The casulties were reasonable. The point of the a-bomb was to avoid the invasion of Japan. Because of the culture present at that time most ppl would have fought till death or commit suicide. There were estimations in the millions ... so <500k was the more humane way to end the war. Still bad - but you know - not as bad as the alternative.
Compare that to the bombing against Germany ...
uhm the japanese didn't surrender because of the bombing (they would have kept fighting)

but because stalin was going to invade from the north to help his "allies" and to conquer at least half of japan

the japs feared stalin soviets more than nukes
and conventional bombing is nothing compared to getting nuked

the allies dropped thousands of regular bombs on germany but only 2 on japan..
Hitler was insane. But so was Stalin, but on a more dangerous level. He killed even his own comrades. Hitler would have been removed by his own leadership if given time. (as they tried with Operation Valkyrie, which failed) But Stalin. He was completely insane and still very calculating. That man, next to Mao is the biggest monster modern mankind ever produced.
that's what i said stalin was a sadistic cat (cats are calculating beast)
and hitler also killed anyone who dared to oppose him

in the end fanatical children fought for their führer in the ruins of berlin..
hitler had to kill himself. the nazis would never have killed their führer
there were also attempts to assassinate stalin too

and don't forget stalin was poisoned by his generals out of fear he would kill and replace them