Ok I have been reading everything going on with the whole discussion, and ho boy you are projecting and dying on a idiotically bad hill.
Firstly, the fuck are you smoking. Whatever it is puff, puff, pass motherfucker because I want some. MO2 is THE mod manager for Bethesda games currently - full stop.
Why? Because its built on literal decades of previous incarnation (OBMM, FOMM, NMM, Vortex and MO1) and perfected the formula. Everything that has been learned though modding games from Morrowind onward was incapsulated into MO2. The reason people "shill" it is because it is leaps and bounds easier to set up and then troubleshoot if things go wrong (literally turn a switch off and on again to FULLY disable or enable a mod). Not to mention:
a) virtual Data folder;
b) seperate folders for mods so the base files for them are clean;
c) portable mode so you can easily swap PCs;
d) profile specific .ini files that have custom settings;
e) In built .exe support and integration so you can run things like Bodyslide or Animation Loaders in one place;
f) Backup load orders if everything goes to shit;
g) Built in LOOT to clean and optimize load orders since that can also fuck your game up;
and a myriad of other features that make modding a breeze compared to how it used to be.
For people just getting into modding it is beyond useful since they don't really understand what the fuck can break the game (incompatabilities, overwrites, faulty scripts etc.) and everything to FIX the issues is in one program or can be easily itegrated. Plus due to how it virtualizes the Data folder there is never any permanent damage to the game install folder itself. No more uninstalling Skyrim and starting over if shit goes south making it infinitely more stress free when modding. Ask yourself why there isn't a MO3 and NMM was yeeted for Vortex.
Secondly, who crowned you the arbiter of what someone can chose to do. Personally, I find it highly commendable that someone takes the time to help others with things that they don't have the experience, or knowledge to do themselves. So, johnnypanic420 good job, you are doing The Lord Todd's work.
Thirdly, and finally PLEASE keep going. This shit has been highly entertaining to read. Especially your hypocritical outbursts about the overwhelming majority of people modding Skyrim or Fallout; since ya know, they all use MO2 due to the influence of cultists of the Great Lord Todd spreading their ideology of Howardism across the Internet landscape with their most Unholy Relic of mod installation - Mod Organizer 2... and not that objectively the majority has spoken and reached a consensus on what is the best tool for the job after over half a decade of the debate going on.
I am so looking forward to your reply.
Some random bigger asshole that has had a depressingly long history with modding Bethesda titles.
I'm not dying on any hill, or being a hypocrite. I'm not telling anyone what they should or shouldn't use, I'm telling people that nobody should give a shit about what anyone uses. Again, I use both, and both meet my needs.
a) virtual data folder: cool. I don't mind digging around in a non virtual folder. it aint hard.
b) seperate folders for mods so the base files for them are clean: I keep backups of everything anyways. good feature to have for the other guy tho
c) portable mode so you can easily swap PCs: got me there, but I'm not moving my mod setups anytime soon anyway. genuinely good feature for the other guy tho.
d) profile specific .ini files that have custom settings: neat, I'm not the guy who needs that.
e) In built .exe support and integration so you can run things like Bodyslide or Animation Loaders in one place: not a feature that appeals to me. def not saying its bad, keeps your desktop uncluttered. but given I have no need for it, how much does it help me mod my game?
f) Backup load orders if everything goes to shit: I keep backups of everything
g) Built in LOOT to clean and optimize load orders since that can also fuck your game up: I don't use loot. I started modding on the xbox, which had no such niceties as loot. had to orgnanize mods yourself, still do id imagine, so that's what I'm used to.
Do you or do you not see the point here? Bells and whistles are meaningless if you don't need them. I don't. and I'm an idiot, as you've already pointed out. So, if my dumbass can figure out how to keep a game stable with a less sophisticated mod manager, why can't anyone else? And I'm not even saying anyone has to, anyone must, but why fuckin bother if people dont? That's the shit that bothers me.
Nobody crowned me jack shit of shit, and I never claimed to wear a crown of any sort. I've had this argument a million times and it always boils down to the exact same talking points: "mo2 better." Nobody contests that though, but whenever this topic comes up, its always the mo2 users who erect the echo chamber and start jacking off into it. I've never met a vortex user or a nmm barbarian who goes out of their way to talk immense trash about what other people do on their own computers. And, no you don't get any extra credit for helping noobs learn the ropes, thats the bare minimum. We should all be good to our neophytes. But keep glazing your homie, that's very wholesome of you.
Third, you didn't really make a third point, you just said some shit about how I apparently think the majority of modders are mo2 users cause the cult of howardism. But i'm not too concerned with what you or your majority think. its an end user argument we're making here, and for some toddforsaken reason,it really bothers a great deal of you guys whether or not someone uses the same mod manager you do. You'll note that no one here at any point said "nmm is better," or "vortex is better," primarily cause they aren't, but also because those guys don't give a shit. again, the ar-15 energy. why do you care? or pretend to care? you can be in comfortably in your majority, let the people who elect for other shit just be. if someone hates nmm or vortex enough, they're gonna switch, inevitably. also I've helped people learn bethesda games too, so i eagerly await my glazing from you. entertained yet?
signed, an asshole with enough history modding bethesda titles, and even more going tit for tat with losers on a forum.