
Jan 10, 2018
I was wondering, with all the pressure and all bad things happened to Rowan, will one day, no matter how small the possibilities are, that there's a chance that Rowan can go full "Omnicidal Maniac Who Has A Point" route ?
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Aug 26, 2016
New update.

Firstly, the fun part, I am happy to introduce the next character who'll be playing a part in the Rastedel arc - High Arbitron Marianne, the highest ranking member of the Church of Solansia in the city. I can't spoil much, but let's just say - this is a corruption game after all. ;)
Lastly, since two people have mentioned it in the past few days, I removed the goals for two reasons. Firstly, I've been doing this over two years now, and I've never known them make any difference to the rate at which funding has gone up. Secondly, and more importantly, over the next few months (Rastedel, and beyond that, the frozen tundra) I will need more and more game assets, and committing to spend more money on sex CGs could potentially hold the game up, which is unacceptable.

All of this this isn't to say that I won't add more sex CGs than six a month, in fact, we added nine last month. If the money continues to increase, we will add more some months, but other months the extra money might be needed for more writing, or other art assets that aren't sex CGs (BGs/Sprites/Tiles/etc).

At the end of the day, if you'll excuse my ego for the moment, I think I am one of the better weg devs. Very few other devs put out monthly releases of this size. I have nine staff members that I have to pay every month, and I am still spending the majority of the money we raise on the game. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to pay myself more, because despite what you read on the internet, project management is very hard, and I don't want to work two jobs for the rest of my life. I also think, for the money we make, six CGs a month is perfectly fair. The last Summertime Saga release took four months, did it have 24 new CGs? And that is a game that, when you factor in instant charge, makes nearly ten times what I do, and has less staff.

So, TLDR, if funding continues to go up, there will be more of everything including sex CGs, but it will vary according to what is needed, not be a fixed amount.


Oct 4, 2018
The red devil should destroy alexia in many more ways possoble.. hope you include that in the next updates ... also zhe minotaur should destroy her too and many other magic creatures haaaaaaa good game keep it up


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
I was wondering, with all the pressure and all bad things happened to Rowan, will one day, no matter how small the possibilities are, that there's a chance that Rowan can go full "Omnicidal Maniac Who Has A Point" route ?
While SoC gets a lot (partially justified) bad rep for being "the NTR game", there is strong desire among all of us to make Rowan both:
A) More heroic
B) More Domineering.
For Now Rowan is shackled by his heroic past and long held sense of justice, but as the game progresses, evil deeds he commits along the way will start to pile up, making an impact on him and his decisions. While the details of the endgame content are still being worked upon, none of us would want to deny the player the possibility to enact their rightful revenge on the twins.

The red devil should destroy alexia in many more ways possoble..
I know right?! But then it's all like "Ooooooooo Rein, we're making a porn game, stop making everything so bleak and depressing".
Nobody shares my love for ryona. T.T


Jun 14, 2018
Ok, while homeless people whine for new free version of the View attachment 161782 game... time for some constructive criticism!
After all what devs love more than people asking for free things? Right! When someone tell them that all they are doing is wrong!

I want to talk about body types in game. Basically we have one type = perfect body. The problem with this is that there is no diversity!
Where are chubby girls? like that
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Where are girls with big areolaes?
Where are girls with huge ass and small tits?
Where is middle age (milf)?
I know that most people like perfect body (me too) i like how Helena/Aexia/Jezera looks but even our 3000 years old sorceress looks like photo model in her late teens! First time i saw goblins in this game i thought its gnome/elf hybrid painted green. Goblins look so pretty they dont look goblish at all! I'm not saying they should be repulsive but may be slightly more sharp features or sharp teeth or long nose?

Another thing i want to address is consistency. Lets look at Lady Delane
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and then again on new CG.
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Basically she had small tits and oh miracle! she has big ones now.
I totally support the idea of having 3 artist with different art styles. First of all its competition, second they could learn from each other and improve which again great for them and for us. But if one artist make character with small tits and then another make her with large one its kind of incoherent.
P.S. I kind of like Delane new perky tits.
P.S Make girl with freckles ! its cute and sexy !
Aug 26, 2016
Ok, while homeless people whine for new free version of the View attachment 161782 game... time for some constructive criticism!
After all what devs love more than people asking for free things? Right! When someone tell them that all they are doing is wrong!

I want to talk about body types in game. Basically we have one type = perfect body. The problem with this is that there is no diversity!
Where are chubby girls? like that
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Where are girls with big areolaes?
Where are girls with huge ass and small tits?
Where is middle age (milf)?
I know that most people like perfect body (me too) i like how Helena/Aexia/Jezera looks but even our 3000 years old sorceress looks like photo model in her late teens! First time i saw goblins in this game i thought its gnome/elf hybrid painted green. Goblins look so pretty they dont look goblish at all! I'm not saying they should be repulsive but may be slightly more sharp features or sharp teeth or long nose?

Another thing i want to address is consistency. Lets look at Lady Delane
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and then again on new CG.
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Basically she had small tits and oh miracle! she has big ones now.
I totally support the idea of having 3 artist with different art styles. First of all its competition, second they could learn from each other and improve which again great for them and for us. But if one artist make character with small tits and then another make her with large one its kind of incoherent.
P.S. I kind of like Delane new perky tits.
P.S Make girl with freckles ! its cute and sexy !
Nobody wants to see ugly women in a porn game dude. Furthermore, the sorceress who has made herself ageless through the use of magic has every reason to look as young and pretty as she wants to. I mean, the milf in your attached image isn't hideously ugly or fat or anything, but using the sorceress with access to large amounts of magic and the ability to alter various things about herself that implies and therefore has very little reason to tolerate anything about her body she would consider to be flaws at all isn't a really good example for your argument.

The only real problem with goblins I noticed in this game is that in one of the sex scenes involving them they didn't seem to be short enough, which may have just been a perspective issue. Other then that, again, nobody wants ugly characters in a porn game. We play this stuff to fap at the end of the day dude.

Inconsistent character art has been an issue for a while now, and it isn't likely to change any time soon.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Where are chubby girls? like that
This is a fantasy tale, set in the a medieval-esque period/time-frame... and you want 'diversity' of women? Particularly a 'diversity' of women's bodytypes, particularly that of chubby/fat women... in a game set in a fucking fantasy setting set in the Middle-ages/Renaissance!?

Most women would likely haved work out in the fields in this time-frame upon which the game is set, and supposing that the game is reminiscent to Real life. Most woman would have likely subsisted on pottages, with fish or meat sometimes being used from time to time (Depending on the region, of course, and on local laws et cetera).

Certainly, it would be very unlikely, for a large proportion of the population of women, to even get to the 'chubby' stage. And not what you think is chubby, because that image that you provided... is pretty much what I would define as 'normal'. Granted, there are plenty of ways of viewing how a woman can be defined within a 'weight group'... but I'd imagine that about 60-75% of men would view the image that you presented is not of a woman within the 'chubby' body-group.

Suffice to say, that in the period... it was very hard to 'get fat'... because people fucking walked... all the time. And they worked, all the time. Please take note, medieval people did not work like slaves as Hollywood would have you think, they worked in their own hours whenever they felt like it... but it was work, and they worked. And women sometimes worked so hard, that words used to describe women to this day, came from their work. Ever heard of a spinster, by any chance?

Does this mean that chubby/fat women can't be put into the game? No. Chubby/fat people existed... the problem is, is that they are going to be a rarity, not the norm. A well-written character who just so happens to be chubby/fat... I would be totally for it. But I'd like them not because they are chubby/fat, I'd like them because they are well written characters who just so happen to be chubby/fat.

But, as far as I am concerned there is only one diversity of women that I need. And it is best described by Chaucer.


Ye archewyves, stondeth at defense,
Syn ye be strong as is a greet camaille;
Ne suffreth nat that men yow doon offense.
And sklendre wyves, fieble as in bataille,
Beth egre as is a tygre yond in Ynde;
Ay clappeth as a mille, I yow consaille.

Ne dreed hem nat; doth hem no reverence,
For though thyn housbonde armed be in maille,
The arwes of thy crabbed eloquence
Shal perce his brest and eek his aventaille.
In jalousie I rede eek thou hym bynde,
And thou shalt make hym couche as doth a quaille.

If thou be fair, ther folk been in presence,
Shewe thou thy visage and thyn apparaille;
If thou be foul, be fre of thy dispence;
To gete thee freendes ay do thy travaille;
Be ay of chiere as light as leef on lynde,
And lat hym care, and wepe, and wrynge, and waille!

You arch-wives, stand ready for battle,
Since you are strong as is a great camel;
Suffer not that men do offense to you.
And slender wives, feeble in battle,
Be fierce as is a tiger yonder in India;
Ever wag your tongues like a windmill, I you advise.

Fear them not; do them no reverence,
For though thy husband be armed in mail,
The arrows of thy spiteful eloquence
Shall pierce his breast and also his neck-guard.
In jealousy I advise also that thou bind him,
And thou shalt make him cower as does a quail.

If thou be fair, where folk are present,
Show thou thy visage and thy apparel;
If thou be ugly, be lavish in thy expenditures;
To get thee friends always work hard;
Be ever in behavior as light as a leaf on a linden tree,
And let him grieve, and weep, and wring his hands, and wail!


I'd rather have a strong-willed, stout-hearted woman, who is not afraid to say what she means when she means to, and who isn't afraid to give a few punches. I wouldn't give two shits if she was chubby or thin, ugly or beautiful, big-tittied or little-titied. Because I don't give that much of a fuck relating to 'Diversity' of female body types... because I don't judge people by their weight or bodytypes. I judge them on their character, and on their personality, as we ought to, and on their actions, as people... and not as things.

If you are basing your diversity of woman solely on 'body-types'... than you and I are very different people. You might use the word diversity, in the expectation that it will make you more PC. But frankly, judging women by their weight or size and calling it 'diversity' is a sham. In fact, I'd say that it is more harmful, than good.

"I want fat women and thin women, and women with small tits and women with big tits!"

Yeah, well I want people, with feelings. I want people with flaws and strengths. I want straight-up well-written characters, I want characters with a brain between their heads, this is what I want. The mere fact that said character might have tits, a vagina and a bodymass of a certain size, is only secondary, to what should be most important. That the characters be people, not things.

What I want. Is a diversity of well-written characters, not a diversity of tit and cock sizes or other-such arbitrary bullshit.

This is my viewpoint, and my opinion. This is my stance on the subject, as of the time this document is written.


May 21, 2018
While SoC gets a lot (partially justified) bad rep for being "the NTR game", there is strong desire among all of us to make Rowan both:
A) More heroic
B) More Domineering.
For Now Rowan is shackled by his heroic past and long held sense of justice, but as the game progresses, evil deeds he commits along the way will start to pile up, making an impact on him and his decisions. While the details of the endgame content are still being worked upon, none of us would want to deny the player the possibility to enact their rightful revenge on the twins.

I know right?! But then it's all like "Ooooooooo Rein, we're making a porn game, stop making everything so bleak and depressing".
Nobody shares my love for ryona. T.T
Does heroism prevent him from being dominant? ...might be a silly question...
I hope he gets the charismatic, dominant aura he deserves. But before mid-endgame, not to overthrow the twins, rather in general.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Does heroism prevent him from being dominant?
Not in general, but Heroic/Dominant Rowan might have less opportunities for Dominating people, since he wouldn't be actively corrupting anyone.

Pesky morals, I know.


Dec 24, 2017
When one of the library job events, the magic bookshelf, starts, it immediately makes rowan lose 60 relationsip points with alexia for no apparent reason.
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