2.80 star(s) 20 Votes


New Member
Oct 2, 2020
Is the game better now? Haven't tried it for a long long time now, even forgot about it until now.
I don't know when you played it, But for my part I find the game very complete, Certainly still a lot of bugs, But the game is once again when the development phase, and what they offer for 10 €, I find it, BUT well above the average for games in this category, Especially when you know that the dev is listening to his entire community and that with a meager salary of 350 € / month make uptades as consequent.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Is the game better now? Haven't tried it for a long long time now, even forgot about it until now.
for me the game is similar to before, just with a enormous bug fixing.
there are things than need be fixed like bugs in the restrooms or carring buckets makes the MC get slown forever.
a good thing necessary for sure is to be able to deactivate things like the stamina or the pee gauge


Nov 12, 2020
I don't know when you played it, But for my part I find the game very complete, Certainly still a lot of bugs, But the game is once again when the development phase, and what they offer for 10 €, I find it, BUT well above the average for games in this category, Especially when you know that the dev is listening to his entire community and that with a meager salary of 350 € / month make uptades as consequent.
for me the game is similar to before, just with a enormous bug fixing.
there are things than need be fixed like bugs in the restrooms or carring buckets makes the MC get slown forever.
a good thing necessary for sure is to be able to deactivate things like the stamina or the pee gauge
The 2 answers are quite different XD but thanks for the answer. It does sound that it got massively better with some leftover bugs. Maybe I will check it out again and with some support, 350 is really low.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
The 2 answers are quite different XD but thanks for the answer. It does sound that it got massively better with some leftover bugs. Maybe I will check it out again and with some support, 350 is really low.
Yes, actualy the game has a lot of things to do but few of these things are quite wasted or unpolished
Like the building system, principal misions (free mode), crowd molesting or the H-Acts system inself making weird the ways to unlock animations or activate those animations for example (bunny futa penetration or horse blowjob)
Also those unnecessary systems like pregnacy, stamina or the MC pee gauge and the new Odor system making the gameplay upseting sometimes
THe game has good content and is enjoyable until certain point
and if you are going to be donor of his patreon plz bring all the change logs
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Reactions: reyreynao


Nov 12, 2020
Yes, actualy the game has a lot of things to do but few of these things are quite wasted or unpolished
Like the building system, principal misions (free mode), crowd molesting or the H-Acts system inself making weird the ways to unlock animations or activate those animations for example (bunny futa penetration or horse blowjob)
Also those unnecessary systems like pregnacy, stamina or the MC pee gauge and the new Odor system making the gameplay upseting sometimes
THe game has good content and is enjoyable until certain point
and if you are going to be donor of his patreon plz bring all the change logs
Guess I do wait a little longer then. But will definitely put it on my radar since it still has a lot of potential


Dec 29, 2017
Why the last public update was year ago and after that nothing was published? Still testing something?


New Member
Oct 2, 2020
Why the last public update was year ago and after that nothing was published? Still testing something?
No, the developers release new versions every month, But the year 2020 has been mainly about history and from what I was able to discuss with one of the devs, Obviously 2021 will be on the same launch.


Dec 29, 2017

Ho-ho-ho and hello everyone >.<
Here's the coolest new things ;)

// New Stuff
- Story extended (including several new hActs)
- [story] New 'Lady' dress for Nishy :3
- Polished 'Dirty System'
  • added effects on full meter
  • detection range is now affected by dirty meter (default detect range + (dirty/100 * default detect range/2) )
  • if full dirty -- a hostile creature will be spawned nearby (smelling the player)
  • if full dirty and arroused (higher then 80%) -- spawned creature will chase to attack the player
  • filling while 'piss' is now based on seconds she's doing it (not necessarily will result in full 100% fill)
  • filling after vag/an h acts is now lower
- Poll anim Slime x Warg

/ Additional
- XMas Special On
- Halloween Special Off
- Camera Polishes (FreeCam to NormalCam -- E Key)
- Crowd chars infused customizations (not quite the same as just loading)

/ BugFixes
  • Overlaping Quest Crowd NPCs being generated (are now cleaned out by priority)
  • Crowd NPCs compensate in case of missing fapet (spawn a bunny instead)
  • [story Stats ability] BagHead seller no double dildo for sale
  • [story Targeting ability] unable to target, no Black, focusing incorectly on hAct
  • [story] Aunt x gang hAct wasn't always playing/working correctly
  • Farm region crowds -- no cls
  • BagHead seller no cls
  • Can activate random snowmans (should be just the specified one)
  • Cam freeCam mode bugs (can't activate while dialogues or sometimes during hActs)
  • Head lookAt crowd chars (was looking at their feet)
  • Blacksmith not having the hammer in hand
  • Hallowing chars (while in hActs) - on re-appear sometimes had more cloths on

Hello everyone, i hope you're all doing well
Here's the news burger for this month ^.^

// New Stuff
- New Npcs [story] : Fatso, Thug Boys
- New Area: Mofu Crossroads, Mofu Village
- Project Size Optimizations : lots of textures reformatted and rescaled, deleted unnecessary stuff
  • with the new stuff added the size difference is barely noticable T^T
- Story extended (including new h anims)
- Saves (slots) auto-backup
  • on each save (free or story) the previous save is kept as a backup, while the current one is set/created. Backups count is limited to 1 file
- BugReport Collector key [F11]
  • take a screenshot of the game, auto collect debug data, copy all save slots + specify which one is currently in use
  • SaveLocation = Game's folder in "/.._Data/SB_BugReport"
  • For bug submission it is still required to : archive that folder(s) > upload to a file-sharing service (GoogleDrive, Mega..) > send the link of the archive to me (Patreon PM, email) + describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it
- Poll anim Slime x Kelpie (B)

/ Additional
  • Camera in-dialogue focus switch
  • Birthday Special Off

/ Bug Fixes
  • Light issues (Bunny temple caves)
  • Various issues with Birthday Special
  • [story] Village Delivery : world position dialogues not turning off based on story progress
  • Map areas loading (extra performance)
  • Penalty wall mount - sometimes not changing to wall mount pose
  • various small bugs

Hello everyone,
Harpies Open Season is starting out from today, everyone grab yourself a Nishy and go hunting >.<

// New Stuff
- New Fapet: Slime
  • with implemented 'Compact' mode (switches off on approach)
  • temporary position: near the Blacksmith's house (Mofu plains) at the Taming Totem
- Harpy Attack
  • only if dirty head/mouth (after blowjobs)
  • partially cleans the face (one stain at a time)
  • extra fill Piss stat on end
- Harpy Taming and Behaviour
  • untamed - on approach look around and fly to the nearest branch (if available)
  • recipe for taming available via Black's shop
- Poll Anim: Harpy x FutaFemale (C)

/ Additional
- Halloween Special on (October - November)

/ BugFixes
  • Treasure chest opening anim
  • story quests bugged reload
  • npc linking bugged reload
  • birthday special fixes (if Nishy lower then level 10, can't do gang anims -- bug) (interaction with black)
  • Halloween special fixes
  • [FreeMode] Tutorial dialogues being skipped / turned off (unintentionally)
  • Head LookAt (on targeting stuf/chars), LookAt Black and potentially some other targets with bugged look-facing

Hello everyone,
First of all i would want to bring my sincere apologies for dragging it until today. I highly underestimated the workload, and thus resulted in this. I'll do what i can to prevent this from occurring again.
This build holds a new Special Event (dedicated to SB's anniversary), hopefully you'll be enjoying your time while going thru it ^.^

// New Stuff
- [FreeMode] Special Event: Birthday
*lots of h anims, new bg space, new quest
*branched quest

- (quest exclusive) Leveld up FutaMode for Nishy
- Poll Anim (A)
* Only via attacking Harpy with another female. Will become more usable from the next build (Player will be able to interact with her)

/ Additional
- Book sorting quests by priority (MainStory, Ability, Extra, Crowd)
- added a few more idle anims to Nishy (freeMode)
- Neko Colors (same color for hair,ears,tail - looks better)
- Neko hair randomiz (side and upper hair tails are added to randomizations on generating the char)
- PissMode behaviour changed to 2'nd tier (behaviour will now be set from 98% fillness rather then 80%)
- HUD text changed-redone (to prevent it from crashing)
- Added a customizable input key for Next Chat Line (default is Enter and Spacebar)
- Notify reaching build's end
- summer special off
/ BugFixes
  • Controls freeze on NPC intercation (interact > esc - controls frozen)
  • Controls freeze sometimes freeze on panties being undressed
  • weird body textures for some females (neko)
  • not assigning all hair details colors (neko)
  • crowds on bridge (walking on air (otside of the bridge))
  • Warg generated no hair

Hello everyone, and welcome to this summer's last build :3
The poster ended up looking like blockbuster cover >.<
Also..why is it 30'th again?..must add this bug to higher priority T^T

// New Stuff
- Story extended
- New Char: Spider
  • + basic anims (~16)
  • non-interactable so far
- New Char: Fairy
  • + basic anims (~19)
  • non-interactable so far
  • + their thighs get extra plumpy when stockings are on |3
- Spider x Fairy hAnim
  • story (newest segment)
  • (temporary) on the wall to Black's barn (the corner where she usually stands)
- New Area: Mofu Bridge
- Low h-Anims randomizations (head randomly targets cycle)
  • works only for NPCs and player char
- [freeMode] Click Followers icon - cycle thru followers (can give commands or see stats)
*can click while in cursor mode (Hold Alt / tap F3)

- Poll Anim: Harpy x Goblin (A)
  • (temporarily) a harpy is spawned in LostCaves area (near goblins) [FreeMode only]

/ Additional
- Tip show once, reset if Tips are toggled off-on via esc menu
  • tip: hold shift upon entering nest
- Fapets customizations polish (random color is now assigned to eyelashes and eyebrows -- same as hair)
  • applies only to non-black (eyelashes and eyebrows)

/ Bug Fixes
  • Following fapets (in-taming) dissapearing on reaching another area (new LOD system related issue)
  • Warg x Sheep anim polish
  • no color randomization for new fapets
  • Camera going up high on targeting certain objects
  • Fixed most of (unwanted) random sounds (moans and stuff)
  • NPC Link Ability Quest: after completion reapearing
  • Hair not being initiated correctly (not animated , no generated color assigned)
  • Beach quest and cabin fix

Hello everyone and welcome to the newest update of the Slavebar game-project. This month had a main focus on optimizations, in exchange for a little add to loading time - there should be very few fps spikes.
Story-wise, the 'Bar's First Impressions' chapter is about to end (will officially end in next build >.< ), as Nishy prepares to head out into the big world ( well, small steps T^T ).

// New Stuff
- Story extended (including several new h animation segments)
- LookAt v2 : looking at the chars (heads if possible + blink)
  • while chat, while watching an hAct (via targeting), if fapet stops following
- [story] NPC Link: remote access to NPC's features via Book
  • (available via ability quest on story quest 'Bar's First Impression' )
- Optimizations:
  • Crowd Chars (fully rewritten code)
  • Map areas (+ work with portals)
  • Binded Map areas (keeping loaded several areas at once)
- Poll Anim: Harpy x Kobold

/ Additional
- Book polish: Nest-Previous (Q,E) can go to last/first if going past limits (after last one will be first, beofre first - last)
- Story sequence (Mayor's Room) was sliced to cover further levels (repeating event with new unlocks)
- Polished CameraTargeting (shouldn't go into space if it encounters any weirdness)
- Beach quest's chat polished (+ added emote-anims)

/ BugFixes
  • Blondie's hair anim
  • Summer Quest polishes (After purchase controls on, audio for Barmen, bunny customizations)
  • cam targeting polishes
  • Crowd Males shocked idle expressions
  • empty flying particles (from pickups)
  • fixed shop expiration date calculations if never or accessed very long ago (to calculate from present day, not last saved one)
  • sometimes unable to throw items
  • Mayor's gang anim snaps at first b-job
  • bar prices and requirements for lvl 5
  • shop: camera not refocusing (FapetShop>Sell>FapetShop)
  • shop: camera polshes (going underground, random position when switching to items or recipies)
  • story polishes (stats ability cam, cages in dungeon, ...)
  • milkCup thrown at npc or pickup - wouldn't break
  • sometimes not seeing the current map (no shy, no leading nearby maps)

Hello everyone, and here's the extremely delayed update (i think this is a new personal record T^T)
Long story short, i wanted to do more then i'm capable in a month's time-frame. Still, this update got out more or less polished ^.^
Also, i'm not much of a audio compositor yet a few basic tunes (as the one included) i might still do. Overall interesting experience >.<

// New Stuff
- Story extended (including over 45 new h animation segments)
- New NPC: Mayor [story]
- Mayor's Room [story]
- New Dresses [story]
- Houses: nearby sleep detection
  • if fell asleep near a sleeping spot (house,hay pile..) - player will register and will recive bonuses from the nearby spot (extra stamina recovery ..)
- Poll Anim: Harpy x Warg

/ Additional
- Summer Special: Activated

/ BugFixes
  • Auto-Grab on throw (can't throw big objects like dildo)
  • sheep's hair bug (finally got rid of it)
  • Player Modes (shy mode, piss mode) variables and anims not always reassigned corerctly (after carry bucket/egg, hActs)
  • at no stamina turn off fluff
  • after pss not def speeds -- set idleChk's set str to behave vars (get custAI and behvae vars, if second empty set first > set to behav vars)
  • set self reciver + send h
  • buy 2 buckets -- overlay each other -- pick up both at once
  • Indoor multi-lighning stabilization (for toilet and new room)
  • on targeting camera flyies above the map or to construction site

Hello everyone, here come the flying news >.<

// New Stuff
- New fapet: Harpy (~22 basic anims)
  • with Hood-on variation auto hair adjust
  • test example spawned on home area near the highest tree (can be attacked with a tamed Kelpie while in Harpy's orange zone)
- Story extended
- Gang: Kobold x fem x Kobold
  • requires Lvl 10 or above to join/attack (chk Book>Help for details)
- UI Over Head (fapets) always facing camera
- Polished Help for molesting and Essence
- Fapet Fade extra tips-explains (once per game, if tips are on -- upon witnessing it nearby)
  • includes in-nest number changes
- Poll Anim: Harpy x Kelpie

/ Additional
  • changed Arr boost from "toggle" to "hold pressed" [F2] (easier to manage and control whenever it's on or off)
  • Added new configurable buttons in unity launcher: CursorShow (Alt Left,right), SkillsToggle (CapsLock) (Unity's launcher can be started by " Ctrl + DoubleClick / Enter " on the game launcher)

/ Bug fixes
  • bug: can't interact with builder (for some time)
  • [story] mparlor statsWindow: sometimes appearing sometimes not
  • NPCs (TC, Female Knight) moving over day
  • DressCabin/DressRoom crash (entering with no cloths on)
  • [story] Ork's cage - unable to move
  • [story] First Sheep quest reload-skip
  • [story] Targeting commands (Black)
  • [story] Piss notify and state before learning it
  • Lamps invisible under-colliders
  • Male x Mastb Female
  • Molesting fixed
  • Crouched Tako throw
  • if no stamina wild fapets still attacking-reacting (cow, sheep)
  • stone between Old Barn Area and Path to Mofu Kingdom -- hard to move/jump over in story move
  • Pose aligning (ni x cow pose)

Hello everyone, here's all the new stuff for this month ^.^
Sorry, ripping bugs limb from limb took a bit longer then expected ( no gore intended >.< )

// New Stuff
- [Story] Extended
- [Story] (through the whole story) Dialogues polished + added emotes + added sound/vocals (in some points)
  • new emote anims: TC +18, Black +8, Nishy +19
- Kobold taming + Fapestiary's Recipe
- Kobold attack h-anim
- Kobold Type Icon (in stats)
- ToiletPenalty: equip for several days to 'Community Work'
  • tear all cloths on day 1, and strip 1 cls layer (from available) every day (top,lower,access)
  • if can't pay taxes or got another penalty (for future: indecent stuff in public places + captured by Knights/Guards)
  • generation: (PayAmount-Player's total coins)/100 = penalty days (min 1, max 7)
- (debug feature, freeMode only) Force Penalty (3 days) -- F9
  • for testing purposes, available in this build only
- Molesting: Char Lvl + Milk cup
  • Lvl < 30 -- drink cup (target) > try molest (if have the appropriate hCount) > hExp
  • Lvl > 29 -- try molest (if drink cup - skip this) > hExp
  • Lvl > 59 -- skip 1'st condition > hExp (if drink cup - skip this)
- SaveSlots StoryQuest progression info (shown below the Save slot)
  • works for saves from build 200328 and up
- Play panties on-off anims for low cls (on-off)
- SaveLoad slot change on the fly
  • Esc-SaveSlot: Select Current Save slot (at any time)
- Poll Anim: Kobold x Neko (B Pose)

/ Additional
- Alter anims (Q) in HActs for tamed fapets is now available only after leveling up
- Facial emotion randomizer turns off on dialogue pose-emotes
- Polished Info popup (used for: Trends,Formulas, letters, QuickGuide..) : scrolling, text align and auto-resizing, culling issue
- (while in hAct and NormalCamera) MMB to refocus (center) camera
- increased the nearby keep range upon sleep (keep slaves from running off)
- Lower required lvl for Auntie x Kelpie

/ BugFixes
  • story fixes
  • Slaves not loading/spawning in nest : if loaded outside of the SB area then sleep a day or went far off (farm,lost caves) then slept near Female Knights
  • Piss Mode and Toilet (can't enter piss mode a secodn time if entered toilet ; toilet not restoring all normal vars)
  • [story] walk speed too fast
  • [OrksDungeon] nishy teleporting into other females
  • Invert Attack facial fixed
  • Pause menu bugs (Tips not showing, controls not always returning after closing)
  • Reloading on Trends regen days always give random values on reload
  • Particles high above ground (from follow icon ui)
  • Glitchy Body Level (boobs) in story mode
  • Bugged hAct with females (chars overlapping each other, with no anim)
  • sometimes (usually on 0 stamina) over-head ui moves away + lower
  • Learned skill icon not proprely aligned with the slot (stats popup)
  • [story] TrainDildo at Black's Barn - partial unequip
  • [story] TrainDildo can be interacted while carrying egg
  • [story] (Black's barn - taming part) Bunnies could eat the carrots for player
  • [story] No Nest being built (after the payment - rape)
  • [story] Auntie x Kelpie : Q appearing while it's unavailable
  • [story] Gnome-Boy switching to a skinny sized rig
  • [story] Double Blacksmith spawn
  • [story] BarIdea: TC not reapering on 2'nd day
  • stuck in Emotes states
  • Item Shop delays after purchase
  • Reputation not updating (in book)
  • Can't do hActs on first day (if tut skip)
  • Camera can be unfocused if MMB while in hAct

Hello everyone and welcome to the newest updates pack ^.^

// New Stuff

- Story Extended

  • device tip: max unlocks at Lvl 15
- [Story] Old Blacksmith Char

  • after story point - appears in all days except weekends
- Bar Upgrade thresholds (based on reputation)

- MilkCups: use (drink self), target use (sell / free gift)

  • Selling price is generated same as for the day income from collectors (trends, mix, constant volume = 1.5 liters)
- Milk Cup free-sell-selfDrink (get from sbar > sell ..) -- check Book/Help for info

  • Sell-Free: get a cup > target a crowd person (which has the fetish for one of the milked partners) > tap cup's quick slot (1 or 2) > command (hold RMB) and select the desired option
  • selfDrink: select the cup (quick slot) > Use (RMB)
- Dialogue-Pose anims: integrated into dialogue system (for Nishy, Blondie, Horny, Lily)

  • still requires a bit more anims (+ for TC,Black), and to polish the whole story dialogue
- Layered Dressing (Panties - Robe/Pants) : must dress-undress Robe/Pants to dress-undress panties

- Extra anim button-Icon (above quick slots) : appears if extra anim is available

  • also appears if one might be available (for higher level) - requires per case fix
- Poll Anim: Kobold x Sheep

/ Additional

- Vocal on lifting objects (different if very heavy, like filled bucket)

- BodyLevel assigning method changed (from animator to scripted)

  • should prevent random going to full-body level visual glitches
- [story] wall-carpet teared (after dungeon)

/ BugFixes

  • Kobold Textures (body and cls)
  • Spawning wrong items in womb
  • Not load-spawning items in womb if wearing panties
  • sheep's hair sometimes weird rotation
  • SleepSpot bug: chars running off when out of stamina (for the map's center)
  • After taming sometimes in the first hAct there are no hActions (no cancel either)
  • Older saves (Orks Cave): sometimes appearing in mid air
  • BarIdea quest not appearing if slept/reloaded from Mofu Plains (any map area - far away from home)
  • [story - BarIdea: Nest Upgrade from builder] not reloading correctly
  • Bucket equip to milking parlor sometime freezes player and controls

    • Older saves (Orks Cave): sometimes appearing in mid air
    • BarIdea quest not appearing if slept/reloaded from Mofu Plains (any map area - far away from home)
    • [story - BarIdea: Nest Upgrade from builder] not reloading correctly
    • Bucket equip to milking parlor sometime freezes player and controls

  • // Screens

    // Upcoming Poll
    Kobold x Neko

    Stay Safe,


  • Unlocked

    I'm certain everyone is already aware of this, however still - please be very very cautious with the current pandemic situation

    P.S.: The updates and game builds will be posted by the usual schedule

    Stay Safe,

P.S.:after last publick update find this note:

/ Extra

Next public build will probably be published in around 4-6 months

Cheers ^.-


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Reactions: reyreynao


Dec 29, 2017

Hello, here's this month's juicy news ^.^

// New stuff
- Story Extended (including new h anims)
- Crowds Add: Auntie Woman (story only)
- Bar's reputation
  • check Help for more info
- Shift [held down] -- keep followers following (enter-exit Nest)
  • added to Help (Nest and Constructions) ; a tip-notify will show once per game-session on enter-exit Nest (if Tips are on)
- Crowds interaction changes: Interact (LMB), Molest (shift Left Mouse Button)
- Book Help: New features added to the list
- Nest: Sight Arrousal Lever
  • [Off] fapets in nest won't be arroused by nearby hActs
- Poll: Kobold x Cow

/ Additional:
- no tax payment: slave bar lvl less then 5
- DayPass UI: Added day name (monday..)
- Trend Coeficient showing below price (Buy/Sell slaves)
- Slaves processing while unloaded (outside of Nest's loading range)
  • stamina,affection,essence,pregnancy, if bondage mount (break,affection,essence)
- Crowd overhead balloons now face the camera (a lot more comfortable)
- Story Quest moved to top (in book)

/ BugFixes:
  • Reloading slaves after losing one (sometimes bugs the next char in array)
  • Essence being reset on all chars
  • Nest not showing correct stored count if any are mounted (milking, bondage)
  • Interact bug: follow char , starts mastb > call (fails) > can't interact
  • to slow walk (ctrl) > carry something (egg,bucket) -- slow walk anim
  • double npcs in Mofu Town (double loading the town map)
  • registering Kelpie in Milking mix
  • building new constructions leave them transparent
  • crowd quest item rewards (sometimes not spawning, or wrong place spawned)
  • FreeMode tutorial intro coins loop (empty/fake quest registry)
  • FreeMode tutorial intro chat restart
  • Males badEnd on other female - freezing animation (wrong active layer)
  • Story (Black's barn) Stallions auto-destroy
  • Story (Black's barn) HUD unlocking can be skipped if addressing to Black with 0 stamina (never getting the hud on)
  • Gangs: not seen on interaction (wrong target for Nishy's grab - seeing female instead of male)
  • Gangs: chars not checking for in-hact targets (which should be based on Lvl - above 9)
  • story fixes
// Screens

// Upcoming Poll
Kobold x Sheep

See you next time ^.-

Hello everyone, sorry for being this late (again, i tried to bite more then i could chew T^T ), so here are the new additions:

// New stuff
- Story Extended (including new h anims)
- Warg Taming Procedure (2 levels)
  • (if tamed) use second anim (holding shift then interact)
- Warg Recipe (black's shop)
- Taming additional item (Black's Shop)
- Crowds Add: GnomeBoy [story only]
- Pseudo char: Horny [story only]
- Poll: Kobold x Bunny (currently applied as Kobold x all females)

/ Additional:
- Price generation formula polished (now using Hacts with master's count and Affection aswell) + Formulas paper updated
- All trends are forced to x1.0 in story (until the story reaches the trends point)
- Animation based particle effects: like liquids bursting from nose holes (Warg Taming)
- (ExtraAnims) Nishy: Eat fast (pill swallow)
- (ExtraAnims) Warg: Crouch, Sniff, Question
- Cum end generated correctly if futa (futa Ni x Bunny -- ass job)
- deprecated titleScreen cloths codes

/ BugFixes:
  • incest registering: on milking
  • eggs to be flushed correctly on reload
  • warg x cow end (no cumming + endless loop)
  • [story] After Sheep taming polish
  • [story] After Ork's Cage polish
  • [story] After Dungeon: can't run (char still with dungeon slave mode on)
  • BuildSpot camera colliding with it
  • Dressing bug (Dressing Popup > quickSlot (panties) > dress up (R))

/ Screens

Hello everyone, a new fresh update is here ^.^

// New Stuff
- Story extended
- [story] New h anims (Ork x females 3'rd pose + polishes, Table Mount, Get-Drag-Mount-UnMount)
- [InDungeon] Caged females + random state anims (beg-cry, anger, in h-act)
  • can mastb in front of them to trigger a reaction (nothing more for now)
- [InDungeon] TrapCages (opened cages)
- [InDungeon] TableMounts + Orks grab-drag female
  • also implemented for milk parlor (looks better if they're doing the mounting >.< )
- [InDungeon] Nishy equiped to mParlor if affection is lower then 40
  • i wanted to be if lower then about 6, but it's kinda hard to get that low (takes too many days), so i'll leave it at 40 for now
- [InDungeon] Affection fill:
  • HAct = 6
  • TableMount = 2
  • MilkParlor = 7 (while affection is below 40), 2 (if higher)
- [story] Center camera on interact with campfire range (goblin's cave - bagheads raping bunny)
- ZombieForm (body texture) : Cow (redone), Kelpie, Warg (temprorary fix), Neko (temp fix)
- Necromancer's rage: Freeze timer (polished and working again)
- Neko x Ni (yuri) (Loop2)
- Poll Anim (Warg x Sheep)

/ Additional
- Broken fapet's sell price is now higher (default x3)
- Sell prices are a bit higher
- Tried to optimize load time. If you encounter any bugs in loading (or saving) notify me
- [inDungeon] Neck cuffs for all slave females
- Polished Camera Centering

/ BugFixes
  • Cloths Bags duplicate spawning on reload
  • Textures bug: Nishy's Zombification and day after
  • Load popup: if no previous saves > tap left (invisible autosave) > enter - locks controls
  • Reloading in shy state (not assigning shy state)
  • After piss speeds to default (not always set)
  • Bondage Accesories (didn't work)
  • Save-Load Bondage mount (if slept in nest)

/ Screens

/ Next Poll
Warg x Neko

See you next time ^.-


Dec 29, 2017
Well,I have 2 news: bad and good.
Good one: public version will be soon
Bad one: not very soon as wanted - June 2021

5:22 PM
Hello. Last public update was 11.11.19 and after that past more 1 year, but here was note about next public after 4-6 months. How long we should waiting next public?
10:11 AM

Sorry about the delay. Lately the development focus was oriented towards the story, the scheduled amount of gameplay features and polishes for a public build has not been reached yet, thus it'll take a little more time. Also, sadly, the usual mid-low interest in public builds from community isn't much motivating for a faster development time.

The estimated public build date is about June 2021.

Thank you for your continuous support and the offered interest in this game project,
My deepest apologies for the extra wait



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020

Hello, here's this month's juicy news ^.^

// New stuff
- Story Extended (including new h anims)
- Crowds Add: Auntie Woman (story only)
- Bar's reputation
  • check Help for more info
- Shift [held down] -- keep followers following (enter-exit Nest)
  • added to Help (Nest and Constructions) ; a tip-notify will show once per game-session on enter-exit Nest (if Tips are on)
- Crowds interaction changes: Interact (LMB), Molest (shift Left Mouse Button)
- Book Help: New features added to the list
- Nest: Sight Arrousal Lever
  • [Off] fapets in nest won't be arroused by nearby hActs
- Poll: Kobold x Cow

/ Additional:
- no tax payment: slave bar lvl less then 5
- DayPass UI: Added day name (monday..)
- Trend Coeficient showing below price (Buy/Sell slaves)
- Slaves processing while unloaded (outside of Nest's loading range)
  • stamina,affection,essence,pregnancy, if bondage mount (break,affection,essence)
- Crowd overhead balloons now face the camera (a lot more comfortable)
- Story Quest moved to top (in book)

/ BugFixes:
  • Reloading slaves after losing one (sometimes bugs the next char in array)
  • Essence being reset on all chars
  • Nest not showing correct stored count if any are mounted (milking, bondage)
  • Interact bug: follow char , starts mastb > call (fails) > can't interact
  • to slow walk (ctrl) > carry something (egg,bucket) -- slow walk anim
  • double npcs in Mofu Town (double loading the town map)
  • registering Kelpie in Milking mix
  • building new constructions leave them transparent
  • crowd quest item rewards (sometimes not spawning, or wrong place spawned)
  • FreeMode tutorial intro coins loop (empty/fake quest registry)
  • FreeMode tutorial intro chat restart
  • Males badEnd on other female - freezing animation (wrong active layer)
  • Story (Black's barn) Stallions auto-destroy
  • Story (Black's barn) HUD unlocking can be skipped if addressing to Black with 0 stamina (never getting the hud on)
  • Gangs: not seen on interaction (wrong target for Nishy's grab - seeing female instead of male)
  • Gangs: chars not checking for in-hact targets (which should be based on Lvl - above 9)
  • story fixes
// Screens

// Upcoming Poll
Kobold x Sheep

See you next time ^.-

Hello everyone, sorry for being this late (again, i tried to bite more then i could chew T^T ), so here are the new additions:

// New stuff
- Story Extended (including new h anims)
- Warg Taming Procedure (2 levels)
  • (if tamed) use second anim (holding shift then interact)
- Warg Recipe (black's shop)
- Taming additional item (Black's Shop)
- Crowds Add: GnomeBoy [story only]
- Pseudo char: Horny [story only]
- Poll: Kobold x Bunny (currently applied as Kobold x all females)

/ Additional:
- Price generation formula polished (now using Hacts with master's count and Affection aswell) + Formulas paper updated
- All trends are forced to x1.0 in story (until the story reaches the trends point)
- Animation based particle effects: like liquids bursting from nose holes (Warg Taming)
- (ExtraAnims) Nishy: Eat fast (pill swallow)
- (ExtraAnims) Warg: Crouch, Sniff, Question
- Cum end generated correctly if futa (futa Ni x Bunny -- ass job)
- deprecated titleScreen cloths codes

/ BugFixes:
  • incest registering: on milking
  • eggs to be flushed correctly on reload
  • warg x cow end (no cumming + endless loop)
  • [story] After Sheep taming polish
  • [story] After Ork's Cage polish
  • [story] After Dungeon: can't run (char still with dungeon slave mode on)
  • BuildSpot camera colliding with it
  • Dressing bug (Dressing Popup > quickSlot (panties) > dress up (R))

/ Screens

Hello everyone, a new fresh update is here ^.^

// New Stuff
- Story extended
- [story] New h anims (Ork x females 3'rd pose + polishes, Table Mount, Get-Drag-Mount-UnMount)
- [InDungeon] Caged females + random state anims (beg-cry, anger, in h-act)
  • can mastb in front of them to trigger a reaction (nothing more for now)
- [InDungeon] TrapCages (opened cages)
- [InDungeon] TableMounts + Orks grab-drag female
  • also implemented for milk parlor (looks better if they're doing the mounting >.< )
- [InDungeon] Nishy equiped to mParlor if affection is lower then 40
  • i wanted to be if lower then about 6, but it's kinda hard to get that low (takes too many days), so i'll leave it at 40 for now
- [InDungeon] Affection fill:
  • HAct = 6
  • TableMount = 2
  • MilkParlor = 7 (while affection is below 40), 2 (if higher)
- [story] Center camera on interact with campfire range (goblin's cave - bagheads raping bunny)
- ZombieForm (body texture) : Cow (redone), Kelpie, Warg (temprorary fix), Neko (temp fix)
- Necromancer's rage: Freeze timer (polished and working again)
- Neko x Ni (yuri) (Loop2)
- Poll Anim (Warg x Sheep)

/ Additional
- Broken fapet's sell price is now higher (default x3)
- Sell prices are a bit higher
- Tried to optimize load time. If you encounter any bugs in loading (or saving) notify me
- [inDungeon] Neck cuffs for all slave females
- Polished Camera Centering

/ BugFixes
  • Cloths Bags duplicate spawning on reload
  • Textures bug: Nishy's Zombification and day after
  • Load popup: if no previous saves > tap left (invisible autosave) > enter - locks controls
  • Reloading in shy state (not assigning shy state)
  • After piss speeds to default (not always set)
  • Bondage Accesories (didn't work)
  • Save-Load Bondage mount (if slept in nest)

/ Screens

/ Next Poll
Warg x Neko

See you next time ^.-
thx for those change logs


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Can someone help me out? I captured the sheep and my quest book wants me to "Talk to the hero knight at "Mofu Gates". Problem is there is no marker and no one talking to me next to the gates, what am I doing wrong?


New Member
Oct 2, 2020
Can someone help me out? I captured the sheep and my quest book wants me to "Talk to the hero knight at "Mofu Gates". Problem is there is no marker and no one talking to me next to the gates, what am I doing wrong?
You did nothing wrong, If you can do an F11 and share with me under Mega the bug that you come across just next to the Knight I could share it with the dev so that he can look at this


Dec 29, 2017
here another update:

[SB] February Update
Hello everyone, as usually (sadly) barely made it until the end of the month.
Months are getting to short these days >.<

// New Stuff
- [story] New char "Church Nun"
- [story] story extended (including new hActs)
- Poll Anim : Goblin x Slime

/ Additional
- Slime's hair randomization boosted

/ Bugs fixed
  • Targeting camera on shop crowd chars
  • [story: Mofu Village] Nishy's hair bugged out after cloth changed
  • [story: Mofu Village] Nishy run speed maintained low
  • [story: Husband Quest] Fixed chars loading (partially, requires a bit more adapting)
  • Cinematics weren't correctly targeting chest area
  • Mofu Village crowds (roaming around the village) fixed
  • WC permission bug
  • Toilet if sleep while on it - bug mount
  • Toilet mount: align corectly (in both WC's)
  • Toilet mount: controls to be off
  • [story Trainees] Hero Knight not reacting to anything (not registered correctly)
  • Missing penis for crowd males
  • Sometimes bugged map streaming

/ Screens

/ Upcoming Poll
Slime x Female



Dec 29, 2017
Can anyone help me with some problem? I can't continue follow Lilly because:
2) map don't load... Only empty space after wall.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Can anyone help me with some problem? I can't continue follow Lilly because:
2) map don't load... Only empty space after wall.
in that case i usually do a newplay to fix that but if you have not do a save with the glitch you can reload
2.80 star(s) 20 Votes