Totally! The Gor books were awful. I couldn't resist making fun of their titles, though. There's like a thousand Gor books and they're all Something of Gor. Ripe for hilarity.The game was fairly grindy, but other than that I found it way more fun than I expected. The renders were good, plenty of humor, decent backstory for the MC (that you get in really need to read the text to get this game). Doesn't skimp on the sex either. All in all an amazing effort. *shudders* The real horror came in the form of the Gor books...I read some of those back in the early 80's and they just kept getting progressively...not to my taste (we will leave it at that).
Side note: the Gor books were made for a different one of my projects where the character goes to a bookshop and can collect a lot of books from there. I just felt like throwing it into this game for giggles. But it's also why (to me) the covers don't look so great. They were an early work of mine when I was still just tinkering. I like to think I could do better "covers" now.