I dont know how you are doing with the project, but its looking good, still in bare bones, but very playable.
There are some bugs that just crash my game, but nothing that a quick save cant cover.
Thinking about this, it would be really nice to have more save pages, 6 only really limits my freedom.
Also IMO the best you can do to remake the game is build the base of everything so it works properly, add all the base systems and then make them pretty and deep later.
I wouldnt mind having just 1 line of dialogue with the basement robot and teleport to nothingness (with a button to go back)
Just so its already there to work with it, instead of building it over old code causing conflics.
I mean like you did with the bank girl and the redhead quest, they are there, unable to progress, but the base for the code is already there.
Also for my personal taste, add good variety of long thighhigs socks heels and some kind of deeper body modifier please Uwu