"got disorganized", "no cohesion", "can only salvage 6 min of footage"...
Yeah, that sounds about right!
Once again another big time 2dx/3dx-animator who's making over 30k a month who's "unfortunately" not able to deliver what he's been presumably working on for the past 1 1/2 years.
Another perfect example of why platforms like Patreon and Subscribestar, at least in their current iteration, are a total SCAM!
Skudd's already got the money and there's nothing his previous/current supporters can do about it.
Skudd's free to pull whatever excuse he feels like right out of his ass and BOOM!, there it is, he simply got "disorganized".
Luckily for him I got the feeling that the $250.000.00 (probably more) he's made over the span of this project found it's way straight to his bank account without any "disorganization".
Really looking forward to the official "excuse" post on Subscribestar, gonna be so fun to see how he spins this BS!
Oh well, another amazing x-rated animator going down the drain, what a shame...