
Dec 20, 2019
ok so yall complain about barely any content but then complain about too much and then don't even wanna see if there is any new shit yet expect the creator to make more content that is boring as hell seeing as how rowan already achieved his goal.
The problem has always been the devs had too much scope for this fucking porn game.
Do they want it to be a porn game? Do they want it to be compelling? No one knows what they want to do. They keep adding random bullshit that no one wants or random shit their writers thought of. There is like WAY more fucking goblin shit than anything else in this game and I never see more than like 2 people excited for it.
That and there's the game itself. Like the actual game, the thing between all the porn scenes? It fucking sucks. Like it's legitimately terrible. The hexploration is bad, it's all numbers go up bullshit. the only true fail states are results of not paying attention. The hex map is too large and filled with fucking nothing. The RPG rolls and numbers are meaningless, the research and buildings that don't lead to new porn scenes is wothless. I remember them saying they wanted to release an SFW version of this game once upon a time and I guarantee it would have flopped massively. The porn carries it.
The devs need to either decide to make a glorified VN (which would be infinitely better) or actually put thought into the game itself, which they have not.
The team working on the game's writing also seems to be pretty decently sized, which is crazy how they only get updates once every TWO months or so and the updates have barely anything new to show for it.
The game has been in development hell for so many years now. I can believe poor management and scope, I can believe the devs probably wanted to shove more and more into the game as they get new ideas, but you need to limit yourself. Unfortunately, their patreon just enables them to do this. If they ever ended up releasing the game, the patreon money would stop coming.
That is, if they didn't realize they could release the game and start working on a new game or something. All those extra ideas could be going into different games instead of shoving them all into one game.
The devs also said they want to finish Act 1 by the end of this year. LMAO I will believe it when I fucking see it bro.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
The problem has always been the devs had too much scope for this fucking porn game.
Do they want it to be a porn game? Do they want it to be compelling? No one knows what they want to do. They keep adding random bullshit that no one wants or random shit their writers thought of. There is like WAY more fucking goblin shit than anything else in this game and I never see more than like 2 people excited for it.
That and there's the game itself. Like the actual game, the thing between all the porn scenes? It fucking sucks. Like it's legitimately terrible. The hexploration is bad, it's all numbers go up bullshit. the only true fail states are results of not paying attention. The hex map is too large and filled with fucking nothing. The RPG rolls and numbers are meaningless, the research and buildings that don't lead to new porn scenes is wothless. I remember them saying they wanted to release an SFW version of this game once upon a time and I guarantee it would have flopped massively. The porn carries it.
The devs need to either decide to make a glorified VN (which would be infinitely better) or actually put thought into the game itself, which they have not.
The team working on the game's writing also seems to be pretty decently sized, which is crazy how they only get updates once every TWO months or so and the updates have barely anything new to show for it.
The game has been in development hell for so many years now. I can believe poor management and scope, I can believe the devs probably wanted to shove more and more into the game as they get new ideas, but you need to limit yourself. Unfortunately, their patreon just enables them to do this. If they ever ended up releasing the game, the patreon money would stop coming.
That is, if they didn't realize they could release the game and start working on a new game or something. All those extra ideas could be going into different games instead of shoving them all into one game.
The devs also said they want to finish Act 1 by the end of this year. LMAO I will believe it when I fucking see it bro.
Re: gob content. I noticed another player had the same view as you that the gob content is taking up all the developer's efforts. I wish it was true ;)- but it simply isn't.

You might feel like there is more goblin smut in the game than anything else- but it is objectively not true. The two biggest content blocks in the game are are definitely human X human and demon x human. There are prob like 250 cgs of the two protagonists together and maybe 100 more if you include swinging. The Andras x Alexia block is similarly sized. Rowan x Hel is like 125 ish cgs. Add in all the other humans in side content. Add in Jezera ect ect. All the random humans and demons. It prob adds up to like 60-70% of the game's content. Straight Rowan x goblin content adds up to like 190 cgs. 100 more for side characters and the gay content. Gob is maybe 10-15% of total.

There *is* a reason while it feels like there is a ton of Gob content though. The team has been "working" on the Blackholt goblin arc for a long ass time. Fact of the matter is that muliple of the writers who were working on it stopped working on it for huge swaths of time (like 2 years) or left the project. So it has been a storyline that the dev team has been talking about, but one you aren't seeing much actual progress on. Much to the chagrin of Goblin fans (myself, ect, ect). Take this release in example, there was supposed to be a Blackholt content block, the writers didn't deliver.

The game writ large seems to be having consistency problems with writers in general- which I would posit has to do with how its finances are, much like Rowan in act 1, just treading water- while the cost of everything in the world goes up, up, up. I wouldn't be surprised if Arioch (lead dev) has to do more writing than he historically has needed to upkeep a decent progression unless either A) the game hits a big windfall somehow (unlikely) or the writers quit waffling (also unlikely).
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Dec 20, 2019
one of the things you got wrong is the building providing no new sex scenes especially the brothel the forge and breeding pits all of those provide new sex scenes depending on their level and even some other sex scenes if you assign your wife to certain ones. and for the goblin shit crying. its not forced at all and you never even need to do it heck you could go the entire story without doing it. and the stat fails can lead to scenes and the stat winning can lead to new scenes depending on if you just barely pass it or pass it with no trouble. heck there's a scene where you get throat fucked by a drider if you barely pass a stat check which you need 6 or 7 i forgot exactly how much on one of the stats to get the scene.
I said the buildings that DON'T provide sex scenes do nothing


Dec 15, 2018
There is no way in god's green earth this act is released in 2024 or 2025. The Astarte rewrite is not halfway through and then they will want to rewrite Rastedel which should take as much if not more. The team members clearly cannot contribute reliably.
And yes I think Rastedel needs a full rewrite. Seeds of Chaos Act I is sold like a full game yet right now there is no pay off in the epilogue. I don't expect us to win the battle but there should be a possible outcome where we are actually praised for it. At the end of the Rastedel battle or immediately after in an epilogue scene, you should be getting at least one porn scene, probably several porn scenes for the major routes you followed (Rowan with either/or Alexia, Andras or Jezera at the very least imo); all you now get is the statue scene.

BUT I don't think there is anything actually wrong with this. Patreon prices haven't changed as far as I'm aware (even though they should to account for inflation). They still deliver 4-5 scenes and about a dozen CGs every two months which is absolutely not great but it is not crazy for the money they are asking. Is it very poor for the size of the team and the length of time this has been going for? Absolutely. But the value for money has not significantly changed over the last few years.

And yeah, I don't get the gobbo fetish either. At least in Goblin Slayer porn a hob shows up by the end! I get why you need multiple options since this is the second main quest of the game so it needs to follow every route (Pure, Corrupt, Obedient to either Twin).


Dec 15, 2018
The game writ large seems to be having consistency problems with writers in general- which I would posit has to do with how its finances are, much like Rowan in act 1, just treading water- while the cost of everything in the world goes up, up, up. I wouldn't be surprised if Arioch (lead dev) has to do more writing than he historically has needed to upkeep a decent progression unless either A) the game hits a big windfall somehow (unlikely) or the writers quit waffling (also unlikely).
I mean solo devs who make nothing deliver insane amounts of content while also working. I am sure it is much better for straight content but I can tell you I follow multiple gay projects with far better output. Most NSFW games seem to be passion projects. They ver much depend on writers' free time and free time can radically change with the most basic and common changes in your life. So a writer might be able to deliver 2-3 scenes every two months for multiple updates and then goes radio silent cause they are in a new relationship, they get a new job, they have a kid, they have a sick parent and those 40-50 hours they had available across two months suddenly become 5.
I know people here are unhappy about the pace and I know that the couple of devs who show up here try to put on a brave face but to me it seems they are just as burned out as we are. Not because they hate the game or anything but because they want a certain level of polish and the amount of work absolutely seems daunting given how expanded the scope is. The only ones who are really working regularly are their artists who I hope take the lions share of the patreon pot cause they very much deserve it.
I still think the biggest issue is project management but hey, most people don't start creating a NSFW project with a background in management; they start it with a coding or creative background. Usually their experience with project management is complaining about it:)
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Jul 14, 2021
i guess the xratal it's an alexia x cubi castle event and the rowan jezera is somewhere in the rastedel battle, tried to make an attempt to update the gallery mod but so far have a crash for it so idk, maybe tomorrow evening if i'll have time


Nov 14, 2018
The issue here isn't scope. You can have all the scope you want, Sierra be my witness. The real issue either a lack of will to actually live up to that scope and stop the steady Patreon cash cow income, or incompetence on a level matched only by the most mismanaged Hoi4 mods (which for those unaware is saying a lot). If it's the former, the scope is actually just a nonexistent smokescreen to squeeze money out of fans and meaningless as a concept to be discussed. If it's the latter, then no amount of scope reduction would help without essentially killing the concept. I don't know which idea is sadder given that I've seen much, much smaller teams get infinitely more done in far less time for far less money than this. It's barely changed in the 5 years since I last tried it.

I adore the concept. I've wanted this to succeed for the longest time. I made this account to keep a better eye on this. But the team, to quote a friend of mine, "lacks the stuff" to actually carry it to its conclusion.


Jan 20, 2019
The issue here isn't scope. You can have all the scope you want, Sierra be my witness. The real issue either a lack of will to actually live up to that scope and stop the steady Patreon cash cow income, or incompetence on a level matched only by the most mismanaged Hoi4 mods (which for those unaware is saying a lot). If it's the former, the scope is actually just a nonexistent smokescreen to squeeze money out of fans and meaningless as a concept to be discussed. If it's the latter, then no amount of scope reduction would help without essentially killing the concept. I don't know which idea is sadder given that I've seen much, much smaller teams get infinitely more done in far less time for far less money than this. It's barely changed in the 5 years since I last tried it.

I adore the concept. I've wanted this to succeed for the longest time. I made this account to keep a better eye on this. But the team, to quote a friend of mine, "lacks the stuff" to actually carry it to its conclusion.
You're correct for the current team. The Andras x Alexia content up until the moment he gives her the bikini outfit is pretty fantastic. In fact, most of the writing was fantastic for a while. This is indicative of there being a clear goal and the team being passionate.

Now the team is worn and burnt out. They even admitted as such when their writing team basically dipped from burn out and they had to hire new writers.

Basically, they missed their chance to remedy the situation by tightening the scope. Now they've made a bunch of promises (both in the writing narrative and as developers) that they are never going to be able to deliver. Tightening the scope now just wouldn't make sense, and also with the team being worn and burnt out, wouldn't come out well regardless.

So you're correct, but so is the other guy.
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Dec 15, 2018
The issue here isn't scope. You can have all the scope you want, Sierra be my witness. The real issue either a lack of will to actually live up to that scope and stop the steady Patreon cash cow income, or incompetence on a level matched only by the most mismanaged Hoi4 mods (which for those unaware is saying a lot). If it's the former, the scope is actually just a nonexistent smokescreen to squeeze money out of fans and meaningless as a concept to be discussed. If it's the latter, then no amount of scope reduction would help without essentially killing the concept. I don't know which idea is sadder given that I've seen much, much smaller teams get infinitely more done in far less time for far less money than this. It's barely changed in the 5 years since I last tried it.

I adore the concept. I've wanted this to succeed for the longest time. I made this account to keep a better eye on this. But the team, to quote a friend of mine, "lacks the stuff" to actually carry it to its conclusion.
I don't see this as milking. They supposedly are going to have 3 acts and are in act 1. They could move at a decent pace and still keep Patreon up for a decade.
Personally I think it is burn out and mismanagement.


Apr 22, 2018
I don't see this as milking. They supposedly are going to have 3 acts and are in act 1. They could move at a decent pace and still keep Patreon up for a decade.
Personally I think it is burn out and mismanagement.
Game first released 8 years ago and still on act 1. Regardless of if the intention is milking or not I don't think they will ever even see act 2 if they don't figure things out.


Dec 15, 2018
Game first released 8 years ago and still on act 1. Regardless of if the intention is milking or not I don't think they will ever even see act 2 if they don't figure things out.
Sure. But that is a failed project. I objected to "milking" as a term because it implies that the dev is exploiting the patreons. As a term it has a clear (negative) moral value.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
The issue here isn't scope. You can have all the scope you want, Sierra be my witness. The real issue either a lack of will to actually live up to that scope and stop the steady Patreon cash cow income, or incompetence on a level matched only by the most mismanaged Hoi4 mods (which for those unaware is saying a lot). If it's the former, the scope is actually just a nonexistent smokescreen to squeeze money out of fans and meaningless as a concept to be discussed. If it's the latter, then no amount of scope reduction would help without essentially killing the concept. I don't know which idea is sadder given that I've seen much, much smaller teams get infinitely more done in far less time for far less money than this. It's barely changed in the 5 years since I last tried it.

I adore the concept. I've wanted this to succeed for the longest time. I made this account to keep a better eye on this. But the team, to quote a friend of mine, "lacks the stuff" to actually carry it to its conclusion.
"Scope isn't the problem!" *immediately proceeds to explain why scope is actually the problem*


Jul 16, 2018
I know I complain a lot about not seeing the end of this, but let's not be too pessimistic either. The game is moving forward, even if at a slow pace, and one by one the open plot threads are getting closed. After working on the same arcs, the writing team must obviously be burned out, but they seem passionate about the project and with the finish line so close, I can see them pushing through. Hell, judging by the roadmap that was posted, the NPCs arcs and the Fae are just about to get done. With some optimism, I can see at least one of them being over by the end of the year, leaving only the Goblins (of course) and the Astarte rewrite for next year. If I were them I'd leave the "Map" section tbh. We already have plenty of events and that work could be used in other areas.

Then, the arc 2 begins with new character arcs, new plots, new everything and the team can work on something fresh again.
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Dec 15, 2018
I also wonder if the sex is kept a bit more under control because this is just Act I. I don't know so much about the straight sex since I am mainly following this from the gay side of things, but Rowan's gay encounters are . . . fairly tame? Heck I'd say the roughest sex he's had so far was Andras at the intro. I'd hope with Act II things get more adventurous, slightly more kink and more group sex.


Nov 14, 2018
"Scope isn't the problem!" *immediately proceeds to explain why scope is actually the problem*
Actually it's me explaining that regardless of scope the project would still be fucked be it because of malice or incompetence but whatever gets you going.
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