Others Partial Shihai no Kyoudan 2, v0.2.3


New Member
Nov 16, 2021
What program are you doing the edits in? From what I have seen those bsxx.dat files even when decompiled as .txt files are massive and lag a shit ton


Feb 3, 2020
What program are you doing the edits in? From what I have seen those bsxx.dat files even when decompiled as .txt files are massive and lag a shit ton
I use notepad++, the file I work with comes out to ~150k lines. I have no idea why but it doesn't lag too bad.

Mr. Standoffish Man

New Member
Dec 21, 2018
Hey man, I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work you've put into your TL and the work to come. Editing text and images along with TL'ing cant possibly be easy. Fan translators are a godsend and often don't get nearly enough gratitude or credit. They do this for free after all. Bishop games are a niche within a niche ill say that, but they are well made and spicy(lol). I think Bishop should partner with at the very least Mangagamer or maybe even Cherry Kiss Games (probably not lol) to localize their games. Bishops games deal with the heavy topic of rape, but they treat it as lighthearted (kinda?) or just plain unrealistic; even so, they would be good to bring into the VN market to expand variety... who am I kidding, we just want to fap lol. Not many other games have super alpha male protags though. These Bishop protags are like Naoe Yamato and Kazami Yuuji mashed together taking egos to the extreme, lol. "fun" games though... for the readers, not the heroines... until it does for them too...

Anyway, I've been keeping track of this project for a while now and I'll keep rooting for you! One question though? How similar is this game to Sansha Mendan? I know the "plot" is super similar, but is anything noteworthy different? There is the same kind/pure pink haired heroine in this one too so...


Feb 3, 2020
How similar is this game to Sansha Mendan? I know the "plot" is super similar, but is anything noteworthy different? There is the same kind/pure pink haired heroine in this one too so...
Hi! Thanks for replying. The images were actually done by someone else. I think he was been playing around with the Bishop game image editor tool, he happened to find this thread and made some english graphics. So thanks to that guy!

I would say the main differences in Bishop games is the girls and whatever sex stuff they end up doing. Aina in Sansha Mendan was a fiery type, very aggressive, but her weakness was her love for her sister Yuuna. Yoshino is a childhood friend of the MC, and also she strongly recoils from any sex things.
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I haven't looked at any of the other girls yet, but I'm guessing the 3 main teachers have some quirk or feature that prevents them from easily falling to the MC. It feels like Shuri has this thing about being a beacon for future students, and she's gonna try to "save" the MC from going down a dark path, whereas Kyouka probably has something weird going on. I have no idea about the nurse or her cousin, he's probably gonna blackmail both of them using each other as hostages.
But yeah, the MC is the standard Bishop MC. Schemes a lot, little/no morals, aggressive and assertive, and is good at sex.
And no eyes, just a dark shadow under the bangs.
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Feb 3, 2020
I was playing around with the scene editor. Abandon hope fam, I have no idea how to make it work in english and I have no idea who to ask who knows anything about it either.


Feb 3, 2020
Aight Ima admit. I started playing minecraft again and finally got elytra, and I have all these plans to farm resources to build stuff. I may or may not have a problem with video games. I also had to change my sleeping schedule, and I'm trying to figure out a new daily routine for myself.
I do wanna keep my commitment to deliver Yoshino's full route by the end of this year, although my original plan of finishing by the end of August was absolutely obliterated. I'm gonna set the new goal to the end of October, but I have my doubts. Oh well.
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Feb 3, 2020
I... deleted half the apostrophes in the main text. I don't have backups for the main text. This is gonna take awhile


Feb 3, 2020
I... deleted half the apostrophes in the main text. I don't have backups for the main text. This is gonna take awhile
Aight I fixed as many apostrophes as I could, but there's probably a few missing here and there. I'll have to reread everything again, but I'll do it later when I pack up the next version.
My problem is that I could just copy-paste the lines from the last patch I did and that would probably fix everything, but the main file I work with has the original Japanese side-to-side with the English in case I feel like I need to reword or rephrase a wordy segment. I would have to copy-paste several thousand lines individually to preserve this, and I don't want to do that. Better to locate the misspellings later during a readthrough.
Stay safe fam. Keep backups D:


Feb 3, 2020
[wobbling from the echoes of orgasm][Yoshino][held her and laid her down on a desk], [semen-leaking vagina][aimed meatrod].

I haven't complained about one of these in awhile. It's another example of a object with a long-ass adverb attached to it. It comes out something like,
"I held unsteady-from-orgasm-Yoshino and laid her down on a desk, and aimed my meatrod at her semen-leaking vagina."
It's a lovely quirk of the Japanese language that you can have such detailed descriptors for an object that you can simultaneously describe as partaking in some action. The real problem is being the guy trying to translate this into subject-verb-predicate english.

"Yoshino was wobbling from the echoes of her orgasm, so I picked her up and laid her down on a desk, and aimed my meatrod at her cum-dripping vagina."



Feb 3, 2020
Ahmigawd my right shoulder/back hurts like a motherfucker and idk where to complain about it so here I am >:[


Feb 3, 2020
It's kind of funny how long it takes for the "final ejaculation" to end. My man blows his load for 20 lines before his last shot


Feb 3, 2020
[womb devoted to exhausting arousal][let taste waves of forceful ejaculations], [slut meat was hit by pleasure so strong it's numbing][so], [Yoshino hit orgasm and became (sloppy*)].
*more like, un-composed, which is apparently not a word

This one's something like,
"When Yoshino's womb, which was devoted to satisfying my lust, finally tasted my forceful ejaculations, the slutmeat was hit by pleasure so strong it was numbing, making Yoshino orgasm sloppily."
This goes over the character limit for the line. Not sure what to do this time around :[ Hmm


Jan 29, 2018
try something like "when my ejaculations hit yoshino's womb, which was devoted to my cock, the pleasure was so much she orgasmed heavily"

communicates the same message, but *might* fit


Feb 3, 2020
try something like "when my ejaculations hit yoshino's womb, which was devoted to my cock, the pleasure was so much she orgasmed heavily"

communicates the same message, but *might* fit
This would definitely fit (character limit is 64/line, -1 for line break insert) but there's a couple things that are lost with this line. I try to be extremely careful not to lose any descriptive words when I translate, because there's something in the specific words or even the choice to use the words at all that adds to a sense of style. My usual workaround is to try and 'move' words around, so for something like "pleasure so strong it was numbing" I might say "numbingly strong pleasure" or something like that.

I ended up throwing something in for this line already, but thanks for the suggestion!


Feb 3, 2020
Struggling a little bit with Yoshino's language. I haven't bothered to insert too much formal language because I didn't want to force it, but occasionally I throw in a 'sir' or something to try and give the impression that she looks up to the MC as a master figure. English uses very specific words to indicate formality, and otherwise defers to tone/subject matter to denote distance between the speaker and the listener, whereas it's very clear from Japanese sentence formatting whether someone is being formal or not.

I am so excited to work on Shuri's lines based on what I remember from doing the opening. Kappa
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Feb 3, 2020
My normal schedule was kind of degenerate for awhile, I would wake up around noon and go to bed at 3-5am and I would do all my work past midnight. I'm trying to wake up in the morning like a normal human being and work before noon, but I wake up and I don't wanna work Dx
And now I feel too tired to work past 7pm smh
Anyways, I been squeezing a couple lines out a night before I go doom scrolling through the youtube homepage. I gotta set proper standards for myself or I'm never gonna get anything done
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