Others Partial Shihai no Kyoudan 2, v0.2.3


Feb 3, 2020
Playing Dohna Dohna, which was translated by the group that did Eden's Ritter. The translation is fantastic. I personally would've done a few sentences a little differently, maybe 1/100 lines, but there's an incredible amount of creativity and wit that went into getting the feelings and details across, and also to some degree, irreverence to the original Japanese. My work on SNK2 is focused primarily on making sure there's 1:1 equivalence between the Japanese and English words, which is mostly for the sake of time. If I had the time (or speed) to run through 2-3 drafts, I wish it would come out looking something like the work that Shiravune has done with Dohna Dohna.


Feb 3, 2020
aight I spent 90 hours on Dohna Dohna over the last week and a half, I'm missing some h-scenes because I fudged a few missable events and I didn't know that h-scenes are available when you game over during different chapters. I'll probably just play the game again at some later date, I love it but I don't really feel like hunting down the missing scenes right now, I've already missed over a week of translating to play.

Anyways, translating is going alright. It feels kinda bad to try translating after I get home from work, and it feels bad to work if I spend my morning working on translating, which leaves me a bit stuck. I'm trying to get 2-3 solid days of work done every week, but I keep wanting to spend my free time relaxing.

On the plus side, reading through Dohna Dohna has me feeling a little inspired. I kinda wanna measure up to something of that caliber. heh


Feb 3, 2020
連撃 (ren-geki) - continuous series of attacks; barrage

pretty rare word, and all the references are for SAO and Konosuba lol
I'm gonna assume it's a modern compound word that someone slapped together for video games, it's not listed in any older dictionaries
Dec 27, 2019
You are doing god's work, not many actually translate Bishop stuff and many of them are really interesting, thank you and keep at the good work


Feb 3, 2020
Hmmm so this ~ character, which I like to use for when people either do some kind of singsong voice or when the character trails the ends of their sentences (such as when they're screaming in pleasure as they're talking), it comes out really weird with the font settings I set. It looks different when I use the jp keyboard to type it and it seems to work alright, but it's still wonky and I feel a little anxious about it =.=
should be alright though, readability isn't a problem


Feb 3, 2020
To save your time maybe using DeepL translate ? i find it very readable
I thought about it, but I want to maintain some of my normal style for now. I was gonna try doing edited DeepL for all of Shuri's route, but that won't be for a while


Feb 3, 2020
Slowly devolving to alcoholism to cope with the stresses of work
not really, but my god I'm starting to dread work days. Productivity is down by a lot lately, part of it's the weather and part of it's work, in general I just feel bad. I'm forcing myself to do at least a few lines a day to make sure I'm making progress.
Hmm :/


Dec 21, 2021
Hey don't force yourself too much. Take a break if you need it. Your mental well being is more important than a porn game :)
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Feb 3, 2020
「こんなにエロく熟したマンコがダメになるかよ。\n チンポで犯せば犯すほど仕上がっていくぞっ……!」
[such an erotically ready pussy is (incapable)?][the more I fuck with my cock][the more I will make it complete]!

Someone named Dubisek messaged me about helping out, I'm trying to figure out a working system to make use of him. We spent maybe an hour on this line. I think we both knew what the fuck it meant but my god English did not have great tools to translate it easily. I had to do a workaround:

"Your pussy looks so ready, what do you mean you can’t? I’ll just have to keep fucking it until you can… !"

:[ not too bad


Feb 3, 2020
「ううぅっ……! どうしてこんな所で……\n んんっ、くぅっ……! 外でしちゃうなんてっ!」
[why in a place like this... ][sfx][doing it in such a place as outdoors!]

hrmm >:/ idk what to do with this one, nothing I've written up looks right. I'll figure something out eventually I guess