Did this game really just kill the only black guy within minutes of gameplay? In a porn game? Big yikes. Although the animation is incredibly impressive the plot and dialogue are nowhere near good enough to get away with that.
I don't think that his race, being black, really mattered. He was disruptive, disrespectful & tried to escape.
(who wouldn't be under the circumstances) sometimes, it is just Better & smarter to play along; bide your time and wait for better opportunity to escape. He Got what He deserved! If He was Really dead,... Oh well, NBD!!

- Males, who whimper and Cry, like little Bitches, at the mere thought of being emasculated, ... Oh the Horror!!
- (Yet, it IS these Same types of Males who have NO Issues Degrading & Humiliating others they Believe 'do not measure up' to "Alpha male" standards).
I, for One, Never Really believed that he was dead (his 'injuries' didn't look that fatal) but I could be wrong.
and what a Way to control the MC; they Are willing to Kill, at cost, IF you do not follow orders.
- I Always just kinda assumed the black guy was unconscious and taken away for MORE 'Aggressive treatment'.
(He would 'turn up' again later, more submissive & sissified; maybe even bimbo-fied, if necessary.