Here's a few ideas I brainstormed
Punishment systems_
~. Debt Setbacks
1. If you do not pay your weekly debt loan sharks/thugs are sent to wreck/take away some of your assets. The player loses one or two non-essential rooms in their brothel such as Bedrooms, Cage Cells, Glory-holes, Poles.
2. Every simultaneous/continuous payment installment weekly (aka 2 weeks or 3 weeks in a row) you fail to make payments one of your highest level non-essential party members is taken hostage/forced to work for the bank. Said party members are released sequentially upon making missed full payments. Example, if you have missed 3 weeks in a row your two highest party members will have been taken away, and if the debt for each week is $1000, you will have to pay $1000 for one, and then $1000 for the other party member.
~. Notoriety Setbacks
1. Unlike Reputation, Notoriety is bad reputation about you and your business. Ever 10 points of Notoriety you have makes your workers less comfortable working for you, as such they will be more likely to ask for a wage increase, if denied they might decide they are better off working on their own or with a competitor.
2. Notoriety negatively effects certain charm checks, such as convincing the bank to give you a loan, or hiring new workers.
~. Security Setbacks
1. If your security rating is too low it may cause events to trigger that have your prostitutes demand you pay for something of theirs that was stolen or they will leave your brothel and you will gain negative reputation.
2. If your security is too low it may cause one of your prostitutes to be kidnapped where their ransom is set at a variable of 8% ± 2% Your total net wroth. Total net worth = your current cash at the time of kidnapping + the value of all rooms in your brothel at the time of kidnapping. Alternatively you can try to fight the kidnappers for your prostitute back, but if you lose, then you lose another prostitute and one article of clothing/weapon on each of the party members you brought to said fight.