There's this word 「乱れる」 which appears quite a lot, it means disordered/disarrayed/disheveled, but (based on my understanding) it's used a lot to refer to a lack of control during sex, whether it be tousled hair or rough breathing or lewd facial expressions etc. My go-to word is usually disheveled, but disheveled feels more about being messy rather than about loosened control.
I got a sentence that starts with 「はしたなくよがり乱れる芳乃の艶姿。。。」 which comes out as [dirtily][enjoying-ly][messed up-ing][Yoshino's charming figure], or "Yoshino's charming figure that obscenely indulgingly dishevels (herself)" which is really confusing, and also it's supposed to be a single term. sigh