Skyrim Patreon mods

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Dec 2, 2020
That would require me knowing the MO2 people and being a promoter of what exactly? Common sense? That sounds boring. I recommend everyone do manual and overload Nexus modding pages with questions like "It no work, fix please." :ROFLMAO:
it wouldnt at all require you know those guys. your own self interests can make you a shill. I'm not saying you are, I'm just saying you don't need a paycheck or a close personal connection to someone or something in order to adequately shill for it. Apple, for example.


Feb 13, 2018
Bruh what are these arguments, u use mo2 and wrye bash together so bash can help u figure out conflicts better and also generate bashed patch. Same for nemesis and Pandora, if Pandora is not enough then generate nemesis output to see what error it spits out and fix it. There's no rule out there saying you need to pledge allegiance to one tool over other, you're free to use more than one for their strengths
people love to be tribalistic, like it gets almost religious at times with how people proselytize MO2 or vortex or NMM.


Jun 10, 2024
The question isn't about who cares but which manager is more easy for some users.

NMM is clearly outdated. Normally nobody should use it now. Only very very experimented user should do it because these users will know which mods should overwrites others ones without making a mess in their installation folder.

Vortex, is the easy version. A user normal will probably use it. This manager will do the job and will be easy specially for new player starting mods. (great for managing collection in one click if the user want just an easy installation for playing skyrim with mods without having headache)

Mod organizer could be seems complex at first but for sure is the most advanced for the gestion of the mods and all things over this (profil, save, folder, virtual folder etc). There is even an addon for collection on nexusmods. Usually a user of mo2 isn't looking for collection because he/she manage his/her mods. This mod manager is often used by creator content/experimented users/users who don't care about collection/translators.

Some new player use nmm because they aren't informed correctly about actual modding. So if someone is suggesting to use an another mod manager, it's the good things.

After about which is best between vortex/mo2, it's the user who will choose how much the mod manager fit to him/her and his facility to use it.

My personnal taste go to mo 2 because i started with it from the beginning (specially with skyrim LE and mod organizer 1 when nmm was still alive), but personnaly if people want to play with vortex, they are free to do. They will learn modding with a pretty friendly manager and well it's not a bad things.

So to resume, nmm is outadted and shouldn't be used. After vortex or mo 2, iIt's a matter of taste and convenience for the user.
I use it mostly since im used to how it works, plus i personally feel like im more in control of my mods over vortex, but who knows, it is a better option, but i guess im old school.


Jun 10, 2024
Idk about MO2 being the overwhelming majority, I'm sure a whole lot of people still use Vortex since it's easier to use for beginners. I still use NMM because I'm a lunatic and refuse to change but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone

It's me, I'm the NMM barbarian. I know where everything goes and I know what file need to overwrite what. MO2 is better as many have said, I used it for a couple months before going back to being a barbarian and I can tell. I just am not having fun modding with it. That said I won't recommend using NMM to anyone, it's just that I've been using it for nigh on a decade now and I'm comfortable with it
I can also agree with you, i feel comfortable using NMM over anything else, despite being outdated AF it does the job well.


New Member
Nov 24, 2022
Does anyone have links or archives for clothing mods from arca,live? I saw these two authors who only post in that site. But the problem is that site is banned in a lot of countries and I have no idea how to cycle through posts there.

or if anyone can just link me the download links for these armors:

would be very much appreciated
You can go to any site with no vpn and no problems.


Aug 31, 2023
If anyone has naughty voices and oprivacy from DuckgoQuack please DM! <3
Try using the search function in the future first. Not trying to be a dick, just a little tip so you can find what you're looking for faster. I'm 90% sure a functional link is up. But here you go
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes