
Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I do hope that we see more of this game but until there is an update this will continue to be marked as abandoned. There have been a lot of developers who come back and claim to be continuing their work only for there to be nothing released for years or ever. Best to be a bit jaded until we see something come out.

I know Kaffeekop had a lot of IRL shit go down and I do sympathize, just want to be realistic about my expectations. I don't want to get too excited until I have an actual reason to be excited.


Active Member
Jul 25, 2017
Will Mister Kaffekop finish the game? :unsure:
As you probably already have guessed I am returning to SotF sometime this year. The first order of business will be an updated version 0.7 (will be labeled as version 0.7.1). It will be released when I have added animations to all the sex scenes that exists in the game at the time of writing this. There are quite a few sex scenes so it will take a while.

I hope that life treats you well and thank you for your patience.

I will try to keep you updated on a more regular basis in the future.

Cheers - Kaffekop

Posted by Kaffekop in february 2023 we can only hope.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
As you probably already have guessed I am returning to SotF sometime this year. The first order of business will be an updated version 0.7 (will be labeled as version 0.7.1). It will be released when I have added animations to all the sex scenes that exists in the game at the time of writing this. There are quite a few sex scenes so it will take a while.

I hope that life treats you well and thank you for your patience.

I will try to keep you updated on a more regular basis in the future.

Cheers - Kaffekop

Posted by Kaffekop in february 2023 we can only hope.
He posted here after this...

Hey folks - long time indeed and thanks for keeping my seat warm ;)

It is amazing to be out on the other side of 20 years of... being on hold, so to speak. After having gotten clean I have noticed just how bad it was with my mental health and my addiction. I have had quite a few very candid talks with family and friends about who and what I had turned into over the years. Terrible realization, but it had to be done... I guess.
Trying to kick my antidepressants at the moment and I sure hope that doesn't take as much toll on me as kicking those other drugs.
Anyways... I hope that life treats you well and that you all are staying healthy.

I am apparently never going to become an animator, by the looks of it. The other day I reached the end of my rope when it comes to animating and I have tossed in the proverbial towel! No more agonizing over setting up animations that simply doesn't meet the standard that I want. Yes, it means that there wont be coming animations to SotF... like EVER!

This means that I'm back at working on SotF again come Monday. There may be some changes coming to the story as I have spent some time reading up on the story and the plot. Choices I made back then, when I was under the influence, were perhaps not the best that could be made. I'll let you know if there will be changes as I delve more into my notes and brainstorming's of the past.

As always I wont give you a release date for 0.8. That way I wont set everything up for failure. We have all been there time and time again and we don't need anymore of that.

On another note. I still dabble a little in comics and have recently fallen down the rabbit hole of AI generated images/art. If you want to follow my journey in these endeavors, you can always visit my website:

Cheers - Kaffekop


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018

Hey y'all
I guess it's time for a small update on the progress of 0.8+
Things are moving along nicely. Not as fast as I would have liked but it is a constant progress, which is not something anyone of us have been used to. A few more weeks of planning the updates, fleshing out everything instead of trying to be creative within the narrative of every update, is proving to be a hassle, but ... a good hassle! Then I'll take a few weeks off before I get down to working on 0.8 again.
Release date is still not determined! But hang in there, I'll get there.
Cheers and thank you for the patience.



Our MC will meet this older lady in 0.8. Who is she, I hear you cry. Well ... she is a mother.

Cheers - Kaffekop



Our MC is always ready to give comfort to those who are distraught, and Jennifer sure seems to be needing some comfort.

Cheers - Kaffekop



What many have waited patiently for is about to happen - but will it?

Cheers - Kaffekop
Last edited:


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
It's been a while since I played this but I remember really liking it
I went exclusively for the girl with short blonde hair but I forgot her name.
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Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
It's been a while since I played this but I remember really liking it
I went exclusively for the girl with short blonde hair but I forgot her name.
i think you and i would go along just fine even if the game suddenly becomes RL.
the only chick i have zero interest would be "yours exclusively" would be a fair trade - you are getting her, Im getting the rest :BootyTime:


Board Buff
Sep 3, 2022
When is the new update ?

Hey y'all
I guess it's time for a small update on the progress of 0.8+
Things are moving along nicely. Not as fast as I would have liked but it is a constant progress, which is not something anyone of us have been used to. A few more weeks of planning the updates, fleshing out everything instead of trying to be creative within the narrative of every update, is proving to be a hassle, but ... a good hassle! Then I'll take a few weeks off before I get down to working on 0.8 again.
Release date is still not determined! But hang in there, I'll get there.
Cheers and thank you for the patience.


View attachment 2761592
View attachment 2761594

Our MC will meet this older lady in 0.8. Who is she, I hear you cry. Well ... she is a mother.

Cheers - Kaffekop


View attachment 2761595

Our MC is always ready to give comfort to those who are distraught, and Jennifer sure seems to be needing some comfort.

Cheers - Kaffekop


View attachment 2761604

What many have waited patiently for is about to happen - but will it?

Cheers - Kaffekop

That is all the information available.
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Reactions: Kaffekop


Jan 2, 2018
Hey guys and gals, just wanted to check in.

First, isn't great to hear that Kaffekop is doing better. I'm in shock knowing where he was to where he is now...
Kaffekop and we have emailed each other, it sounds like he wants to move forward with the game. I don't
want to put words in his mouth but he sounded excited about continuing the story.

Please just give it time, anyone that liked the game before knows his attention to detail. Just seeing those new
frames of mom and Tabitha, I will have to play the game again.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
I know I will have to restart from the beginning since it been quite some time since the last recent update. Plus it should help refreshing my mind as well. Also not sure if the developer may tweak some of the VN story in this VN from previous update in case the developer spot any thing that may need to be tweak before he/she continue the next release.

Have a great day and be safe... (y)


Game Developer
Jul 23, 2017
A small heads up about replaying the 0.7. Hold off for now as I try to work in a gallery feature for the sexual encounter so they can be replayed to your hearts content as well as a way to name your saves and I have no idea if adding these to the existing mix will fuck up current saves.
Currently thinking of making an update to 0.7 with those features before completely diving into 0.8 and beyond.

Also thought about a adding a feature where the player will have access to some sort of recap, as to the continued story arc. Not necessarily the story arc of each individual character but rather the main story. I'm not sure how much work that may be, but it was an idea I had the other day as I was working through the different updates.

About a release date ... I believe I have said it on multiple occasions that I don't like to be set on a specific date. I think I have burned you enough over the years with that so, as Blizzard used to say: "Soon".
Although I do go for a release within this year ;)

Cheer - Kaffekop


Game Developer
Jul 23, 2017
I do hope that we see more of this game but until there is an update this will continue to be marked as abandoned. There have been a lot of developers who come back and claim to be continuing their work only for there to be nothing released for years or ever. Best to be a bit jaded until we see something come out.

I know Kaffeekop had a lot of IRL shit go down and I do sympathize, just want to be realistic about my expectations. I don't want to get too excited until I have an actual reason to be excited.
That is indeed sound advice!

Cheers - Kaffekop
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