Fleep, you seem like a cultured person who enjoys a bit of femdom.
Who is your favorite fem-dom character in SoC and why is it X'zaratl
Here is my ranking -
X'zaratl - The penis is off-putting so her sexual content is a little miss for me- but its is hard to deny she is S tier.
Cilonia - Great, but a bit too controlling. When the dom extends past the bedroom I'm not as into it.
Varlyrs - (Minor Character- Cave elf) Loved this one, but minor character; can it really be rated that highly.
Shaya - There wasn't much love in it- it was more to achieve a goal in the finale. Time will tell how this one plays out; but the Romance arc was far superior.
Jezera - Wants the characters to be literal slaves, also a lot of foot licking; neither are my thing.
Two orcesses - (Minor characters) Getting pegged by an orc, whilst you plow her lover. I guess pegging isn't my thing.
*There were two other Femdom characters the Fey leader and the Fey-Herald- but those events haven't been in the game in a long time so i cannot remember them all that clearly.
The main reason I enjoy femdom scenes is the fem aspect of them. Pegging and futa kinda add a maledom aspect to the content.
I suspect Cilonia will be my favorite as the arc grows into more of a romance unless X'zaratl puts away her piece occasionally; but these things are hard to predict.