You need the Abyss Memento, which can be found in the same area as the Mukuro boss fight after defeating her. Instead of leaving for the next chapter, go straight forward and enter the pit room, and then interact with the sparkling lamp to get the Human Key.
Head back in, go to the left-hand room of the area, and use the key to open the signpost secret door at the backend of that room. The memento is in there.
If you've gone past this point its possible you will have to chapter select and re-fight Mukuro.
Let me know your difficulty and what weapons/accessories you have and I can give you a strategy to make the mukuro Refight take significantly less time and attempts.
I realized I might not notice quickly enough when you reply so I guess I'll just send a basic strategy.
If you're on Regular/Masochistic, using the Riot or Double-Barrel Shotgun are both very viable methods of consistently beating Mukuro.
Start the fight with tea and immediately use a Riot Shot/One Shotgun Shell, if you're using the Riot you should get a second shot off ideally the next turn if you can. If you're using the shotgun, simply reload the shell you just used.
These two turns are important, if you get stuck on getting the second action done for a few turns, the fight might turn sour.
After this, simply play defensively. Deal with restraints, use items, no need to try desperately to get an attacking turn.
You're stalling so Mukuro will eventually use her no-restraint time-stop. It's signified by her sprite changing to a far more disheveled one, but she doesn't apply any hair bindings. Normally, attacking her or doing anything aside from Defensive Stance when she does this would lead to death by cowgirl(wonderful way to die I guess), however she takes doubled damage from most damage types in this stance. Use either the Riot Shot or the Double-Barrel Burst Shot and it should be more than enough damage to win the fight and stop her from doing anything else.
If you're on easy you can just use the Riot and shoot her like 3 times she probably wont get to do much about that.
The Riot is obtainable in one of the Cars in 2-1 if you don't know what it is.
To sum it up
Riot Route: Two Shots, wait for No-Restraint Time-Stop, Final Shot
Shotgun Route: One Shot, Reload, Wait for No-Restraint Time-Stop, Burst Shot