
Down with Delta-G
May 8, 2017
I really didn't get too much of a "she's just being a bitch vibe" from Alexia on the Helayna claiming thing. I mean there was the understandable upset "they just took a naked woman into your room!", which I think most can agree is a fair and reasonable reaction. Maybe it's the options I chose in response, but after the initial reaction Alexia seemed more concerned about how their situation was changing them, and worried about how far it could go, and yes about their marriage. But it didn't seem like "omg you're a cheating bastard, I've done nothing wrong, I'm gonna go get demon dick now."
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Aug 4, 2018
but after the initial reaction Alexia seemed more concerned about how their situation was changing them, and worried about how far it could go, and yes about their marriage. But it didn't seem like "omg you're a cheating bastard, I've done nothing wrong, I'm gonna go get demon dick now."
QFT. Very funny also. LOL


Aug 1, 2018
I like the writing, I do wish that some of the sex based events would repeat(like Alexia "interrogating" the visitor as a maid or the scenes with Greyhide.
Or even just have some repeatable sex between Rowan & Alexia II'm rather fond of her.
I also wish more of the scenes were replayable in the bonus mode
But overall II'm enjoying it & can't wait for more Andurs & Alexia stuff


New Member
Jul 6, 2018
There's a grayed out Visit option under Talk for the demon twins. Is there anyway to unlock this and will this lead to any extra scenes?


Active Member
May 26, 2018
Given all of the recent Alexia vs Helayna discussion, I think my only real disappointment is that there doesnt seem to be a route where you could keep Helayna AND have Alexia undergo the Wulump treatment (For a different reason other than helping Helayna escaping, obviously).


Active Member
Aug 4, 2018
Ah there ya go! The have the cake and eat it too option :) No consequences or tough choices. =P Who wouldn't???? LOL


Active Member
Aug 4, 2018
RE: Alexia vs Heleyna (continued discussion)
Here's an idea of what I could see - if I were writing it; and this may very well have already been considered and discussed or even in the pipeline:

(For those enjoying adding some corruption to the otherwise good innocent housewife and have activated the NTR option)

ALEXIA - Now living in a castle against her will surrounded by demonic influences and dark depravity and corruption, forced to be surrounded by debauchery at every corridor. She has seen first hand and seen and learned some of the effectiveness of manipulative tease of sex and lust.

WHAT: Alexia reflecting on the naked Heleyna being delivered to her room. Feeling jilted and jealous, humiliated and betrayed. Now tasting for the first time a little taste of fun and corruption herself - her husband is now laying with another woman - regardless of why - it's a betrayal of their vows. He's enjoying himself every night and I had to move out to avoid being hurt every time I see this homewrecking whore.

She's now felt the advances of Andras and can no longer deny that he is too much to resist. For the first time she is considering herself doing something that would destroy her vows. Why not, her husband has no problem with it. These thoughts are now unlocking some more darker thoughts and baser instincts. A thought comes to mind - a plot formulates. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Using what she has learned since coming to the castle, Alexia agrees to some of the advances of Andras. She allows the demon to get attached and make strong headway with her. Her teasing and sashaying is getting the best of him. She allows the demon to think he is seducing her...but he is just a spider in her web. She lets him think she is having second thoughts with her timid ministrations of the demon's cock and when her tongue and lips make contact Andras believes he has finally broken the dutiful and loyal housewife. She has him on edge when she finally takes him into her mouth and massages his full sack...

Just as Andras begins to truly get into it, she suddenly stands up and whispers that she will finish the job....if HE does a favor for her. She asks Andras to 'accidentally allow' squad of orcs into Heleyna's room while Rowan is out adventuring. The horny homewrecker will be unable to say no to a room full of cock. Rowan comes back just after their departure to find his new bedchamber ornament to be covered in orc-cum, enjoying every ounce of it.

Rowan is now hurt and dejected and feels angry towards the orcs. Jezera of course comes to his emotional aid and tells him he should really go talk to Andras about these undisciplined orcs who had the audacity to come to Rowan's bedchamber without permission.

But of course Andras is finally getting his reward. Alexia gives herself fully to the demon and we see how dominant she is becoming. Meanwhile Rowan is storming towards Andra's chamber, and at the very moment Rowan can see into the room, the last pieces of Rowan's breaks as he witnesses his pretty wife begging for Andras to fill her with his demon-seed to give her the baby that Rowan cannot!

That's a double NTR! Of course Jezera is willing to help him forget about his broken heart and can easily take advantage of his turmoil and dejection. He just needs a little love and tenderness to forget the pain. "Therapy" that Jezera is sure that Heleyna gets a chance to witness - if only to drive a wedge there too....


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
You know, I'd be interested finding out if that Wolf-man is a nemesis event.

Because theoretically speaking, I wouldn't mind dirty-dogging a Wolfy-boi, for That is the price of failure when contending against me... Evil Rowan... Muhahahahaha! ;)
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Aug 26, 2016

Halo! It’s been some time since the poll was closed, and it’s about time we talk about the results.

Now, first thing first… I’m never again letting you guys vote on anything where “NTR” is an option.

70 out of 125 Patreon Supporters voted on the bonus Andras content, making it the unquestionable winner of the poll. Now, I don’t mind that result, I freaking love writing NTR, but – come on guys! The game can’t be all NTR, damn it!

Now, beyond that… Well, all the other options got a similar amount of votes, ranging from 44 on the Drider events, to 48 on Library and Tavern events, to 54 on the orcs (which I presume got a nice boost from the NTR lovers). So what does that mean for each for them.

The Forge might still get an event or two for Alexia getting pressured into a little bit of “service”, but not in the upcoming months. We’ve been writing Orciad for so long now, it’s starting to impact our sanity.

The Breeding Pens events will get tabled for now. The Pens generally suffer from some pretty nasty problems that are hard to get around – mainly that Draith is very very gay, and some other issues that people familiar with Patreon guidelines can probably guess, so I won’t go into details here.

The tavern events… Might still get into the game. Of course, we all know that literally everything in the tavern is filler until we get to what we really want – stripping. For know, we’ll toss it into “Might happen”.

The Library Mirror event will be tabled until later, for good reasons:

In the last Patreon survey, Cliohna was second place (15,5%) in the “Which is the female character that you feel currently needs more content?” question, the Library was second place (22,6%) for “Jobs that needs a significant plotline expansion”, and the Alexia becoming a mage was second place as well (34,5%) in the “Which of the following narratives for Alexia interests you the most?”. As such, Cliohna and Cliohna related sexual content have been a topic of quite the extensive debate in recent weeks.

So rather than pad the library with unrelated filler events, we’ve decided to work out the details of Cliohna’s plotline first and focus on these events, before we move to everything else concerning the library job. The mirror event might still happen as part of said main library plot, but for now – no promises.

And this finally brings us to the matter of Andras events. I have… Great plans here.

I’ve been going through DM’s and Ariochs notes on him, and he’s a challenging character to write. I don’t want to go into details here, since Andras character – the hidden depths of it, how it can evolve, how it unravels when things go south – are all important reveals for the final year of the game. But I will say this – there are some fun things I can do.

Without spoiling much, I hope to make Andras much more responsive to how Alexia has been behaving until now, and what her feelings towards Rowan are. If Rowan and Alexia have been growing apart, Andras might prove to be more… Reasonable and amicable. If Alexia still has feelings for Rowan, Andras will not hesitate to show his aggressive side and use that against her. After all, all is fair in love, war, and cucking.

The events will take place primarily in the Forge and the Breeding Pens – place where Rowan could reasonably assume Alexia is “safest” (ha!). I’ll try to get a healthy mix between Unique events for these jobs, and some Universal events, so the players aren’t too locked out of content depending on which job they picked for Alexia.

As for the sexual themes… Oh, you know, the usual :D I think we all know what to expect from Andras at this point.

Anyway that’s enough from me here, I could spend time hyping things up, but time spent hyping is time not spending on coercing a poor housewife into doing horrible sexy things with the people who kidnapped her and are keeping her prison under the threat of murder.

Now that I think of it, it’s a bit messed up.


- Rein

New post on the Dev's blog. Not sure what to think of this really, no mention of the elf slut in this one and no mention of Alexia joining in on Rowan's funtimes with other women so meh. Also, not happy to hear about patreon's stupid rules getting in the way of new content. Somebody needs to make Arioch and company aware of the lewd patcher.


Sep 4, 2017
I soooo love seeing my husbando Andras gettins so much love. Still hoping for something involving a cock cage for rowan at some point tho.


Oct 21, 2017
RE: Alexia vs Heleyna (continued discussion)
Here's an idea of what I could see - if I were writing it; and this may very well have already been considered and discussed or even in the pipeline:

(For those enjoying adding some corruption to the otherwise good innocent housewife and have activated the NTR option)

ALEXIA - Now living in a castle against her will surrounded by demonic influences and dark depravity and corruption, forced to be surrounded by debauchery at every corridor. She has seen first hand and seen and learned some of the effectiveness of manipulative tease of sex and lust.

WHAT: Alexia reflecting on the naked Heleyna being delivered to her room. Feeling jilted and jealous, humiliated and betrayed. Now tasting for the first time a little taste of fun and corruption herself - her husband is now laying with another woman - regardless of why - it's a betrayal of their vows. He's enjoying himself every night and I had to move out to avoid being hurt every time I see this homewrecking whore.

She's now felt the advances of Andras and can no longer deny that he is too much to resist. For the first time she is considering herself doing something that would destroy her vows. Why not, her husband has no problem with it. These thoughts are now unlocking some more darker thoughts and baser instincts. A thought comes to mind - a plot formulates. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Using what she has learned since coming to the castle, Alexia agrees to some of the advances of Andras. She allows the demon to get attached and make strong headway with her. Her teasing and sashaying is getting the best of him. She allows the demon to think he is seducing her...but he is just a spider in her web. She lets him think she is having second thoughts with her timid ministrations of the demon's cock and when her tongue and lips make contact Andras believes he has finally broken the dutiful and loyal housewife. She has him on edge when she finally takes him into her mouth and massages his full sack...

Just as Andras begins to truly get into it, she suddenly stands up and whispers that she will finish the job....if HE does a favor for her. She asks Andras to 'accidentally allow' squad of orcs into Heleyna's room while Rowan is out adventuring. The horny homewrecker will be unable to say no to a room full of cock. Rowan comes back just after their departure to find his new bedchamber ornament to be covered in orc-cum, enjoying every ounce of it.

Rowan is now hurt and dejected and feels angry towards the orcs. Jezera of course comes to his emotional aid and tells him he should really go talk to Andras about these undisciplined orcs who had the audacity to come to Rowan's bedchamber without permission.

But of course Andras is finally getting his reward. Alexia gives herself fully to the demon and we see how dominant she is becoming. Meanwhile Rowan is storming towards Andra's chamber, and at the very moment Rowan can see into the room, the last pieces of Rowan's breaks as he witnesses his pretty wife begging for Andras to fill her with his demon-seed to give her the baby that Rowan cannot!

That's a double NTR! Of course Jezera is willing to help him forget about his broken heart and can easily take advantage of his turmoil and dejection. He just needs a little love and tenderness to forget the pain. "Therapy" that Jezera is sure that Heleyna gets a chance to witness - if only to drive a wedge there too....
Twisted scenario, and while I have zero interest in seeing it I would be fine if something like this made the game. However, the impact on Rowan should lead to him being broken and it should lead to a bad end. Why would he care to do anything for the twins at that point? He sure as hell wouldn't care what happened to Alexia and she's about the only chain holding him in check. So, I'd expect that he'd either go crazy and attack Andras, thus die, or just kill himself/get himself killed. Remember, the twins need Rowan, he sure as fuck doesn't need them. The progress they make in the game is due to Rowan.

While I understand the NTR/cheating fans are being catered to since they're the biggest donors, Andras being their big draw apparently, without Rowan there is no game. The more pathetic and useless you make Rowan, the more many of us decide to stop supporting the game. I'm fine with NTR/cheating in, but I hope there are options later where I get to kill Andras and kick Alexia to the curb. In fact, I personally want the option to kill both twins AND Alexia for their actions. Before you say NTR is optional, it is, but I leave it on as a hard-mode. Personally, I am not a fan of it.
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