He isn't the only one who do patreon/paywall mod with voice from the skyrim game with using ai or cutting/copy voice to make new sentance etc.
The drama things come from the ai technology where you can literally see someone naked now, making porn with their face voice etc.
I have see (if i have remember well) a reddit post about someone (an actor) discovering this mod and pointing his mod. He was kind of personnal target by this actor.
And that's here the problem, if it's normal to have fear to see your face, body naked or voice used for bad things (published on porn website, used to hurt the person etc etc), the difference here it was for a mod created by a modder and that's the all point. With a mod, you know (if you have some brain of course) that's is something created, a fantasy and you can know that of course these actors will not use their voice for these kinds of mods. A mod isn't created with malicious intent and pointing mods with ai used or copy/cut is a nosence.
It's not like her/his face was used in a porn video visible by all.
It was as keanu reeves where some naughty mods with his face was released and cd project asked to stop that (but keanu reeves didn't care if i remember well ?).
But yes since this time, other mods with cut/copy - ai used with safe or not safe mods was released on nexusmods.