
I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
I mean they could just add a repeat sex button like how Cla-Min has the option to give Rowan repeated tit jobs, and Liurial has many repeated sex options.

Also the main issue I think is the fact that the events either fire randomly, or they fire at certain time intervals which then get bugged out by the too many other scenes firing off each week if you being a very productive Rowan. Cause sometimes I save scum and just press the "Skip" button 2-3 times just to see what events fire off, whether they are random or pre-determined events. The sex events between Alexia and Rowan will fire off randomly, cause during one of the tests where I just press skip for like 4-7 weeks 2 different Alexia scenes fired off a few weeks apart. Though when I went back to play the game normally I haven't gotten any sex scenes other than the predetermined one where you have sex with Alexia then Jezara asks you if you want to share the room with Alexia or not, and the only other one I have gotten so far is the one where they go on a picnic... and that one didn't fire off until week 33 or 34.

So its kind of weird that my character hasn't been able to have sex with his wife for months on end, despite the fact that he is basically plowing numerous other women every other week, she herself gets many chances to have sex with other characters (which in my play through she turns down), and Rowan can chose to have repeated sex with 2 other characters right that now are not his wife. So with that knowledge either the RNG sex with Alexia is just broken, or Alexia is just a terrible useless blue balling wife... since you can't interact with her normally without any event if you don't share a room with her, and you can't even sex her unless RNG. And my character was sharing a room with her for like 6 months and not once did they get to have sex... unless I opted to have both of them get essentially raped by the Succubus. Its almost as if she didn't exist except when convenient which sucks because the whole reason why Rowan is even serving the Twins is because of her, and yet his interactions with her are basically nonexistent.

If that was the chase, then I would prefer to have the option to simply serve the twins out of my own volition because I agree with their point of view for a new world order and maybe because I am simply in love with Jezara instead of my useless wife who I have no interaction with.
I agree with everything, but they are more focused on adding corruption events for Alexia right now rather then solidifying the actual relationship with her and Rowan for whatever reason. Personally I like rng events, and even more so exploration related events, however the fact that you cant fuck you own wife when she lives with you is a bit ridiculous. Especially when like you said other characters have repeated events. It seems like the writers sometimes actually forget they are husband and wife and instead think of ways they can let her fuck Greyhide or Andras instead.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
We've had more Rowan/Alexia scenes on the back burner as well. Yes, including room events. Right now me and Rein are mostly distracted by Rastedel and Skill Reworking. We also have to finish up the NTR plotline.

There will be a gap between Rastedel and Act 2 where we will have more time for Rowan x Alexia and the castle staff


Jul 5, 2017
I agree with everything, but they are more focused on adding corruption events for Alexia right now rather then solidifying the actual relationship with her and Rowan for whatever reason. Personally I like rng events, and even more so exploration related events, however the fact that you cant fuck you own wife when she lives with you is a bit ridiculous. Especially when like you said other characters have repeated events. It seems like the writes sometimes actually forget they are husband and wife and instead think of ways they can let her fuck Greyhide or Andras instead.

Yeah I agree and I feel like since the game is about corruption, I feel like they should have options to for Rowan to rape her or just take her whenever he feels like at some point when his corruption is very high, or just force her to have a threesomes with Helayna. Or vice versa where the more time Alexia spends more time with Jezara or whenever she turns down Andras she might chose to have sex with Rowan more to reaffirm her dedication to Rowan or release some built up sexual desires that she gets through Jezara tempting her to be more sexually liberated.

Cause 36 weeks into the game my character has basically had sex with all these characters isn't Alexia

Sheera the adventurer witch.
The 2 RNG girls from a village that submitted.
Delane or Tarkish.
The librarian.
The weird masked lady.
Cla-Min, Cla-Min's daughter.
Some dark elf queen that Jezara kills

And I could of but decided not to so far
The Succubus
The transmuted orc that Nassim created
Possibly an orc that you could mate with if you win a competition in the Orcaid village

But yeah all these potential partners but sex with your own wife... nah.
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Jul 5, 2017
We've had more Rowan/Alexia scenes on the back burner as well. Yes, including room events. Right now me and Rein are mostly distracted by Rastedel and Skill Reworking. We also have to finish up the NTR plotline.

There will be a gap between Rastedel and Act 2 where we will have more time for Rowan x Alexia and the castle staff
That sounds great. I was just surprised that they weren't there earlier. I wanted to ask you, does how often Rowan x Alexia events fire depend on how often Rowan has sex with other partners? What I mean by is does the chance get reduced if Rowan has sex with other people than Alexia. Or is it just purely RNG? Cause I still haven't been able to figure out whether pressing the skip button effects whether certain events have a higher chance of firing off or not since Rowan would basically stay in the castle instead of going out exploring have more chance to interact with his wife or castle staff. As previously mentioned in one of my tests I just pressed skip for basically 7 weeks and I got 2 different Rowan x Alexia events, but when I played the game normally I never got any Rowan x Alexia events till the one picnic event.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
That sounds great. I was just surprised that they weren't there earlier. I wanted to ask you, does how often Rowan x Alexia fire depend on how often Rowan has sex with other partners? What I mean by is does the chance get reduced if Rowan has sex with other people than Alexia. Or is it just purely RNG? Cause I still haven't been able to figure out whether pressing the skip button effects whether certain events have a higher chance of firing off or not since Rowan would basically stay in the castle instead of going out exploring.
Not any one specific one, but some of our Rowan/Alexia events are locked behind either Helayna's departure or low corruption.


Jul 5, 2017
I doubt you guys will go back to touch up or redo characters in the CGs or Sprites that don't look like themselves in one or the other, due to time and budget constraints. But in case you guys ever do.

In my opinion here is a list of characters who I feel need to be touched up.

Jezara - The shape of her face in the CGs is like a sharp diamond like shape, big fangs, with no freckles and her eyes don't even look similar... while her dialogue sprite has a softer cute rounder shape features, freckles, smaller cute fangs. Also her dress is massively different.

Rowan - My only complaint is his magical hair... where it goes from being a messy ruffled up hair in the Sprites to being magically combed / slick looking in the CGs.

Alexia - I feel like she is one of the worst offenders... her hair magically goes from being short neck length hair to long hair past the shoulders in some CG or it goes from being straight to curvy. Example of this is when she serving as a barmaid, and some of the sex scenes with her. Also the shape of her face is not consistent either... In the sprites she has like a small thin face, while in the CGs she some times has a longer broader / thicker face. Also in some of the CGs I can't even tell the difference between her, Sheena, and Helayna in the CGs... cause sometimes they look too similar in terms of faces, the only thing that differentiates them is the hair style

Helayna - She has a round face, with a lot of her forehead on display in talking sprites, but in the CGs she has a more rectangular face with her bangs covering most of her forehead. Also her eye colors don't match up... her eyebrows change also. Also as I said before sometimes her CG and Alexia's CG are basically make them look like twins with just different hair styles despite the fact that their talking sprites are extremely different in terms of facial features.

Delane - In her talking spites she looks like a creepy old 50-70 old lady with very blue eyes... almost like female Alucard from Hellsing with blue eyes... But in her CG she looks way younger.

Cla-Min - She looks like a plump round midget in the sprites with kind of tangled up hair. Not to be racist or anything but I would describe her as more of a stereotypical curvy South American / Latina / Hispanic build / body proportions in the sprites. In the CGs shes very skinny looking with straight hair. I like both her art styles, but she doesn't look like the same person whenever you sex her. Also in the scene when you have sex her to get the sword, there is one part where she has her top off and just her pants on, then the very next CG in that scene her top is magically back on again while her pants now off...

Clionha - She looks completely different between the two different styles. For instance her hair and face are completely different. Again in he sprites she has a smaller round face, a pretty soft attractive face with nice make up. In the CGs she has a sharper face, different hair style, and kind of looks like Mercy from Overwatch.

Here are the characters who I think you guys did a good job looking consistent in both Sprites and CGs that I have seen so far.

Liurial - I forgot which part of the scene exactly, but when you first have sex with her, there was one part where she was completely naked, then all suddenly she has her little green dress thing magically back on again.
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Feb 10, 2019
That new alexia and mary art is....just yep, love it when Alexia is with women. Have they said where the game is heading once they finish with rastedel? I think it is the goblins or fey (both?) they're fleshing out afterwards I vaguely remember them saying before but can't remember. Also curious if we can recruit both orcs and goblins. I recently got to the end of what there is in the Last Sovereign and it has me even more excited to see where SOC eventually goes, games like these just become so good. On that note does anyone know any other games similar to this and last sovereign, someone recommended peasants quest but it didn't really click with me.

People on a pirate site making suggestions to the devs? That feels very much like blackbeard sailing past and nicking the painting you've been painting then shouting suggestions on how to improve your work as he sails away :).


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
People on a pirate site making suggestions to the devs? That feels very much like blackbeard sailing past and nicking the painting you've been painting then shouting suggestions on how to improve your work as he sails away :).
Its a pretty common occurrence on F95 to be honest.
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Jul 5, 2017
People on a pirate site making suggestions to the devs? That feels very much like blackbeard sailing past and nicking the painting you've been painting then shouting suggestions on how to improve your work as he sails away :).
Its a pretty common occurrence on F95 to be honest.
Well to be honest, if the developer or a developer is on here its perfectly normal to do. Not to mention you don't know whether or not I might be a Patreon or back of the game. Also if I were a developer, valid constructive suggestions / criticism is still good feedback regardless of where I see it, because it would allow me to improve the quality of my product. Which in turns gets me more customers due to how well polish or feature rich the game is.

I will openly admit I am not a backer of the game yet. Since I only started playing it 2 days ago, but it doesn't mean I won't donate money down the road, nor do think I am entitled to anything. Also just because some people are commenting on a pirating website doesn't mean they aren't paying customers. For instance I pirated Skyrim played it for 30 hours, then bought the game a few weeks later, but I still comment on the game on the pirating website. Same with Paradox DLCs for CK2, pirated some of them to see if they worth the money or not, and eventually bought all of them anyways.

Also I have been on various sites where they pirate games and a lot of times there are actual developers of various games and publishers on there too. Its always good to give them feedback on why you wouldn't pay or buy their game or why you boycott them as a company. So that they can either rectify the issue or you can know to continue boycotting them. Like for instance I have no problem telling Ubisoft or EA developers why I generally don't play their games or buy them. For instance Ubisoft games are buggy and unoptomized as hell, their launcher sucks, their auto save features are buggy. EA their entire company is anti-consumer friendly, they are SJWs, they make terrible games, most of their games are just cookie cutter games that have less features and depth each iteration of the series and they are clearly just cash grabs, they have a terrible dysfunctional launcher / server lobby that requires you have both the launcher and a web browser open for match making, etc.

For a game like this I don't a have problem giving them a large one time donation of $20-60 once the game is finished considering how much time I already sunk into it for the past few days and how good quality the writing is. Not really a fan of the subscription based donation websites since there is no guaranteed that game will ever get finished... and depending on the website most of the money you donate doesn't even go to the content creator. Since most of it is eaten up by processing fees. For instance I know with paypal and stripe its 2.9% of any transaction + $0.30 per transaction. Therefore if you donate $1 each month they only get $8.04 of that if you were to donate for a year, which is only 67% of the money. If you were to donate $12 all at once they would get $11.35, or 94.5% of the money. So since I prefer to just give most people I donate to one large payment so they don't get hit with multiple transaction fees, I usually can't comment on their actual Patreon page due to Patreon's $1 tier rule thing to hide adult content. Which is why I prefer to comment on F95 rather than on the patreon directly. Also don't want my personal information and credit card information being tied to comments I make about adult content due to being potentially doxxed.
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Jul 16, 2017
I am not being dismissive. I am being insistent. You have asked/made your case for why it should be in the game. I read and said no. If you persist in repeating the same case. I'm going to say no because the underlying logic has not changed.

The reason why it's a bad idea is simple. We have a lot of content to make. Most of it has to be highly planned out. The only events that we don't really plan out at this stage are the odd blow-off steam work for the writers and training work for new writers.

NTR events are complex, generally multi-state affairs. They normally only exist in the context of a broader storyline. Our actual Andras/Alexia NTR events are begging for attention. We are not going to run off from our actual storylines to make a complex orc/Alexia NTR event that we need to do all kinds of work on to make exist in the broader game. More importantly one that doesn't effect the actual NTR events that we're scrambling to get done.

We may someday choose to do a scene like that, but it ain't now.
There's a semi-infinite amount of porn out there for people who don't care about story and build-up, but the people here, even the complainers, are here because of the thought, planning, and time your team has put into the story arcs. So thank you for all the hard work. The art is great, but the meaning and purpose of those scenes is what really gives it that impact.


Oct 3, 2018
People on a pirate site making suggestions to the devs? That feels very much like blackbeard sailing past and nicking the painting you've been painting then shouting suggestions on how to improve your work as he sails away :).
I mean at least they are giving something. Constructive criticism is always great. While it is a pirate site there are also potential customers here. A lot of people here actually support projects they like. Personally I use this site to look for great titles.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I doubt you guys will go back to touch up or redo characters in the CGs or Sprites that don't look like themselves in one or the other, due to time and budget constraints. But in case you guys ever do.

In my opinion here is a list of characters who I feel need to be touched up.

Jezara - The shape of her face in the CGs is like a sharp diamond like shape, big fangs, with no freckles and her eyes don't even look similar... while her dialogue sprite has a softer cute rounder shape features, freckles, smaller cute fangs. Also her dress is massively different.

Rowan - My only complaint is his magical hair... where it goes from being a messy ruffled up hair in the Sprites to being magically combed / slick looking in the CGs.

Alexia - I feel like she is one of the worst offenders... her hair magically goes from being short neck length hair to long hair past the shoulders in some CG or it goes from being straight to curvy. Example of this is when she serving as a barmaid, and some of the sex scenes with her. Also the shape of her face is not consistent either... In the sprites she has like a small thin face, while in the CGs she some times has a longer broader / thicker face. Also in some of the CGs I can't even tell the difference between her, Sheena, and Helayna in the CGs... cause sometimes they look too similar in terms of faces, the only thing that differentiates them is the hair style

Helayna - She has a round face, with a lot of her forehead on display in talking sprites, but in the CGs she has a more rectangular face with her bangs covering most of her forehead. Also her eye colors don't match up... her eyebrows change also. Also as I said before sometimes her CG and Alexia's CG are basically make them look like twins with just different hair styles despite the fact that their talking sprites are extremely different in terms of facial features.

Delane - In her talking spites she looks like a creepy old 50-70 old lady with very blue eyes... almost like female Alucard from Hellsing with blue eyes... But in her CG she looks way younger.

Cla-Min - She looks like a plump round midget in the sprites with kind of tangled up hair. Not to be racist or anything but I would describe her as more of a stereotypical curvy South American / Latina / Hispanic build / body proportions in the sprites. In the CGs shes very skinny looking with straight hair. I like both her art styles, but she doesn't look like the same person whenever you sex her. Also in the scene when you have sex her to get the sword, there is one part where she has her top off and just her pants on, then the very next CG in that scene her top is magically back on again while her pants now off...

Clionha - She looks completely different between the two different styles. For instance her hair and face are completely different. Again in he sprites she has a smaller round face, a pretty soft attractive face with nice make up. In the CGs she has a sharper face, different hair style, and kind of looks like Mercy from Overwatch.

Here are the characters who I think you guys did a good job looking consistent in both Sprites and CGs that I have seen so far.

Liurial - I forgot which part of the scene exactly, but when you first have sex with her, there was one part where she was completely naked, then all suddenly she has her little green dress thing magically back on again.
Redoing large stretches of art when we can't even afford to add CGs for every CG in the game yet is not a feasible usage of resources.

That new alexia and mary art is....just yep, love it when Alexia is with women. Have they said where the game is heading once they finish with rastedel? I think it is the goblins or fey (both?) they're fleshing out afterwards I vaguely remember them saying before but can't remember. Also curious if we can recruit both orcs and goblins. I recently got to the end of what there is in the Last Sovereign and it has me even more excited to see where SOC eventually goes, games like these just become so good. On that note does anyone know any other games similar to this and last sovereign, someone recommended peasants quest but it didn't really click with me.

People on a pirate site making suggestions to the devs? That feels very much like blackbeard sailing past and nicking the painting you've been painting then shouting suggestions on how to improve your work as he sails away :).
I wrote the Alexia/Mary scene, so glad you enjoy it. We have several things we want to do once Rastedel is done. Broadly, we plan to explore some of the other realms. The plan is to make recruiting both goblins and orcs in a single doable but challenging.

In terms of games like TLS, I know that Seirra's other games Noxian Nights and Ouroboros as well as her former project Kingdom of Deception have similar feel. In terms of other well written fantasy games, I'm a big fan of Sanguine Rose by my friends Dusky and Hallows.

As for Pirates being the ones giving suggestions. Look, sometimes these guys cease being pirates as Aesir pointed out. Sometimes we get useful feedback. Some, like diebesgrab, clearly give back to the community in other ways. Also not all the people on this site are pirates, and we don't always assume they are. I know of a few people on here who donate. There is utility to this site. I am on here for a reason.

But, yes we are very very aware of where some of these critiques come from and the way we weight feedback is not unaffected. Seeds of Chaos and Venus Noire are Not Okay with piracy, and we really wish everyone would just play the free version unless they're a patron. Seriously. Please don't do it. It's not cool.

We're just pessimistic about our ability to meaningful do something about it.

There's a semi-infinite amount of porn out there for people who don't care about story and build-up, but the people here, even the complainers, are here because of the thought, planning, and time your team has put into the story arcs. So thank you for all the hard work. The art is great, but the meaning and purpose of those scenes is what really gives it that impact.
That's our philosophy entirely. There are hundreds of thousands of literotica readers. Not every porn game has to want that kind of ideal, but there is a huge number of people who want detailed, ambitious, emotive erotica. Porn with detailed artwork and interesting ideas. A huge number of people who only get scraps of it.

Well to be honest, if the developer or a developer is on here its perfectly normal to do. Not to mention you don't know whether or not I might be a Patreon or back of the game. Also if I were a developer, valid constructive suggestions / criticism is still good feedback regardless of where I see it, because it would allow me to improve the quality of my product. Which in turns gets me more customers due to how well polish or feature rich the game is.

I will openly admit I am not a backer of the game yet. Since I only started playing it 2 days ago, but it doesn't mean I won't donate money down the road, nor do think I am entitled to anything. Also just because some people are commenting on a pirating website doesn't mean they aren't paying customers. For instance I pirated Skyrim played it for 30 hours, then bought the game a few weeks later, but I still comment on the game on the pirating website. Same with Paradox DLCs for CK2, pirated some of them to see if they worth the money or not, and eventually bought all of them anyways.

Also I have been on various sites where they pirate games and a lot of times there are actual developers of various games and publishers on there too. Its always good to give them feedback on why you wouldn't pay or buy their game or why you boycott them as a company. So that they can either rectify the issue or you can know to continue boycotting them. Like for instance I have no problem telling Ubisoft or EA developers why I generally don't play their games or buy them. For instance Ubisoft games are buggy and unoptomized as hell, their launcher sucks, their auto save features are buggy. EA their entire company is anti-consumer friendly, they are SJWs, they make terrible games, most of their games are just cookie cutter games that have less features and depth each iteration of the series and they are clearly just cash grabs, they have a terrible dysfunctional launcher / server lobby that requires you have both the launcher and a web browser open for match making, etc.

For a game like this I have problem giving them a large one time donation of $20-60 once the game is finished considering how much time I already sunk into it for the past few days and how good quality the writing is. Not really a fan of the subscription based donation websites since there is no guaranteed that game will ever get finished... and depending on the website most of the money you donate doesn't even go to the content creator. Since most of it is eaten up by processing fees. For instance I know with paypal and stripe its 2.9% of any transaction + $0.30 per transaction. Therefore if you donate $1 each month they only get $8.04 of that if you were to donate for a year, which is only 67% of the money. If you were to donate $12 all at once they would get $11.35, or 94.5% of the money. So since I prefer to just give most people I donate to one large payment so they don't get hit with multiple transaction fees, I usually can't comment on their actual Patreon page due to Patreon's $1 tier rule thing to hide adult content. Which is why I prefer to comment on F95 rather than on the patreon directly. Also don't want my personal information and credit card information being tied to comments I make about adult content due to being potentially doxxed.
I can go into different models of development for awhile, but part of the issue is just capital C capital. As someone who has both written about, and worked in, indie games I assure you that if you do not understand the role of capital in H-game development, you do not understand the market.

Most developers can't pay for large games up front. Most struggle even to do it via kickstarter, from a lack of pre-existing following/capital for marketing/and developmental capital. There also just isn't a good way of securing loans for games like this. The entire reason subverse is happening, is because the developer has tons of money already in hand from outside means.

Websites like Patreon provide a vital means for a developer to start small, not go into debt, and develop out from there. I can tell you that without Patreon SoC would probably not have gone this far

That said, concerns about processers taking too large a segment of the money is a concern. For the moment, if you are looking for a way to support the Seeds of Chaos team with one lump sump payment of some kind, the best means is It's a pretty reputable games marketplace and it allows you to choose the size of your own contribution.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
I honestly didn’t even know about this site till I started playing this game and ended up here seeing if I could get a question about it answered. Still haven’t really ventured very far out of this thread.

I’ve also only played the public versions. I think. It can be hard to tell the difference when you’re relying on google, but I at least generally wait a few weeks after release before downloading a new version.

As to donating, well... I understand the need for that sort of thing, and part of me is for it... but I’ve also had some pretty bad crowdfunding experiences in the past. Not to cast suspicions directly on the SoC dev team, they’ve seemed pretty open about everything since I stumbled on all of this, I’m just hesitant in general to throw behind any sort of crowdfunding after some nasty disappointments. I’ll have to see how I feel going forward, and it’s good to know about—that sounds like it might be a somewhat more personally appealing option.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I honestly didn’t even know about this site till I started playing this game and ended up here seeing if I could get a question about it answered. Still haven’t really ventured very far out of this thread.

I’ve also only played the public versions. I think. It can be hard to tell the difference when you’re relying on google, but I at least generally wait a few weeks after release before downloading a new version.

As to donating, well... I understand the need for that sort of thing, and part of me is for it... but I’ve also had some pretty bad crowdfunding experiences in the past. Not to cast suspicions directly on the SoC dev team, they’ve seemed pretty open about everything since I stumbled on all of this, I’m just hesitant in general to throw behind any sort of crowdfunding after some nasty disappointments. I’ll have to see how I feel going forward, and it’s good to know about—that sounds like it might be a somewhat more personally appealing option.
That's fine. No one *needs* to donate to Seeds of Chaos. It's a free to play game with monthly releases. If that's where you're at, then we're just happy you're enjoying yourself and interacting with the community.

We'd hardly decline a donation over Itch. It would help development. But, if you're just enjoying the FTP expierience, then you shouldn't feel shamed to do more. There are thousands of players who download the free version every month, enjoy it, and never donate. That's okay because donation isn't for everyone and we ourselves release the free version.
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Cause 36 weeks into the game my character has basically had sex with all these characters isn't Alexia

Sheera the adventurer witch.
The 2 RNG girls from a village that submitted.
Delane or Tarkish.
The librarian.
The weird masked lady.
Cla-Min, Cla-Min's daughter.
Some dark elf queen that Jezara kills
Have you considered that maybe, juuuuuuuuuust maybe, Alexia might not be quite happy about the whole Helayna thing?

Because the game does track Rowan/Alexia relationship score, and the funny thing is your wife did not consent to an Open Relationship.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Surely, I'm not the only one that plays Rowan like the noble paragon that he is... right? And Alexia--the shining, pure light of goodness that she is--will remain faithful to her husband, and while surviving and trying to flourish in such dire circumstances, yes?

I mean, I know that vanilla is such a niche fetish (that past surveys have told me so!), and probably not many folks on F95 would go for something crazy like that, but I enjoy those types of scenes in games. *Shamelessly hides face* I'm a monster! *Cries*

Anyway, I'm typically (but not always) am behind on versions of games found around F95 by the time I'm interested in trying them. I'm still on the February build the last time I played back in early April. For SoC, I used to back it and I may again one day. I sympathize with Diebasgrab and other folks that's been burned by crowdfunding projects. Hence lately, I've been limiting my backing amount, and been supporting struggling projects or supplementing medical fundraisers (like those found on GoFundMe). So yeah, if you can help support SoC, T51, Rein, et al., then I'm sure they'd appreciate that; but if you can't, then they'd understand. Alright, be cool all and keep on pursuing Alexia in your own ways! ;P
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Dec 24, 2017
Surely, I'm not the only one that plays Rowan like the noble paragon that he is... right? And Alexia--the shining, pure light of goodness that she is--will remain faithful to her husband, and while surviving and trying to flourish in such dire circumstances, yes?
I usually do three playthroughs, the third being exactly like this. It's fun to see what changes.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
We put an obscene amount of work into differentiating playthroughs. Often times huge segments of text will vary.
4.00 star(s) 169 Votes