at the moment is posible I start add soon some mark/trait to the characters in a light way,
the stuff start here
the other day we talk a little about that, if you want propose also too.
alright i had a look at the traits and i have some thought on some of them.
first nympho
more naughty dialogs and less stamina consumption for sex ,more defence to stamina drain attacks, and mood stasis not decreased. (seens a bit overpower so i want do it a very rare trait)
easy fix really, just get rid of the mood stass thing and make it so she can't use melee weapons. that way she can more a sexual based fighter. it also could lead to some interesting stuff such orgy for the clients and having her work with other staff to help give them a boost to morale.
can steal you or the clients money, it can start clients chase you for make you back the money or some similar events.
this isn't a bad idea, it can lead to interesting events but it's more a risk vs reward kind of thing. maybe add a system that would allow for the player to decrease the risk to make this idea worth more to keep around the brothel.
for npc like alice or julia if have high dignity she will no be raped or involved on sex.
problem with that idea mate. for alice we could have sex with her once we lowered her dignity and due to story so it's not really worth having. don't get me wrong, it would be a good way to explain why the bar owner won't let us fuck her but i bet you a lot of us would like to fuck both alice and the owner at some point so it's not really worth having.
for certain dialogs, you know.
i'll be honest with you mate i can see some scenes that could work with this being a trait but i don't think it will be give us much of a benefit in terms of the brothel, i can see it working in recruiting sure and getting laid but once shes works for you i can't help but see her being nothing more than a nuisance for the player.
uniqueNPC/boss mark.
special events and some broken stats maybe
what do you mean by boss mark?
also an idea i like to throw for a trait. dominatrix.
basically what the name is, a woman who likes leather and black who enjoying dominating people. this could work as both a normal worker or as a boss.
also shemale. enough said on that lol