
Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I am going to take a day or 20 to absorb this.

I tend to not get riled up, I feel most of her content is tied to a route I don't play or is not finished so I am waiting for more.
Well, personally I 'head-cannon' think of Incase as a she... this way when you look at his/her/it's drawings you won't go "Some bearded dude probably made these divine drawings"...

Of course, Incase could be a guy or a girl and I wouldn't really care. So long as they keep making sexy artwork that induces countless hard-ons and orgasms, I won't complain.

Edit: I head-cannon most artists as being female.
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Aug 19, 2016
Well, personally I 'head-cannon' think of Incase as a she... this way when you look at his/her/it's drawings you won't go "Some bearded dude probably made these divine drawings"...

Of course, Incase could be a guy or a girl and I wouldn't really care. So long as they keep making sexy artwork that induces countless hard-ons and orgasms, I won't complain.

Edit: I head-cannon most artists as being female.
I am disappointed good sir you mislead me.
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Game Developer
May 8, 2017
"You're fucking your student?!" Alexia says after you bring Helayna to your room.

Bitch please, would you rather she get raped by a horde of orcs? can you honestly say that shit, and then summon up the nerve to leave your husbands room for Andras... because he fucked someone else... just so that Helayna wouldn't get raped? Frankly my dear, you can go fuck yourself. Let Andras deal with your bullshit.
Personally, while I wasn't the one to write this scene, I always did like it.

It's a very human reaction. Helayna's tragic fate or not, it does show that Rowan clearly values being a hero more than he values being a husband. It bursts her bubble - until now, she probably felt guilty about Rowan being forced to serve the twin just because of her. That it was his love for her that doomed him.

The Helayna event shows her this is not the case. Everything Rowan does, he would do for any other girl. Alexia is NOT special. He does not believe their marriage vows is something he has to protect at all costs. They are things to be tossed aside when it is convenient for him.

It can be seen as hypocritical if she had been fucking Andras, but if the player makes her faithful... It has to hurt.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Yeah, I think it's okay for us to write scenes where Alexia is mad about Rowan being unfaithful. We should make her reactions more complex in situations where she has also cheated on them, but this game does attempt to go for some degrees of psychological realism, even if we aren't always successful. People sometimes hold hypocritical viewpoints. People who cheat sometimes feel betrayed by the cheating person. It's not like we haven't also portrayed Rowan as being not the happiest about Alexia sleeping around.

I think the reason why is that their anger in those scenarios aren't really at each other, so much as angry at their circumstances. They're angry at themselves for not being who they thought they were and they are angry at their spouse for not being who they thought they were.

I like Hel. I write her myself. I clearly do. But, in some respects part of what makes Hel so likable is that she's easy. In this world, she has one outlet and it's Rowan. She'll never be loyal to the twins in the same way that everyone else in the castle is. Even Jazera is aware of that fact. I think when declaring Alexia the inferior waifu and Hel the superior waifu, one has to recognize that part of that choice is a deliberate choice in favor of the simple over the complex emotionally. Which isn't the wrong choice per say, but it's not a clear objective one.


Jun 14, 2018
I'll defend both writers on this one. Alexia reaction is believable and genuinely looks exactly what real girl do, at least based on my experience.
Indeed, the problem for Alexia is not that Rowan has an affair with someone on the side but that's Alexia is not prime wifu or special in any way for him. Despite the vows and what he said to her before no doubt.
And who is Helena for her? Ok, another victim of demons but there are hundreds like her around. The point is, that Helena is taking away what Alexia think is hers and destroying her little world of safeness. More importantly its all that she has, She cant just shrug and walk away get new life.
More over, its threatens her own existence, as she is powerless hostage of demons so if she not valuable for Rowan she is free game for anyone. Which is exactly what will happens to her eventually anyway (spoilers spoilers).
So Helena for Alexia is enemy in emotional and practical sense.

P.S. i could point out many plot holes but this one part is well written.
P.S.S Yes i like Helena more, yes because she is easy.
Aug 26, 2016
I'm never going to agree with anyone who says that Alexia's reaction to Rowan claiming Helayna is anything other then the most obnoxious and irritatingly hypocritical behavior in the game and while some women may act like that IRL, not all of them will and it also ruined an opportunity for some perfectly good threesome action. I sincerely hope this is changed in some future build down the line.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2018
Since I brought up the Helenya issue I wish to chime in again: for the record - as I said - I love Heleyna and is my fav character in the game - Cla Min is also quite fun. I didn't choose to send Heleyna away because she's not a 'superior waifu' she is definitely simpler, hotter, and more appealing in many ways - strong-willed and confident where Alexia is not. BUT - as I said - my first playthrough I'm trying to do so from the point of a man trying to be a hero not just of the people in the eyes of honor and love and truth etc. I'm making as little "bad" decisions as possible. I sent Heleyna away because roleplaying Rowan as I am - it was the right then to do for someone he truly cares for. He has a chance to save her to free her, to allow her full free-will and not be a slave to her magical lust. He's married and has a vow to that - which I am playing as has value. Trust me I WANTED her to stay I loved the sex-scenes with her specifically they were fantastic. But I pushed my Id aside to do what was the right and good thing.

Also - Alexia's response is quite natural - i do not begrudge the writing on that at all - though at times she is a bit annoying. Someone said she is in a horrible situation and doesn't have much to cling to other than her husband which i can totally see and agree.

Anyways, to save my marriage, my vows, my soul etc, I freed Heleyna as it was the more purest of good act he could do.

NOW - I am hopeful that 1) the marriage takes a turn for the better - alexia forgives, moves back in - sees that this was done for Alexia as much as for Heleyna. 2) I would love a follow-up to Heleyna leaving - by helping her escape she becomes an even more special and important person to Rowan - even offers to be there for him of her own desire - not magical induced - because she is truly touched by his selfless act to free her vs keeping her for his carnal needs. Perhaps she becomes a military ally for Rowan I don't know. I'm just saying that I hope to see her again.

EDIT: I'll do another run-through and be a completely shallow ass next just to explore and enjoy the baser instincts that game allows one to explore. but i've always been a fan of the kink of trying to resist ultimately temptation. Hence the CockHero - Inferno Canto I and II series that I've done. Which explores trying to resist ultimate temptation.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2018
  • [*]Next update. Sneaking Delane out will not be an easy task, and those who attempt it unprepared will face the consequences of doing so.
A reasonable complaint. The skill system in general is being looked upon, since it can be a bit... Obnoxious at times.
Or at a minimum should be a lowered DC with each subsequent visit. The dialogue already indicates that Rowan learned the orc patrol/guard patterns. Should make each visit easier until it's automatic perhaps.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I totally agree with you both on the characterization, it certainly is realistic.

On the same hand though, I genuinely dislike her at that single moment, about as much as I dislike hypocritical people in general. I don't really like Hypocrites, doubly so because I used to be one myself back in the day... so I do understand this 'mindset'. I used to be homophobic in Highschool, which is funny to me now, in hindsight, because I'm Bisexual.

I'm sure that later on, depending on how things go, some part in Alexia's brain might 'click' and go "Okay... I think I was wrong on this point, it is wrong that Rowan fucked this woman et cetera et cetera, although the reason for it is a good one." Because that sudden realization happened to me around ~sixteen-seventeen... of course it involved a rather different scenario.

On the otherhand, Alexia might double-down, as some people do that rather than think things through rationally (Which I did), so who knows how the writing will go, perhaps Andras will stick his claws in her, but I really hope that Alexia will at least try to see things through from Rowan's viewpoint at a later point in time and try to see a step in his 'shoes', so to speak. It would also be good to see a heart-to-heart, down-to-earth conversation between the two after said controversy... and even if said event causes a divorce et cetera, It would be a good development in my opinion. Relationships are fucking complicated.

That said, it is especially infuriating when Alexia goes over to Andras, who then goes "Blah blah blah, Rowan is a terrible husband!" et cetera et cetera. Like, It brings out my teenage-angst and rage... and I'm 22! I shouldn't be feeling this way... It brings up memories of terrible times. :coldsweat:

Man, my highschool was fucked up, now that I think about it. I remember at one point I was standing watch outside the toilets whilst my friend railed his girlfriend, that was pretty damn weird... but never let it be said that I am a terrible friend. ;)

I also remember being challenged to eat twenty dollars worth of icecream... that was a totally different, albeit still fucked up thing that I remember. Vomiting up twenty dollars of icecream is not fun, my vomit looked like cum. I got twenty dollars though.

And one of my good friends got slutshamed... which fucking totally sucked. I had to stay after school looking after her, because she was really crying. People claimed I was trying to get 'pity sex' the day afterwards... which followed around for weeks afterwards as people talked behind my back.

Yeah, Highschool... :mad:

It was all good though. I fapped off to corruption of champions and everything was all good. Thus, COC is what eventually lead me to Seeds of Chaos, which is up over on Fenoxo Forums. It also introduced me to a shit-ton of weird kinks, and got me interested in porn games. It also got me writing.

Life revolves around porn, apparently.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2017
To be fair Alexia is only hypocritical in a route where she decides to give herself to Andras at the start or decides to seduce and fuck that one guy to get information for Jezera during the maid job while Rowan stays pure. In that case yes she's frustrating, however in a route where both of them are on equal grounds and neither has cheated then Alexia has every right to get upset with Rowan. Though confiding in Andras of all people despite knowing full well what he's done and what he's capable of is a bit weird.

As for the whole Helanya being better than Alexia thing, it's is a personal choice at the end of the day. I've always had a soft spot for loyal female knights so her character automatically did it for me when she was introduced.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
I totally agree with you both on the characterization, it certainly is realistic.

On the same hand though, I genuinely dislike her at that single moment, about as much as I dislike hypocritical people in general. I don't really like Hypocrites, doubly so because I used to be one myself back in the day... so I do understand this 'mindset'. I used to be homophobic in Highschool, which is funny to me now, in hindsight, because I'm Bisexual.

I'm sure that later on, depending on how things go, some part in Alexia's brain might 'click' and go "Okay... I think I was wrong on this point, it is wrong that Rowan fucked this woman et cetera et cetera, although the reason for it is a good one." Because that sudden realization happened to me around ~sixteen-seventeen... of course it involved a rather different scenario.

On the otherhand, Alexia might double-down, as some people do that rather than think things through rationally (Which I did), so who knows how the writing will go, perhaps Andras will stick his claws in her, but I really hope that Alexia will at least try to see things through from Rowan's viewpoint at a later point in time and try to see a step in his 'shoes', so to speak. It would also be good to see a heart-to-heart, down-to-earth conversation between the two after said controversy... and even if said event causes a divorce et cetera, It would be a good development in my opinion. Relationships are fucking complicated.

That said, it is especially infuriating when Alexia goes over to Andras, who then goes "Blah blah blah, Rowan is a terrible husband!" et cetera et cetera. Like, It brings out my teenage-angst and rage... and I'm 22! I shouldn't be feeling this way... It brings up memories of terrible times. :coldsweat:

Man, my highschool was fucked up, now that I think about it. I remember at one point I was standing watch outside the toilets whilst my friend railed his girlfriend, that was pretty damn weird... but never let it be said that I am a terrible friend. ;)

I also remember being challenged to eat twenty dollars worth of icecream... that was a totally different, albeit still fucked up thing that I remember. Vomiting up twenty dollars of icecream is not fun, my vomit looked like cum. I got twenty dollars though.

And one of my good friends got slutshamed... which fucking totally sucked. I had to stay after school looking after her, because she was really crying. People claimed I was trying to get 'pity sex' the day afterwards... which followed around for weeks afterwards as people talked behind my back.

Yeah, Highschool... :mad:

It was all good though. I fapped off to corruption of champions and everything was all good. Thus, COC is what eventually lead me to Seeds of Chaos, which is up over on Fenoxo Forums. It also introduced me to a shit-ton of weird kinks, and got me interested in porn games. It also got me writing.

Life revolves around porn, apparently.

In other news: Thanks to our lovely patreons, I'll be able to write more Alexia x Andras events!



Active Member
Nov 16, 2017
Well I play the game for its femdom content. In that regard Alexia is actually better. The scenes with the succubus were especially good in that regard. Helanya on the other side seems to be stuck in a solely submissive route. I still hope though we get a chance to empower her at one point.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2018
To be fair Alexia is only hypocritical in a route where she decides to give herself to Andras at the start or decides to seduce and fuck that one guy to get information for Jezera during the maid job while Rowan stays pure. In that case yes she's frustrating, however in a route where both of them are on equal grounds and neither has cheated then Alexia has every right to get upset with Rowan. Though confiding in Andras of all people despite knowing full well what he's done and what he's capable of is a bit weird.

As for the whole Helanya being better than Alexia thing, it's is a personal choice at the end of the day. I've always had a soft spot for loyal female knights so her character automatically did it for me when she was introduced.

I was about to reply that I hadn't had that same experience w/ Alexia complaining about Rowan etc and so she is not a hypocrite; because for the most part, in my playthrough, their marriage is still strong, she hasn't "cheated" when she didn't have to etc. As I said my playthrough currently is trying to resist most of the temptations and try to remain in love with his wife. A player may dislike Alexia, but Rowan was obviously in love with her.

Im in week 50 now. I only have an 8 corruption at the moment, 2 Infamy, and 0 Guilt. For instance - I freed the sex-slaves from the caravan guy that visited our keep on one event. I found a noble in a town leading a bunch of women who offered me two of them if I played his game of making a deal w/ Andras on his behalf. I turned that down; i think I bought them and then let them go.

I have indulged in some of the hot side action, but usually only those that really need to be. For instance the scene with the nocturnal elves paralyzing Rowan LOVED that scene, or the succubus that paralyzed them both etc. Alexia has not allowed Andras to seduce her, but did have a little fun with Jezera. In the end, I didn't want to miss all of the fun; i'm just very selective with what actions I take and assure that I don't try to be too depraved. And I'm have a blast with the game trying to resist and choose the least-bad option etc.

Later I'll go back and truly indulge to get the full experience.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2018
I'm getting an exception error now in week 54 returning to the castle - event w/ Lurieal, she makes me tea and poof I can't go any further it just goes to the exception error. I can roll back and then scroll backward to allow a different event to occur - but clearly that one has a problem (for me).


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I am probably adding too-much undue personal feelings into the discussion, but fuck it I'm drunk (Or at least partially).

I am definetly adding in a lot of emotion, especially relating to the 'hypocrisy' thing as regards to the writing in the game... as admittedly certain segments did get on my nerves. I should apologize for this.

Alexia leaving Rowan due to him having sex with Helayna to prevent her from being raped is not entirely me not liking Hypocrisy, but what I did not mention in the previous post, due to reasons of a very personal nature, is because I was also raped IRL at a young age (Which obviously has an effect on my opinions), and for Alexia to leave him because he is trying to save another person from being raped is just blatantly ridiculous to me, hence my rage (Which I feel is rightfully deserved, though not towards the writers as you could not have known this would affect me thus). I don't want to go any further into this issue, but that segment did piss me off for a large variety of reasons and I should apologize for bringing my emotions into it.

Suffice to say, there are moments when shit pops up and I get sudden flashbacks/recollections, and I get really pissy and emotional, and it happened at that moment. (I have been told that such sudden recollections and flashbacks is also a known symptom of PTSD, but I'm not well versed in psychology)

I'm not against your writing and I feel I should mention that most importantly. I love the efforts that you and the team put in towards writing the game, but I feel that you should have a full understanding of why I got very, very pissed-off when I did with Alexia after that moment which made her... well, instantly dislikeable to me immediately afterwards as a character, and why said scene has tainted my opinion of Alexia ever-afterwards. (It is not only because Helayna is good Waifu material)

I do not think I will ever see eye-to-eye on above said 'hypocrisy' moment because of my personal experiences and I don't think I will ever change my view in my lifetime. This is something that I will not apologize for, and I think you deserve to know my reason why.

I don't like talking about this shit, hence my posting after drinking... but now that I am speaking about this issue, I can clear the air (Hopefully)

And if what I have said doesn't do shit, at least I wrote about it. Also, please don't use trigger warnings if you decide to change something or whatever. Trigger warnings don't do shit for avoiding flashbacks, which happen for a whole host of reasons which can happen pretty much randomly, or due to sudden intense moments of emotional shit... whatever.

Anyhow, I wish you the best in your writing endeavors, even though we may not always agree on this or that subject.
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Aug 26, 2016

I was about to reply that I hadn't had that same experience w/ Alexia complaining about Rowan etc and so she is not a hypocrite; because for the most part, in my playthrough, their marriage is still strong, she hasn't "cheated" when she didn't have to etc. As I said my playthrough currently is trying to resist most of the temptations and try to remain in love with his wife. A player may dislike Alexia, but Rowan was obviously in love with her.

Im in week 50 now. I only have an 8 corruption at the moment, 2 Infamy, and 0 Guilt. For instance - I freed the sex-slaves from the caravan guy that visited our keep on one event. I found a noble in a town leading a bunch of women who offered me two of them if I played his game of making a deal w/ Andras on his behalf. I turned that down; i think I bought them and then let them go.

I have indulged in some of the hot side action, but usually only those that really need to be. For instance the scene with the nocturnal elves paralyzing Rowan LOVED that scene, or the succubus that paralyzed them both etc. Alexia has not allowed Andras to seduce her, but did have a little fun with Jezera. In the end, I didn't want to miss all of the fun; i'm just very selective with what actions I take and assure that I don't try to be too depraved. And I'm have a blast with the game trying to resist and choose the least-bad option etc.

Later I'll go back and truly indulge to get the full experience.
Alexia not being hypocritical in a mostly "pure" playthrough of the game does not change the fact that it is more then possible for her to be a gigantic hypocrite about the entire claiming Helayna situation. Besides, if she had sex with Jezara for whatever reason I see little reason why she shouldn't be up for a little threesome action with her husband.
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