I admit much of the stats and life system was in there mostly because i was trying to test the capability of ren'py. this game was an ummm... test(?) for a larger game i was building (called 'the strip' - which may be released one day but has some ummm patreon-not-friendly elements). STH was sort of an afterthought for me. i was initially going to just make a tiny little grindy trainer game for halloween, but i'm more a story person, so it's a half-half frankenstein of a game. STH2 should fix that by trying to aim for the best use of stats instead of just as grindy grindy somethings.This was an great game. A lot of people probably nope'd out the moment they saw the hag, but the story was decent (and the hag scene didn't really go on too long). I beat the game in 130-in game days and got all but 2 achievements, and even though it took me that long, I'm sure there's still some text I haven't encountered yet.
This wasn't your typical "Oh hello there, lets fuck even though you only met me for a day" kind of game, the characters each had personalities and backstories of their own. The zombie gave me a few chuckles, the vampire was good, the hag... was interesting. The least interesting character in my opinion was probably the hobo, at first she had me wondering if she was part of the curse as well, but it ended up with her just being a normal hobo. (That's right, I'd choose the hag over the hobo any day, fight me)
My only negatives about the game were the leveling system and the life system. I can guess that courage, speed, and strength affect the chances of the goblin/murderer killing you, but those scenes were far too few, which made those skills irrelevant (I could be wrong and that those skills have more uses, I do remember for example that the zombie girl said she liked fast people). When I started to encounter goblins, I'd pick a choice at random, and I never died from the goblin (I only ever died once trying to intimidate the murderer). Also getting those skills are tricky as it seems to be random (especially with what you do before venturing out).
The life system also felt irrelevant. Running out of lives doesn't do anything but end the game, and even if you did run out of lives, you can use the mouse wheel to return to the previous choice to save yourself. (Same thing applies if you made a choice that a character didn't like)
I look forward to seeing what happens with Shag the Hag 2.
combat is (cheekily) completely random.
hobo was also more an afterthought. i had her (sort of) as a character in 'the strip' and thought it'd be funny if she visited the woods to sleep at night. i was also sort of referencing a few trainer games which were amusing me at the time with her dialogue/situation.
in all honesty, STH was something i just never expected anyone to like, so i didn't give it 1000% of my planning attention to ensure mechanics etc were more fluid. i'll make up for that with STH2, and i hope the penny conspiracy showed a little of how i prefer story to grind.
last thing, with the mouse-wheel to stop yourself dying - yah, i know. i try not to disable things like mouse-wheel because i'm not really trying to make things vicious and cut-throat. just add an element of fun for those who might appreciate it.