oh man for first run kept her a virgin but letting scenes that were not connected to penetration happen. Then went for a slut run, was not ready for the gross factor. Only takes a few scenes and the erotic stats page is vomit worthy.
Also wtf with the scene collection room. It doesn't remember scenes across saves or even NG+ forcing you to use the unlock all gem. There is also no endings list or viewer to collect endings. That is extremely disappointing
Another qol missing is in the recollection room, most games grey out the sprites till you have a scene from them, or have them start doing their walking animation or somthing to show they are unlocked, but this game you just have to click every one, and have no induction if you have all the scenes for that node.
Gameplay was also rather frustrating as enemies do not target you at all, you have to chase them down and force them to fight you, making grinding a royal pain. I turned always dash on right away, and even then its very slow, like base walk speed in most games.
This game was a solid mediocre.