So the group sex and bdsm are optional (so grateful for that) but do we have more options in game?
Like to pick an specific girl and not get cock blocked or degraded by doing so (like skirt chasing a taken girl like a dumb puppy), and can we avoid lesbian content (not my thing don't want it) is it possible?
NVM tried the demo :/
Me in the game:
Uh... wait, I actually was able to refuse all that I didn't want so far...
FU James! If you try to spy on my sister I will rip your eyes out and I will make you eat them!
Ah! Back off you slutty siste's friend... BOTH of you. I will keep my lil sis away from you crazy sluts >.>
Older sis 1 here take 5000 go pay your drug money and stop doing that shit
Older sis 2 yeah sis that is your choice go with it, happy marriage.
Mom sounds crazy better keep my distance before I lose my lunch.
Lil sis... I love you! Please go out with me! (date me)
...It would be awesome if trust points can lead to different H scenes with the girl you have enough trust, like romance options and not corruption options.
After what it looked like the end of the game my lil sis came to my room to spend the night, agreed to be topless, while spooning with me, my hand on her breast, my bulge poking her rear end...
Is this sorcery! Just what I asked for a minute ago, don't like the tags but having the option to refuse what you don't want makes it good to go ^^
Liking the game so far.