I want to say that I'm still trying to grasp the situation and the reactions of the MC and the way he seems to be glossing over the past.
I'd rather camp on the beach than live with or take charity from a former school or work-place bully.
There is no way I'd move into their house, particularly since in this case they aren't even remorseful, there is no discussion at all even.
I'd have a huge problem if my mother [or father or sister, whatever] was having friendly interactions with a former school/work bully like nothing happened, to the point of having their contact information and suggesting I live with them.
For me that'd be a betrayal.
It's one of the big problems I had with the plot of MBML, the mother inviting a former school bully into the house. The option right at the start of that AVN when the MC can shut the door on them and walk away should have been the canon story.
Worst of all though is suddenly the MC turns into Captain Save-A-Ho, just like in MBML. The MC has no reason to care about this bitch but suddenly has to become her savior? Why?
I'll do pretty much anything for someone I care about, I'll even go pretty far out of my way for someone I don't really know or who is just a regular acquaintance, but if you've previously attacked me in some way and become some sort of 'enemy', never been remorseful and acted with contrition, then fuck you, I hope you have a horrible life.
I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't seem to get these AVNs where the MC suddenly cares about people that've been nothing but cunts.
Here, this is an example that I don't understand.
View attachment 2284569
To all of that, why?
Why am I there for her?
Why would I want to 'hang out' with an insufferable cunt?
Why would I want to "get to know her as a person"?
She's a 5 at best, so no real pretty privilege that would have people over-look other factors.
She isn't particularly feminine in the way she acts or speaks, so not much in the way of relationship attraction triggers.
The MC doesn't have any good childhood memories with that person that would give the MC some sort of "rose tinted glasses" effect.
I just don't get it, there is no reason I can see why I, as the MC, should give two shits about this person.