her deal with the twins will be concluded. She is at least powerful enough to give that the twins cannot command her directly instead they have to deal with her as a near equal. Though Jezera does enjoy teasing or annoying her on occasion. There will certainly be more revealed about Cliohna in future acts, but as far as the current act is concerned her story is mostly complete.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
With regards to various characters in Act 1 you mostly get a better understanding of them and know which path to take but for the longest time Cliohna has alluded my understanding, from what I could gather she despises the stagnation and prohibition the force of order pushes(werden is perfect example of all that) as such she's different from others that she does not fully side with chaos but uses them to get what she wants, now from her quest I feel it's incomplete as I'm left with more question than answers compared to the other characters.

Jynx_lucky_j and monk_56 mind helping me understand since you've played the game more than me.
1) Response to Carefree's question about Cilionia:

Cilonia is legitimately interesting. Take the sub route or dom route with her don't go equal- I imagine they will both have some decent content so choose w/e vibe you like.

If you are looking for the best lore dump in game one though- go for the Sub route.

Rein is a big fan of fem-dom so that pathing is quite a bit more fleshed out and interesting in game one - many of the route options in some of the follow up conversations on the fem-dom side are great sources of lore on Cilonia.

I'll give you one of the more interesting segments from it to ponder over. This path happens if you submit to her in the initial pathing- but refuse her in the follow up submission event.

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Cilonia's plot is neglected sadly- so I probably wont find out more for years. If I have the patience to put up with the constant disproportionately high saturation of cuckoldry and non-con content at any rate.

2) Disappointed comment on recent Patreon Rowan x Alexia art.

As long as we are talking about Rein's work. The new art for the pregnancy treatment was very disappointing. I'm so sick of Rowan being artistically rendered as a fucking femboy in content with his wife. Why the hell is he so small? Who the heck finds it hot that he is tiny? Meh. Nasim's magic looked cool, and Nasims face in the second CG was absolutely hilarious, and Alexia was hot- but the art for Rowan was ass. Game goes out of its way to make him look like a bitch. Kinda tired of being a smol lad in SoC and it makes me wonder if Rowan will EVER not be; love the plot- but the sexual content continues to be disappointing. Starting to think I'm wasting my bones on the game.
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Jul 6, 2020
2) Disappointed comment on recent Patreon Rowan x Alexia art.

As long as we are talking about Rein's work. The new art for the pregnancy treatment was very disappointing. I'm so sick of Rowan being artistically rendered as a fucking femboy in content with his wife. Why the hell is he so small- and like who the heck finds it hot that he is tiny. Meh. Nasim's magic looked cool, and Nasims face in the second CG was absolutely hilarious, and Alexia was hot- but the art for Rowan was ass. Game goes out of its way to make him look like a bitch. Kinda tired of being a twink in SoC and it makes me wonder if Rowan will EVER not be; love the plot- but the sexual content continues to be disappointing. Starting to think I'm wasting my bones on the game.
I did not understand this. Are you saying based on the perspective of the image Rowan looks physically small: meaning short and without muscles?
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