risk vs reward kind of thing. maybe add a system that would allow for the player to decrease the risk to make this idea worth
/A the way is search girls with positive traits
i remember in some moment the original become too easy.
/Reply i'm not following you here. in this case the trait would be neutral because it could be both good and bad for the player and what was i suggesting was a system we could add to the profiles tab that would lets us know how much loyalty the employee had for the player. that way the trait could be good or bad depending how the player traited the employee and would be a benefit or a problem for said player.
for npc like alice or julia if have high dignity she will no be raped or involved on sex.
problem with that idea mate. for alice we could have sex with her once we lowered her dignity and due to story so it's not really worth having. don't get me wrong, it would be a good way to explain why the bar owner won't let us fuck her but i bet you a lot of us would like to fuck both alice and the owner at some point so it's not really worth having.
A/ I know it's very rare this proposal for a porn game but it's what the original game has, if you take alice to fight in the slums, if you lose no one rape her, and I think with julia also if you decide to hire her only as a maid.
I wouldn't do it for me, but I think it's part of that dates mini game of flirt/corruption with her until she decides to have something with the prota.
but if I see a majority opinion I can ignore it and not do it. mini dating events I'd like it to be generic for all the npc
i talk about a mark instead of the dignity value for make easy find characters white this mechanic.
/Reply mate i don't remember alice having a trait saying no sex. as for the slums no sorry mate it didn't make sense then and it doesn't make sense now, if the player would lose a fight in the slums of course the winners would rape alice and any girl that was with them (to the victor goes the spoils as they say). the only way i can see it working in terms of combat would if alice was never allowed on your team. story wise it could work. gameplay wise and common sense wise it doesn't. if your gonna make a trait you should make a different one or make it so the trait can be removed and replaced by a powerful trait that makes it worth all the hastile in terms of story and make it so you can add her to your team once the trait has been removed.
julia we do end up fucking her regardless, so yeah still would be a waste of a trait slot.
mini games? oh wait you're talking about events. those are fine without it.
i wouldnt replace the dignity, it makes sense both in terms of story and game play not to mention it makes sense in both a general and realistic way. getting rid of it would be just silly. if you want to use a mark system fine but use it in a different way but keep the stuff that makes the common sense for the game and the story.
unique NPC/boss mark.
special events and some broken stats maybe
what do you mean by boss mark?
A/ a mark for generate a special npc, with more HP or certain stats and clothes, like the orc dudes.
/Reply by that logic wouldn't the player have that mark? we would be the boss of brothel and lot of us would try and get as strong as possible to win any fight with a combo of using clothes that give buffs to specific stats and weapons that would boost our attack power. so yeah wouldn't we have that mark too?
also an idea i like to throw for a trait. dominatrix.
A/I would see it too much similar to tsundere, and the subject of clothing, I don't know if it has much benefit, since we will all dress them to our personal taste once recruited
/Reply that's very debatable mate. while yes they are similar you don't see a tsundere having a thing for dominating people while wearing black, at best a Tsundere would call you an idiot maybe try to cut you with a knife she's one of the more insane ones. as for clothes you do remember that clothes did have stat changes right? while yes we would change the clothes depending personal taste we would also change based on practicality based due the stat the clothes offered.
also shemale. enough said on that lol
A/ for now if I was planning to add the strapon, but it's one of the last things I'll do, already when development is over
/Reply so what it would be like dlc then?