I have a question that may seem strange to you, but where else to ask it if not here) I know cases when creators complaining about users who converted sl-content to s3 - it seems that their tumblrs were deleted. Has anyone even tried to contact sl-creators about conversions to ts4? Maybe for personal use or free sharing? Do all sl-creators disallow conversions to sims, even though they don't do it themselves, or are there exceptions? I know they totally own their meshes, but I want more information to understand how can I use this content...
their tumblrs get taken down bc of DMCA. SL ppl have more control over their meshes as per linden labs' EULA and can do this so don't flaunt your goods in a way that it's noticeable. it's why leo recolours her stolen goods and it's why she is on her third tumblr account. a lot of sims 3 people moved over to SL and they frequently spy on other tumblrs but those sims 3 people are usually the older big asian creators (77sims, kiru, spectacledchic, etc). if you're a patreon person displaying SL stuff, they will ding you (and honestly, you should not be reselling conversions on patreon anyways).
the creators that are the worst with DMCA are bigger ones like whatnext, dustbunny, vespertine, nutmeg. you can thank leosims for this as a bunch of them discovered their stuff being sold under leo's patreon and they will dmca tumblrs for even posting images of their stuff in a sims game.
if it's of any comfort, most creators live completely on SL and don't know or care about sims or tumblr (they hang out on flickr, wordpress, and facebook...which is baffling because i did not know people still used flickr). it is frowned upon to convert bc it's how they make their money. my logic is, if your item was created for SL. the sims 4 person is not your customer bc the sims 4 person does not usually play second life. you aren't losing revenue in that regard. if you're copybotting the mesh to upload to the marketplace and sell? that's no good. but this is a pirate site so what are morals lol.