Well, I got to the Patreon plug page at the end of the demo. That was about 3 hours longer than it probably needed to be, and the lion's share of that was me making little circles with the mouse to try and get some feet to appear so I knew what was a valid path to the next screen. I think start to completion was only a couple of hours. Lots of bumbling around, though.
After you find the knife and lose your fight, you end up doing a fetch quest chain that involves getting vegetables for the fishmonger and then getting her and the fighter together. There's a pretty good Cyrano de Bergerac scene going after that, but there's a whole lot of unnecessary repetition with you waking up, training, and then having to sleep to advance to the next training day. If you suffer through, the fishmonger throws you a pity fuck and then you advance to the wonderful Patreon link page.
I mean, it's an okay concept demo, but the control scheme is all wrong for the artwork they used. Click on the screen to move somewhere only really works if you have at least semi-obvious paths in your scenery. It's really random looking when you wander the forest because it feels like you're just wandering blindly. Nothing feels connected here. I'm expecting a deer track or a stream, and I don't really see any of that. In town, I can click behind some huts to move to the next row, but I can't click to go back, and some neighboring huts aren't linked up. Also, the conversations that end each day seem to be kind of random. I'm not sure if I'm doing a set number of actions and talking to someone after that ends things immediately, or if I just have to avoid certain people if I still think I have stuff to do that day.
The story and animations seem like they have some potential, but the gameplay's pretty rough right now.
He's also made egregious "loose/lose" errors. Someone really needs to show him the "Cleveland Indians' Postseason Strategy vs. Your Mom" graphic.