
Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
I don't know what universe you're living in, dude, but Rowan is about as perfect a male specimen as you're going to find. Calling him unattractive is laughable. Rowan is in great physical shape, has a nice face, and good dick. I don't know what you're looking for in your men, but Rowan would be considered gorgeous by traditional standards.
I think I was pretty clear when I descibed him as small. Sensitive subject for some I suppose- but I find short effeminite men pretty unattractive. Rowan is pretty jacked in some of the cgs- and he looks good with smaller partners- but is pretty slim/small in comparison to some of the gals; and looks either great or really kinda pathetic in the stuff with his wife- depends on the art. Different tastes man- I don't have to be from a different universe to find someone attractive or unattractive- its not like there is a universially madated divine rule determining it :p
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
I'm doing Helayna next. There will be some expansions on the Rowan doesn't Claim Helayna story variant.

But, if you like Rowan-dom and "Rowan builds a powerbase" story beats, I can't imagine Helayna would be your issue.
What ratioes are those contents? Trying to make a finacial dection and I hate the non-Rowan side of the Hel plot.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
What ratioes are those contents? Trying to make a finacial dection and I hate the non-Rowan side of the Hel plot.
I haven't wrote it, so not sure. Overall, most of the new content is not going to the unclaimed arc.

A fair bit is actually going to the claimed but mindless segment, which is wildly underwritten. Also rewrites everywhere, the conclusion of the post-locr declaration Helayna training arc, and the long awaited Alexia/Helayna event.

But also some expansions on the Unclaimed arc to make the pathway from that to Helayna escape smoother.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
I haven't wrote it, so not sure. Overall, most of the new content is not going to the unclaimed arc.

A fair bit is actually going to the claimed but mindless segment, which is wildly underwritten. Also rewrites everywhere, the conclusion of the post-locr declaration Helayna training arc, and the long awaited Alexia/Helayna event.

But also some expansions on the Unclaimed arc to make the pathway from that to Helayna escape smoother.
Okay- fair enough. Man- tough decision for me. Sometimes it feels like the content you write is the only stuff I truly like in the game- and if i'm losing like 40% of the one route I like in the upcoming releases to a rape pathing I dislike that would be pretty meh. Also- I have negative interest in that futa event.

Thanks for your candor.
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May 24, 2019
Some people apparently need Rowan to be a raging roidbeast to have a complete power (fantasy) trip. Thing is, muscles nowadays are merely for showing off and don't translate into practicality. If you have ever seen any documentaries about hunting-gathering tribes living on their own, none of their men (or women, for what it matters) look anything like the gym-exhibition crew.
They chase prey, throw javelins, carry immense weight on their head, back and/or shoulders... They get to do a lot of physical work and consume calories efficiently, covering their daily needs, and don't look like a bunch of skinned gorillas, but rather achieve graceful, harmonious bodies that fulfill a purpose. Something natural and beautiful.

There's also a misconception about the kind of physique you need to move an armor, as it's designed to distribute its weight all over the man wearing it, and being articulated offers great freedom of movement. Those 20, 23 kilos move like a breeze. The main issue comes with the under armor padded protection, that it's often kind of thick and tends to get wet and uncomfortable with sweat. That's what fills the armor, not ox-like muscles.
Even with the 40 kilos armor+supplies package that some of the Roman legionaries had to endure for 20 km a day under some emperors, people were not grunting macho behemoths, just average-Joes with stamina built from resignation, duty, and ordinary ranch, not protein shakes.

Then we've got the other thing. You can be a perfectly good Dom without looking like a bodybuilder. Seriously. I'd even go the extra mile and say that those who rely on mere imposing physicality are often taken for unrefined, boring cavemen in the scene. The "me strong, you weak. Submit grrrowl!" gets old in a couple of sessions. It's not primal, but basic... And basic always means "easily replaceable", pal.
You don't build a pack/harem like that.

Rowan is a versatile character in every sense of the word, and that is perfect :)
I mean- sure. I'd like to have a power fantasy where Rowan is larger than his partners and looks powerful in bed- just like you'd like to have whatever fantasy you'd like; feels like that is pretty fair. A lithe average joe by the sounds of it.

I was talking about what I find hot- not what helps you be a good back-packer or soldier or what-not. Lets be candid, realism is only a cursory concern in SoC.

I'll admit my post was a bit word-vomity about my general frustrations with Rowan as the MC; so it'd be easy to think I meant being dominant and size were intrinsically linked. But as you said, obviously, you can be a good Dom while still being small- though a larger stronger body can help; or hurt apparently.

Talking about domination was more related to how submissive his content generally is- not his stature. I can't remember the last time they added an event where Rowan tried to fight back against the twins even the tiniest bit past just trying to deal with their general bullshit when they harass him. He is so fucking passive. Feels like he isn't even trying sometimes. Doesn't try to fight back, doesn't try to protect his wife. Just rolls over and takes it. I guess we can count the intro rework; its something- that was pretty badass; until he got bitch slapped :p.
I think Monk56 frustration is understandable from 2 PoV , the first is personal preference and the other is the backstory, I really find it hard to believe that someone who went through hardships and lead people in a bloody war can so easily be meek and easily stepped on, while for some situation like Xal's and Cliohna character arc I can understand the others are fanservice like for me.

I'm doing Helayna next. There will be some expansions on the Rowan doesn't Claim Helayna story variant.

But, if you like Rowan-dom and "Rowan builds a powerbase" story beats, I can't imagine Helayna would be your issue.
on that note since we are talking about Helayna does her arc take place before or after Liuriel ? from what happens to Liuriel I think it's best it happens after as Rowan has time to explore his Dom side before dealing with her.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021

on that note since we are talking about Helayna does her arc take place before or after Liuriel ? from what happens to Liuriel I think it's best it happens after as Rowan has time to explore his Dom side before dealing with her.
1) Agreed.... fuckin' HERESY bro. Rowan needs a deep route with a female character- all his hetero routes are short af / diluted AF by rape content- while Andras x Alexia is literally 10-15% of the fucking games art content. :HideThePain:

2) The chronology of the various potential Dom vibed routes - Draith, Liurial, and Hel can basically be done in any order. I don't think there is currently coding to indicate if Rowan has become a competent dom in any of the routes- though obviously there was an event centered around that concept in the Liurial plot-line. Maybe Winter will add something like that as part of the Hel content?

Draith's is pretty streamlined since most of it activates from the room menu- but maybe week restricted? Starting Hel's is restricted by number of weeks (its like 34 or something)- Liurial's is restricted by requiring multiple weekend event procs. So its kinda luck of the draw as to which one you get first.

Maybe there will be some tie ins or hoops later in development- but currently they can be done basically in any order.

(As a Caveat- Liurial is the only proper dom route, Hel's plot never got there and Draith is more of just like a kinky slut than a sub- he just kinda fucks every man he can get his hands on; there isn't really much of a sub/dom vibe or contract at play- despite Rowan saying "Draith is his" and the collar play ect.)
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Mar 23, 2022
My first post on this forum and I have got to say that the developers and writers of the game have done an amazing job.
This is the first time I willingly shelled out to buy a game on Steam.
Absolutely loved the Alexia X Andras arc and Rowan X Helayna arc.
Looking forward to the next update very eagerly.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
First Ian, now Rowan. Who will be your next victim, tall guy?
Probably the next super generic brown haired small lad in a game that is otherwise pretty great. Also, hello!

I mean- the main protag being significantly smaller and less attractive than the majority of males who fuck his wife or other love interests is certainly good for NTR plot and vibe- but its pretty shit for the protagonists scenes being hot. Its a vibe- pretty disappointing vibe TBH.

SoC and ORS are kinda weird cases where I still generally like the games despite them being designed with heavy NTR undertones. They are both just written so well.

Rowan looks better than Ian- Ian is like..... almost drawn like a shota :p Rowan also has the advantage of being in a magic world so I can have some hope of him at some point maybe not looking like a bitch and being sexually powerful; such as becoming demonic, gaining a magical or supernatural ability or item, the transformation chamber ect. ect.- so he has ways in which he might narratively overcome his physical limitations and get some hotter/more powerful scenes. Even if it is an unlikely hope. Ian on the other hand, will always be tiny so he can only overcome being less attractive to his LI with romance, money, status, charisma, technique ect. #shrug.

Good writing helps too- Rowan was portrayed as a pathetic one pump chump in the 1st event with Hel and is written very weakly there. Also he looks pathetic in that art. Contrast that with the writing in the latest iteration of the Rowan x Liurial x Alexia scene. He was powerfully written in that- despite the art for it (in the 1st position making him look pathetic). He looked very strong in the second position of that scene.

I stopped funding the game at any rate- there are games which actually care about my kinks. I've given up on SoC a bit. Too bad though- game has so much potential in the overlord or resistance plots- but like....... its feels pretty obvious that the main threads in the games will remain NTR plots and submissive plots. Maybe I will become a supporter again later if they add more content I like, such as Cla-min or Liurial or if they stop making Rowan so intentially flacid. I have the game on Steam anyway- so I can enjoy the few parts I do like; but there is no point in hard funding a project that doesn't care about the sides of the story you like.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Too bad though- game has so much potential in the overlord or resistance plots- but like....... its pretty obvious that the main Dev mostly cares about the NTR plots and submissive plots.
Seriously this NTR nonsense again?

Also what the hell is this obssession with ~2m tall protagonists and this bizarre idea a story can't be good without one on it?:WaitWhat::WaitWhat:
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Seriously this NTR nonsense again?
View attachment 1719097

Also what the hell is this obssession with ~2m tall protagonists and this bizarre idea a story can't be good without one on it?:WaitWhat::WaitWhat:
Sweet lord you are dense. Its like you found your reading comprehension in the bargain bin at a dollar store.

I never said the story was bad. I never said I wanted a 2m protagonist. Like, if you wanna zing me with "gottcha" one liners- at least read what I wrote- don't just make up what you think my opinion is :WaitWhat:

Are there even games with 2m tall protagonists? The norm in porn games is for the protagonist to be short. I think I've only ever run into like 2 or 3 where the MC was legitimately tall. WVA, CoCII and TiTs. In WVA you play as a basketball star. In CoCII and TiTS you can be like 2 feet tall, 10 feet tall or any height you want within those parameters.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
So someone else hickjacked your account to write this?
He is so fucking tiny and boring looking. With the exception of a hand full of scenes that portray him more positvely- the only times his scenes are consistently hot is when he is paired up with some miniature race like goblins or elves. Most of men in the game make him look like Pee-Wee fuckin' Herman. I don't see why he needs to be small in his hetero scenes with his wife- why can't he look good? It is to serve the cuckold plots? Fuck....leave that shit for him getting topped or fem-dom or whatever.

Its the main protagonist- but there is so little in the game that actually feels like "winning" unless you like losing, getting shit on, being degraded, being small and weak, and being a sub.

Will we ever get content that feels like an actual overlord path? Where he feels powerful? In control? Large? Virile? Dominant?

Or will he be this pedestrian, undersized, compromised, cucked bitch until the end of game 3? My wallet demands to know.
One doesn't really need much reading comprehension when all your posts in the last few pages are pretty much variations of the same thing: bad cuck shit this, bad cuck shit that, tiny Rowan this, tiny Rowan that.

You equal ntr plots with bad writing on your posts and fromthere you also started jumping to the already debunked idea that NTR routes are in the marjority of the plot on this game. Hence the Stark meme.
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Apr 28, 2017
It confuses me how people pretend like making the main character smaller in build, height, and asset size isn't a thing NTR properties intentionally do. I don't really care about it, both because the writing doesn't care either with the possible exception of the actual NTR content (Don't know if it does, don't care if it does) and because it makes sense Rowan isn't as tall or built as a minotaur, orc, or demon lord (Never mind the sometimes-inconsistent art as previously discussed.)

But it's absolutely a thing NTR content does, so when you see it in a game with avoidable NTR, it's hard not to connect certain dots and think it was a planned creative decision designed to probably help emasculation vibes for the NTR crowd.

(Granted, going the opposite direction with a character that's small, or fat, or etc, is also a thing NTR content does, so there's really very little winning here.)

So someone else hickjacked your account to write this?
One doesn't really need much reading comprehension when all your posts in the last few pages are pretty much variations of the same thing: bad cuck shit this, bad cuck shit that, tiny Rowan this, tiny Rowan that.

You equal ntr plots with bad writing on your posts and fromthere you also started jumping to the already debunked idea that NTR routes are in the marjority of the plot on this game. Hence the Stark meme.
He talked about 175cm and also brought up build. The difference between 175cm and 2m is nearly 10 inches, so pretending like "wanting taller than 175cm" = "wanting 2m" doesn't track. He also only brought up writing quality in one post where he praised the writing overall but took umbrage with a non NTR scene's writing portraying Rowan as "pathetic." (The scene in question specifically calls attention to how out of control of himself Rowan is and that he blows within a minute leaving Helayna completely unsatisfied, so he's not being hyperbolic here.) I also didn't see him mention anything about a majority of the plot being NTR routes. He brought up "10-15%" of the game being AndrasxAlexia while wishing for more deep RowanxGirl routes and earlier mentioned 40% of an upcoming rework to a particular route. Maybe I missed the point where he said that, though.

I realize NTR is always going to be a contentious subject, but it'd be nice if everybody just learned to reply to what people said, not what they imagined they said.

Sweet lord you are dense. Its like you found your reading comprehension in the bargain bin at a dollar store.
...Everybody refraining from personal insults would also be nice.
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
...Everybody refraining from personal insults would also be nice.
You're right- I crossed a line there. I shouldn't let the frustration of people misrepresenting what I write and trying to slam dunk me with counter arguments cause me to be rude. I've said my piece on the subject matter of Rowan's physique- I'll move on.

The 40% is speculative- since Hel's new content seems to be split into her claimed vs unclaimed pathings.

Anyone want to speculate on the trajectory of the new Goblin plot? I'm thinking Red-wedding style intrigue and betrayal.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
You're right- I crossed a line there. I shouldn't let the frustration of people misrepresenting what I write and trying to slam dunk me with counter arguments cause me to be rude. I've said my piece on the subject matter of Rowan's physique- I'll move on.

The 40% is speculative- since Hel's new content seems to be split into her claimed vs unclaimed pathings.

Anyone want to speculate on the trajectory of the new Goblin plot?
I'm expecting the twins command Rowan to save them from the Goblin Slayer :v
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